
With a loud noise, the horrible explosion once again swept through the large area of ​​the core area of ​​the Lin family, and Lin He, who was hit directly, was blown up with flesh and blood, and almost no human shape could be seen.

Successive blows have caused a devastating blow to the monk during the robbery period. His left leg has broken and has completely disappeared from below his knee. His right shoulder with a small half of his chest burst into a **** smoke, his cheeks. I can't see the looks of the past.

"Isn't this dead? It's really hard to kill the monks during the robbery period!"

Lin Chuan's brow frowned slightly.

The attack that the three of them put on is the top and most terrible means in the entire world of cultivation, but even so, the monks during the robbery period still survived with their strong vitality and strength, but they were suspended from their lives. In terms of condition, death is only a matter of time for him.

At this moment, Lin An's eyebrows erupted into the third white light of creation, where the light passed, the space shudder, the color of the sky and the sky, the purple sky **** thunder and the tail beast jade Yu Wei were all The hole penetrated directly to Lin He who was seriously injured.

At this moment, the light diffused, Lin He's body gradually disintegrated in the envelope of the light of creation, slowly turned into flying ash, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

A generation of leaders of the old Lin parents, the monk Lin He who had passed the robbery period, under the calculations of Lin An and Lin Chuan, was almost killed by crazy attacks with almost no fighting back. The whole process happened too quickly. Many people have no time to react and the battle is over.

"Lin He is dead. I see who dare to resist!"

Lin An's indifferent voice came, making the chaotic battlefield silent for a while. Those members of the Lin Family Association who were just preparing to rebel raised their heads in horror, staring blankly at the sky, searching for their leader, but no more Lin He's slightest figure, more than that, even Lin He's breath completely disappeared.

"Lin ... Lin and Elder's life card ... broken ..."

This trembling voice came, and everyone's complexion changed.

They may not believe Lin An's words, but the life card cannot be faked. Once the life card is broken, it means that Lin He has really died!

"This ... how is this possible ... monks who passed the robbery period were killed so easily!"

"How can this be? Why did the two men who had been decisively fighting appear here? How did they do it!"


Panic was spreading, and the killing had just begun.

The black holes in the sky keep appearing and annihilating. [Xiao] The people of the organization have already come. Under the suppression of the horrors of the crowd, they have almost dominated the entire battlefield. Coupled with Chen Zheng, Ying and other conquered Mahayana periods. Monks, Lin's Parents' Association has suffered a defeat, especially after the news of Lin and his death has spread.

On the other side, Mu Li also came with [Dawn], and his whole body was burning with a horrible flame, which was a sign that the eight doors were opened. Before he came, he was ready. If Lin Chuan had an accident here, and he could open all eight doors instantly, giving Lin He a fatal blow.

However, Lin An's Eye of Creation was unexpectedly powerful. Coupled with the tri-colored unicorn and tail beast jade, Lin He was killed without even a chance to resist.

In the distance, Lin Chen also came. Looking at the scene, there was madness and extreme sadness in his eyes.

He was accomplished and destroyed here, and now he is going to bury this bustling family with his own hands.

"Yin Yin, they killed you for the sake of the family, but now, for you, I destroyed my own family ..." Lin Chen murmured softly, and a young girl appeared in her mind, but could no longer be true .

The original Lin Chen was Lin Jiatianjiao, not forever, but unfortunately, he fell in love with a person he should not like, and this was not allowed by the family, and because of this, it attracted people he loved. The scourge of death, and all this, he did not know until a long time later, from then on, he vowed to destroy the Lin parents' old society, and this day finally came.

In the sky, Lin An's eyebrows closed slowly, and the terror of the Eye of Creation began to dissipate.

After all, this is the second treasure in the list of wonders of heaven and earth. At the same time of great power, it also means a huge consumption. Lin An is now the perfect period of the fit period. The light of the three creations has reached the limit that he can bear. If it weren't for Lin Chuan's tail beast jade and Qin Lang's three-color thunder, he could not kill Lin He with this eye alone.

"Let's give the old Lin parents a meeting, you can go find that person!" Lin An said softly, and then told Lin Chuan a position, which he observed with the eye of creation.

"You really ..." Lin Chuan paused for a while and didn't even know what to say.

"He is just a tool to me. The tool that gave me birth is no other use!" Lin An said softly.

"Well, I see!" Lin Chuan nodded.

The one in their mouth was not someone else, it was their father, Lin Hao.

Compared to the Presbyterian Church, Lin Chuan was more likely to kill Lin Hao.

When he obtained Lin Chuan's body at the beginning, he promised that he would avenge him in the future, and the first one was Lin Hao, who was worse off than him because of this person. Lin Chuan was dug out of his eyes and lost to the Nanming continent. If it wasn't for Lin Chuan to cross over, now Lin Chuan would have died in that dark room.

In the chaotic battlefield, a middle-aged monk looked at the battlefield and retreated cautiously. He was going to leave because he knew that after the death of Lin He, there was no chance of victory ~ ~ No I thought, I didn't expect that the Lin family fell into the hands of my two children ... at the time ... "

The middle-aged man's voice has not fallen yet, the space in front of him suddenly shattered, a figure wearing a red coat with a black background stepped out of it, and a pair of sky blue eyes stared at the front quietly, but it was even more terrible that his brows That blood red weird eyes.

"Lin Chuan!"

Seeing the figure in front of him, Lin Hao's eyes narrowed suddenly, and then he laughed softly, "What? Want to come and see your father?"

Lin Chuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, his eyes were calm, without any emotion.

Indeed, he had no feelings at all with the person in front of him, and some of them had only hatred, and inherited hatred.

"I don't have the spare time to come and see you. I'm here just because I need to take revenge for someone, by the way, to make me stronger!" Lin Chuan said slowly.

The moment the voice fell, he always surrounded behind Lin Chuan. Even when attacking Lin He, the useless Qi Daoyu shot out and blocked the surroundings.

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