Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1884: The secrets of the world

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the fruit of the Naruto **** tree in the other world!

Anyang City!

This is the place where Lin Chuan left the Lin family for the first time. It was also here. He met Song Zheyuan, Wei Wu and others, and followed them to the beauty mound.

After writing a round of glances at the large city, Lin Chuan disappeared with a slight flicker after finding no abnormalities. When he reappeared, he had already come to the sky above the beauty mound.

After finding the entrance, Lin Chuan slowly entered it.

"My Capricorn Bible was awakened here, and the branches of the ancient Tao were also obtained here. It is also here that the blood pool of all souls was soaked to enhance the talent. Now I want to come, the secret hidden in this place seems to be more than I expected. Much more! "

"A place with such a secret has been unknown on the mainland of Nanming for so many years. Was it ignored or was it deliberately hidden?"

"This place is too much a starting point for my rise ..."

Lin Chuan walked slowly, constantly glanced at those dense places that he had been to and experienced before. These places had not caught his attention before, but now, after he grew to a certain height and saw different scenery , But more and more incredible.

"At that time, the deans of the five major colleges were still alive. Although they were still lingering, they couldn't find this place. You know, their sacrificed Highness is buried here under the sword ..."

Lin Chuan stepped out step by step, each question rising in his mind, until he saw the huge bronze coffin.

"I'm coming!"

Lin Chuan said softly, and immediately stepped out, the figure directly entered the bronze coffin.

In the huge and empty space, the altar was still standing in the center, everything was the same as when Lin Chuan came in last time.

A young girl's spirit was standing quietly at the top of the altar, staring at Lin Chuan who stepped in here. She seemed to have known that Lin Chuan had returned and was already waiting here.

"You are finally back!" The ethereal voice of the girl spirit echoed in the space.

"Meet my predecessors!" Lin Chuan bowed respectfully.

Although there are many doubts about the girl's spirit body, it is undeniable that this spirit body has helped him a lot and accelerated his growth a lot.

"You seem to have a lot of questions?" Said the maiden spirit softly.

"Yes, many questions, but don't know where to start!"

"Then just pick one, I can tell you everything, I will tell you, because you are now qualified enough to know something!"

Lin Chuan groaned for a moment and chose his biggest doubt.

"Those so-called Highnesses, where did they come from, why did they kill the monks who cultivated the true world?"

"They don't belong to this session. They came here just for destruction. They are like two twin brothers like a mirror. When they grow up, they want to subject each other to themselves!"

"Like twin brothers in Jing? In other words, there is another place that is almost the same as the cultivation world, right?"

"Yes!" The girl spirit hesitated before finally nodding.

After getting a positive answer, some things that Lin Chuan couldn't figure out before were suddenly bright.

"The Five Great Emperors once told me that the immortals are poisonous. Do you know why?" Lin Chuan continued to ask.

"I know, but I can't tell you yet!" The answer from the girl spirit was sharp and clear.

Nodded, Lin Chuan didn't continue to study this question, but although the girl didn't answer, Lin Chuan could probably guess some reasons, but it was just uncertain.

"Have you once rescued Zhou Hui, the first emperor of the fire, and Sun Zhe, the eldest son of the prime minister?"

"Yes, Chang Sun Zhe is useful to me. As for Zhou Hui, I promised Chang Sun Zhe to save him!" The girl did not avoid this question, and nodded and admitted directly.

"When you overthrow the country, you did not stop Zhou Hui when you killed him. I also hope that after the revenge is successful, you will not investigate this matter too much. Zhou Hui will not ask you any trouble!"

It seemed to be afraid of Lin Chuan's indignation about this matter, the girl spirit said specifically.

"Huh! I understand!" Lin Chuan nodded.

There is no resentment between Chang Sun Zhe and Kong Chen, and the girl spirit can save him. As for Zhou Hui, when [Xiao] organized the fire-extinguishing country to kill Zhou Hui, neither the girl spirit nor Chang Sun Zhe intervened. It was enough to give Lin Chuan's face, and the crimes committed by Zhou Hui were paid off after his death. Kong Chen did n’t want to investigate again, and Lin Chuan was not going to pursue it either. Turning around, there is no need to entangle.

"In addition, you asked me to find the master of the moon, I have no clue so far, I am afraid he has ..."

"I probably guessed the result, some things can't be forced!" The spirit girl said lightly.

"I was forced to use this sword when I was in Xiangujie, which led to being hunted down by many people in mainland China. Now ..."

"There have been countless killings under the moon. They have been tracking the whereabouts of this sword, but in fact the quality of the weapon depends on its owner. Now that the sword is in your hands, I hope you can use it well. This sword is not a weapon in this world, but it comes from another world, where the moon is called an artifact, and there is another artifact opposite the moon, called the sun! "

"Artifact ..." Lin Chuan murmured. It seems that things in the realm of cultivation are rarely gods, generally immortals. Thinking of this, Lin Chuan's pupils have shrunk slightly. "The companion artifacts of each continent are called Fairy wares, but the spirit beasts are called divine beasts, not associated fairy beasts. Is it ... "

"Indeed, because the continents had no accompanying spirit beasts, so ..."

The girl spirit did not continue, but the meaning expressed was already very clear.

The next time ~ ~ Lin Chuan asked the girl spirit many things, and the girl spirit that can be said will tell him. As for the girl spirit that can't be said, she will also reject it very simply.

After Misaki's time, Lin Chuan asked the last question.

"It won't be long before the Zhongchuan mainland will open the boundary channel to the Nanming mainland. Will you shoot then?"

"I'm just a spirit!"

"Understand! Seniors take a good rest. If there is something, you can always contact me through Ninja!"

After the words fell, Lin Chuan no longer hesitated and turned to leave the beauty grave.

Just after Lin Chuan left, a monk in a white robe appeared outside the beauty mound. On his back, two intersecting rings passed through the center of each other to form a simple and mysterious pattern .

"Should ... be here ..."

The voice fell, and the monk in white robe walked straight towards the entrance to the beauty mound, and the strange purple light in his eyes flickered.

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