, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the fruit of the Naruto **** tree in the other world!

The two did not deliberately conceal their own cultivation. Anyway, there were many fit monks in the Chiyan Gate. Even if they found their existence, it was difficult to judge their specific identities, not to mention that they wanted to act with high profile this time.

On the way, there were several keenly aware monks of Chiyanmen who noticed that the breath of the two fit periods was relatively strange, but did not think too much. After all, this place has reached the center of Zongmen. Even if it is really an outsider, it can almost be concluded They are the distinguished guests of Zongmen, so they didn't think much about it, they were still doing it separately.

Soon, Kong Chen Yeyu came to the treasure hall of Chiyanmen, and the two fell straight without hesitation!

"You are……"

The monks guarding the late stage of the treasure court frowned slightly. The two monks who came suddenly were very strange, but the two did not cover up the breath, which made him a little confused, because sometimes there were other gates. The monk of the fit period visited, but it was very rare for him to come directly without calling him in advance.

Not fast enough, the doubts in his mind disappeared, because he saw the two people wearing, a red coat with black clouds, and a bucket hat, isn't this the most popular [xiao] organization of the people's clothes at present?

"[Xiao] Organization strikes!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately relayed the news, especially the only Mahayana monk in the Zongmen, but he couldn't figure out how the guts of the two men came from their Zongmen. After all, But they have Mahayana monks. Isn't this to death?

The speed of message transmission is very fast. In the blink of an eye, most of the senior monks in Zongmen have already received the situation from the treasure hall, and they have burst out to fly towards this side. In a mountain range that is not far away from Baoge, a very magnificent breath burst out, and it went straight to the treasure hall and fell.

"Pure Realm!"

Kuo Chen ’s pupils shrank slightly, and the later repair of the fit burst into an instant, and began to stimulate the surrounding heaven and earth aura. His field did not expand much, just wrapped three kilometers around the treasure hall, and the cherry blossoms slowly condensed out. , Without a little temperature, but all the life within the range disappeared in an instant, except for himself and the jade girl, and the monk guarding the treasure hall, all kinds of spirits and other tiny lives disappeared.

"You ..." Lin Yue, the monk in the later stage of the fit, was slightly surprised, because Kong Chen didn't seem to hit him, but at this time, where he could control so much, his body flashed, and he killed them.

However, at this moment, the girl ’s body turned slightly, and her one-handed tactics, the dark green light flowed around her, and then she shot it with one palm and fell directly on Lin Yue ’s eyebrow, leaving Lin Yue to avoid and use it. Defensive spells are useless. The dark green handprints do not seem to be spells and cannot be blocked at all.



For a moment, Lin Yue only felt that the spiritual power flowing in the meridians in his body was interrupted. He almost exploded under forced operation, and his cultivation was banned for most of the time. Only Yuan Ying was left. Period of strength.

"You better not disturb, otherwise I won't keep my hands!" Yu Nu said softly.

At this moment, a large number of monks have arrived near the Treasure Pavilion, and the forest road in the early days of Mahayana has also arrived, but he has not rushed, because he felt the threat in the pure realm of the air, and more importantly, the guardian Lin Yue, who is in the Treasure Pavilion, is his son. At the moment, he is bound by the empty Chen Yunv. He is afraid that Lin Yue will be injured under the shot. At this time, both of them are in the middle of it. He is not in a hurry.

"Two people, what's the matter with me at Chiyanmen?" Lin Lu stared at Kong Chen and Yu Nu, very cautiously. He didn't shoot directly, and there was no bad language. As a Mahayana monk, he didn't have any contempt for the enemy. Moreover, he himself knew that his cultivation had just broken through to the Mahayana period, and there were still many shortcomings.

"Your ancestors participated in this [Xiao] war against us. We are just here to remind you and let you know the price of enemies against us!" The maid said softly.

"This matter is also forced by the royal family, not voluntary, not to mention that the entire Nakagawa is now against you [Xiao], we just follow the trend!" Lin Lu continued.

Since Lin Yue is not in danger, he is not in a hurry to take a shot. Delaying time is the most beneficial to him, because it will not be long before the suzerain will rush back, and there will be Mahayana periods of several other forces. These two will have no chance.

"Yeah, you are just following the trend, but unfortunately, you are going the wrong way and you should pay the price! Today we are just moving away from your treasure hall. Next time, we will kill people!" Laughed.

Lin Lu's brows narrowed slightly, and he was about to speak, but saw that there had been no movement.

The bucket he wore on his head flew up, his long red hair drifted away, his cherry-like eyes looked indifferently, his hands stretched out, and a quaint harp appeared under his palm. Guqin, when the empty white fingers fell down, turned into red light strings, a heartbreaking breath burst out suddenly.

"If you can break my realm of purity, let's close it immediately!" The empty speech fell, sitting cross-legged, and stroking the strings with your fingertips, the original realm of purity suddenly spread outward at this moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Quickly shrouded a range of ten kilometers, and at the same time, a cherry tree that was not very large appeared behind Kong Chen. The tree was slightly distorted and tilted toward Kong Chen, as if supporting him. Sakura umbrellas are common. The tree body is illusory, but the cherry blossoms on it are slowly falling, turning into real cherry petals, and the waste is in the sky.


Seeing that he could not continue the negotiations, the forest road surface was frozen, and he immediately shot. The repair of the Mahayana period broke out and went straight to the empty realm of purity to suppress it.

This is also where the jade girl standing not far from Kong Chen also shot. The dark green light burst out from her body and spread out to the ground in all directions. As her handprints changed, the sky slowly moved. Condensed with the same handprint rune as the previous seal Lin Yue.

"Fengling Realm!"


In a hurry, countless dark green handprints fell towards the surrounding monks. No matter how they could not stop them, even the forest road in the Mahayana period was the same. At the moment when the handprints fell into the hearts of everyone, their spiritual power began. Sealed, Xiu began to fall, but even more frightening is that in this state, they can hardly use any spells!

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