However, while Lin Chuan was speaking, the faces of the three cities around Moro had changed.

"Brother !!! The second brother and the old nine just died in his hands, how can we do this." The three city master said angrily.

He was able to understand and tolerate Huoyun's choice, but it was unacceptable that Moro would lead Jiuxiao City to rely on Muye. Not only him, I am afraid that most people in Jiuxiao City cannot accept this result.

Just yesterday, they still paid a terrible price for the death of Jiuxiao City and Muye, but today Moro will take Jiuxiao City to rely on Muye. For many Jiucheng monks who died on the battlefield It is undoubtedly an insult. Once this news is announced, I am afraid that many people will choose to leave Jiuxiao City directly.

"Do you have a better way?" Moro asked lonely.

He was helpless to make such a decision. If he could, he would rather fight with Muye, even if Jiuxiao City finally fell. But what's the point of this? Judging from today's negotiations, Muye is already equivalent to aligning with all three tier cities. Once this happens, it means that it is impossible for him to take Muye again. If you want to continue fighting, then there is only one option, to take refuge in the Tai family and fight against all cities.

But ... this is not the way out for Moro.

He willingly surrendered to Lin Chuan, not only for himself, but also for a possible way out in the future, to find a way out for all monks in Jiuxiao City. Even so, he will be insulted.

From this aspect, in fact, Moro is also a very powerful person. Otherwise, it is really difficult for ordinary people to make such a decision.

"I have no better way, but if the city owner really wants to make such a decision, then I can only choose to withdraw from Jiuxiao City." The three city owner Yuan Chengye said firmly.

His personal relationship with the owner of the Second City is very good. No matter from which point of view, he will not choose to rely on Muye, which is his bottom line.

"Also, I will not ask what kind of choice the monks in Jiuxiao City make, and they are unwilling to follow me, and can leave at any time." Moro said with a sigh.

"Okay, from now on, I'm separated from Yuan Chengye ..." Yuan Chengye's words weren't finished, but he was interrupted by a light cough. The eyes of everyone looked towards the place where the sound came out, and their eyes gathered in Linchuan's Body.

"Why? Naruto wants to kill everything?" Yuan Chengye asked coldly.

"That won't happen, I just want to say that you can wait until I have finished presenting your gifts before making a decision." Lin Chuan said softly.

"What gift is not important, you don't need to say any more, I Yuan Chengye is dead, and I won't trust you in wood leaves!" Yuan Chengye said coldly, his intention had been resolved, and it was impossible to make any change.

"Really? If I say, can I let your second and ninth city masters come alive?" Lin Chuan said quietly.

The words fell, everyone was stunned.

Before, many people saw Lin Chuan killed the two main lords of Jiuxiao City with Xuanhuang Sword, and later confirmed that everything in the light and shadow really happened in Jiuxiao City. Is there any secret in this?

"They're not dead! Right?" Moro's pupils suddenly widened, and he asked aloud with surprise, and Yuan Chengye next to him also showed a look of confusion and unbelievable.

The faces of all the people became wonderful at the moment. Recalling the scene at that time, Lin Chuan used the Xuanhuang sword to kill people, and even the body was not left. They all think that this is caused by the power of the fairy. What are the obstacles to moving the two seriously injured to another place? Others may not, but with Linchuan's strong space capabilities, this speculation is indeed valid.

"No, they are indeed dead." Lin Chuan shook his head and broke everyone's conjecture.

"Then what do you mean?" Moro's complexion instantly turned dead gray. As much as he expected, there was as much disappointment.

"Who says that you can't be resurrected when you die? This is not difficult for me, especially people who were killed by my own hands." Lin Chuan said calmly.

At this moment, everyone in the pavilion showed an unbelievable look, and the surroundings became silent. This news is even more explosive than the previous ones.

Compared to what Lin Chuan said can take them out of the longevity world, resurrecting the dead can be verified in a short time. If what Lin Chuan said is true, then those words he said earlier can be greatly strengthened, and even the image of Lin Chuan in their minds can already be compared with the immortal.

After all, all the powerful men known so far, even the monks who have passed the robbery period, cannot resurrect the dead.

"I can resurrect not only your two city masters, but also the monks who died yesterday in the battlefield and in Jiuxiao City, provided that Jiuxiao City completely surrendered to me." Lin Chuan said with a smile.

It is undeniable that resurrecting these people will cause Lin Chuan to fall into weakness for a period of time, but the same thing will be gained, that is, the unparalleled reputation of Changshengtian. A man who can resurrect a dead monk, plus his promise to take people away from the longevity world, one can imagine how much his presence will attract the trust of the strong.

And here is the longevity world. Tiandi Avenue is not as arrogant as the outside world. Therefore, the cost of Lin Chuan's reincarnation technique is not so great, which is completely within his tolerance.

In this way, Lin Chuan almost built his image into an omnipotent fairy.

"What you said is true? Can you really resurrect the dead?" Moro asked excitedly, disappointed.

"As a proof, I can show my hand now." Lin Chuan's words fell, and regardless of the shocked eyes of the people around him, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye emerged, the power of the **** started, the surrounding space was immediately distorted, and a dull looking monk was spinning. Out, kneeling on the ground.

This was Lin Chuan's spouse who caught the Tai clan before. He didn't kill it immediately, but trapped him in the space of time and left it in the space ~ ~ for this moment.

A scroll appeared in the palm of Lin Chuan's hand. After spreading out, Lin Chuan took out a bit of the flesh left when he killed the Lord of the Second City, placed it in the center of the curse, and then began to print.

Yin- 巳-戌 -Chen, after finishing the seal, Lin Chuan folded his hands.

"Bad Earth Rebirth!"

The curse on the scroll spread out, spreading towards the monk in the fit period, and the dust flying around, covering the monk's body, slowly turned into a familiar figure, not the master of the two cities of Jiuxiao City, but also Who.

"This is ..." The owner of the second city suddenly awakened, and looked at the people around in shock.

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