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"So scary Zixiao Shenlei ..."

Seeing this scene from afar, Chen Zheng and other Mahayana monks faced with a look of terror. The breath emitted by the three-colored thunder had already made them feel a huge threat and was fully capable. Kill them there.

"Zixiao Shenlei, really shouldn't be in the hands of monks. Such a shot of Tiandao Thunder is the puppet of all beings. Although Suzaku has just broken into the Mahayana period, there should be no rivals in the Mahayana period. When the monk in the robbery sees him, he must also avoid three points! "Xiaoheng said softly.

His prediction was also achieved at this moment. With Qin Lang ’s Mahayana period to control the Purple Thunder God Thunder, [Xiao] added another hole card to the organization. Even if they met the monk in Zhongchuan, they still had a certain amount. The means can be dealt with.

More importantly, those in Nakagawa didn't know that the current [Xiao] organization was so scary. Maybe they could take advantage of this opportunity to overpower them.

The dark clouds of the sky disappeared, and the entire foggy forest began to return to peace. Qin Lang converged the purple Xiao Shenlei around him, and his body appeared in the presence of Lin Chuan and others.

"Congratulations, we [Xiao] finally have the first Mahayana monk of their own!" Lin Chuan said with a smile.

Everyone also smiled and congratulated Qin Lang, Mahayana period, but that was a hurdle. There are not many people in the entire field of cultivation who can step forward. As Qin Lang enters the Mahayana period, it is almost invincible, even more rare. I am afraid that it is only the previous one. Several cents can rival him.

"Fortunately not to be humiliated!" Qin Lang's mouth also showed a smile. During this time, he practiced hard, endured great pain, and directly introduced Guishuiyin into the body. Every moment was worse than life, but he survived. , Reached its peak.

"A few days of rest in Beixuan mainland, we will go to Zhongchuan three days later!" Lin Chuan said.

Qin Lang has just made a breakthrough and needs to be fixed a little bit. This is best done in the Temple of Light, which can save a lot of time.

With such a great deal of noise in the North Xuan continent, Lin Chuan also needs to deal with it and give a relatively decent account of the cultivation world here, so that people will not be suspected of the truth of the matter.

Soon, the second elder Xuanming was persuaded by Chen Zheng and others to join the [Xiao] camp. It was really impossible for them to die. Their lives were gone, and no one would say Ying and others. Now Suzaku is tricolor. The thunder broke over, and they were going to die in two instants. In this case, they still have a choice.

"Dan, I have given it to you. As long as you take it, your strength will increase by more than 30% in a short period of time. As for what happened in the misty forest, you should know how to handle it?" Lin Chuan looked at the two in front of him, the kaleidoscope. The writing round eyes swept over them, and the cold and indifferent eyes seemed to see through them all at once, so that Xuanming Ersheng couldn't afford the slightest resistance thought.

"Subordinates understand that they must properly handle the matter of the North Xuan continent. In the future, the Qinglong God has any instructions, and they can directly order the old couple!" Xuanming Erao said respectfully.

"With your current strength, the Beixuan mainland has nothing to stop you. Unify the mainland as soon as possible!" Lin Chuan said softly.

"Okay!" Xuanming Er's old face showed a surprise look, which is not what they always wanted, and now Lin Chuan opens up, which means that in case of any problems in the future, they can also ask [Xiao ] Organization help, so that the entire Northern Xuan continent is their Xuanmingzong family!

"Are you planning to hold several continents in your own hands?"

After the second elder Xuanming left, Xiao Heng asked with interest.

"Look first, there is no harm in holding it anyway. Maybe if I have time in the future, I will really go back to several other continents and walk around!" Lin Chuan smiled slightly.

Although he did not intend to dominate the world of cultivation, unknowingly, [Xiao] organization has mastered more and more monks and the mainland.

The Nanming continent is their base camp, and the floating spirit realm is also a continent that Linchuan has been operating for a long time. Now when the North Xuan continent is unified by the Xuanming Sect, it will indirectly fall into the hands of the [Xiao] organization. As for the Xixi continent, Although they did not subdue it, Tianyi Jianzong had a very good relationship with Xiao, and it was completely down to Xiao, and the rest of the continent was only Dongluo and Xiaoling Tianyu.

Looking back now, many things seem to be inadvertently inserted.

For three days, with the help of the organization [Xiao], Xuanmingzong directly unified the entire North Xuan continent. Although there are still many remaining problems, these things should be handed over to the second elder Xuanming slowly. Lin Chuan didn't stay here for a long time. After confirming that Qin Lang's repair was stable, they opened the boundary channel directly and left the North Xuan continent.

The Nakagawa continent, after leaving for a long time, Xiao, the organization once again set foot on this vast land. However, unlike the last time, this time, Xiao has already qualified to compete with the major forces. What is more terrible is that each The great forces have not realized the coming of the crisis.

"Our goal this time is Dasao Lianshui, but before that, I need to see a few people first to see the latest situation!" Lin Chuan told everyone.

"We wait for your news!"

It was clear to everyone that when Lin Chuan came back, it was time for them to shoot.

In a small town in a remote and large area, Mu Yuyi sat next to a tea house near the window, drank not very good tea, and waited quietly for someone to come.

Not long after, a young man in a black suit appeared in the teahouse, glanced here, and came straight to the front of Mu Yuyi.

"Has everything been dealt with on the Nanming continent?" Mu Li looked at the boy in front of him, and there was a touch of pride and pampering in my eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I shot it, of course there was nothing wrong with it! "Mu Yuyi laughed.

"What are you going to do next?" Mu Li asked.

"This realm of cultivation has been under the control of the Nakagawa royal family and the major forces for too long. It is time to reshuffle. Will my brother be with me?" Mu Yuyi asked.

"You're here ... you should be prepared ..."

"Well, almost ready!"

"Okay, as long as you make a shot, I must be on your side. As for Yuan Zong, there are not many people who can oppose me now, because my cultivation is only one step away and it is the time of the Mahayana!" Then said.

Lin Chuan is progressing, and Mu Li has not fallen. With the help of Yuan Zongzong's advocate Lin, it is not difficult to give a force to help Mu Li to improve his strength. After all, they are a first-class cultivation force with deep foundation.

Mu Yuyi smiled, glanced over the small city outside the window, how similar this city is to the original Yijiang City ...

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