Soon, more and more people appeared on the square, and the sons of the top ten immortal bones also appeared one after another, Mu Bai, Ying Confusion, Lin Chen, Mu Li, etc ...

At this moment, after a light fell, a figure appeared in him. His appearance was exactly the same as Lin Chuan, but he was not wearing a black robe with red clouds on a black background, but a white robe with a forest word on his chest.

The moment the man appeared, the Mahayana monks were immediately attracted to him, and the power of the soul surged in, invading Lin An ’s sea of ​​spirits to search, but soon they determined that this man was not the Qinglong they were looking for, so Have left.

And at the same time, Ru Ru finally got in touch with the Mahayana elders of Tai Qingzong.

Of course, this connection is not communication, but communication with the soul. After all, at this time, only the Mahayana monks dare to release their soul power so unscrupulously. If they cannot contact the Mahayana elders, but the Mahayana period Elders can contact him.

"What's going on with that blue dragon? Are you sure that the information returned is true?" The voice of the elder Taiqingzong six resounded, echoing in the deep soul of Qi Ru.

"It's true, and I can also confirm that that Qinglong is indeed a disciple of Daoxian. His practice includes the Taoist Canon and the Sanqi of One Gasification, and the mixed Yuanzhu that Daozu handed to him. These are all disciples. Check! "Said Ru Ru immediately.

"That is to say, this person is indeed related to our Sanqing Daozong, isn't it?" The six elders asked after a moment of groaning.

"Yes! And ..." Frowning frowningly, he stopped talking.

"Just say something if you have any words!" The six elders replied.

"After all, Qinglong has something to do with our Sanqing Daozong and is a disciple of the Dao ancestors. If possible, please ask the six elders to protect his life and not let him die here!" Said Ru Ru solemnly.

He knew that those things in Lin Chuan's hands could not be saved anyway, but as long as he could save his life, there would be a chance to come back in the future.

Moreover, the identity of the Qinglong Taoist immortal disciples has been spread. If they were really killed in front of the major forces, how could the Sanqing Daozong stand on the mainland of Zhongchuan in the future, and how to meet Daozu face to face.

"This matter will depend on the situation!" The six elders thought for a moment.

Obviously he also knows the powerful relationship, which makes it difficult for him to decide.

However, compared to the Tai Qingzong side, the Yu Qingzong side was determined to pay attention. The Qinglong, but their hope of the rise of the Yu Qingzong, must not be ruined here, but they also know that at most they are guaranteed. Qinglong's life, and other things they can do nothing, it is really important next month, not their family can decide.

Moreover, Yu Qingzong is also very cunning. He is very clear that as soon as he shoots, the other two gates of the San Qingzong will definitely be pulled into the water. This is also his wishful thinking, or he will rely on the Yu Qingzong family. It is difficult to compete with the major forces.

Dayin Lou.

"Seven elders, the [Xiao] organization ... the little girl is also in it, so if it is possible, you must help a dragon, as long as it can save your life, and I guess that will not be our family's shot at that time , Sanqingzong, Tianyi Jianzong may all shoot, so ... "Shui Wenjie said a little bit embarrassed.

He knew the request was difficult, but he had to say it.

"The ink cicada is also in the [Xiao] organization, hum, she really found a place when she got here, and I see how she went back to see the third child ..." Shui Yixian snorted softly, didn't refuse, nor agreed, but It was to communicate with several elders from the Dayin Lou.

At the same time, the Lin family was also asking the truth about Lin An's incident.

"Remember the kid whom you had dug out for the first time? Qinglong is him, that is, Linchuan who was abandoned to Nanming mainland by you!" Lin An said calmly.

"Lin Chuan?"

Obviously, the person who asked did not remember who Lin Chuan was, or how such an abandoned son might have alarmed the Mahayana elders of the Lin family.

However, world events are unpredictable. The child who was easily abandoned by them now has become a disturbance in the entire ancient and ancient world, and even the existence of Zhongchuan mainland.

You couldn't remember his name at first, but now you will remember his name.

The lost will always come back, it's just a matter of time.

The man still wanted to continue to ask Lin An, but here it was, a light fell in the square, a red cloud trench coat with a black background, the same face as Lin An, no need to ask and know who it is.

Lin Chuan did not change his appearance at all, not even Xiaopao, because he knew that these things had little effect in the face of the Mahayana period. UU reading originally hoped to escape by chaos when they flew out at the same time. But when the area was sealed desperately during the Mahayana period, the previous efforts became meaningless.

Suddenly, a large amount of soul power rushed towards Lin Chuan, and soon it was determined that the person in front of him was exactly the blue dragon they were looking for.

Once you have identified your identity, the next things will be much easier to handle. Endless spiritual power is coming from all directions, and the terror coercion is like countless mountains suppressing from the sky, keeping Linchuan firmly in place, and They knew that Lin Chuan's space ability was strong, so he sealed the surrounding space directly with the strength of dozens of Mahayana monks. Lin Chuan wanted to escape in this case is no more than a step to the sky.

"Qinglong, come here!" Prince Gong screamed angrily, and he was about to shoot at Linchuan.

"Prince Gong! Your Nakagawa royal family is nothing more than the moon, so why hurt your life!" The breath of Shui Yixian in Dayinlou burst slightly, squeezing Prince Gong, who was about to shoot.

"Huh! Qinglong is our Sanqing Daozong, Prince Gong should not cross the border!" Elder Yuqingzong said directly.

"This man has killed countless people in the ancient world of immortality, what is the purpose of keeping him?" Qin Ming of the Qin family of Lei Yu said coldly.

Their Qin family was basically in the hands of Xiao Xiao.

"Oh, you Qin family took refuge in such a person as Prince Edward, and have a face to talk about here, really shameless!" Tian Yi Jianzong elder said with a sneer.

At this moment, everyone felt a confrontation. There were people who wanted to kill Lin Chuan, and some who wanted to protect Lin Chuan.

This was originally a dispute over interests. Although all Mahayana monks trapped Lin Chuan at the moment, they were also fighting each other secretly.

"Then I abandon his practice first, so that everyone will always have no opinion?"

Prince Gong said coldly.

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