"I don't know if Muye City is still accepting people. I really regret not having joined Muye!"

"I was in the Mahayana period. Is it time to go to Konoha?"

"I don't know what Muye got from Thunder Tribulation. Is there anything left?"


A large number of high-level monks appeared in the eternal life, and even those who could not hide in the world also came out at this time and walked towards the wood leaves, causing the wood gate to gather near the city gate in just half a day There are a large number of monks, and there are many strong men who are in the Mahayana period.

"It's not a way for these people to gather here. You have to ask what Hokage is going to do!" Lin Lei said with a solemn look at the outside monk.

Most of these people came for benefit. No one knows whether there are mixed eyeliners in the Tai clan, but they are cultivated to be high-strength, and Muye cannot offend all these people at this time.

Lin Lei's strength and prestige are not enough, he can't deal with the current situation, he can only go to Lin Chuan.

He immediately relayed what happened here to Lin Chuan, but he got back only one word!

As for what to wait for, Lin Chuan did not say.

Although doubting Lin Chuan's decision, Lin Lei didn't question the feasibility of the word, and immediately asked his men to follow the word.

"Let's surrender to Konoha, don't we even have anyone to entertain?" Someone said dissatisfiedly.

For such a result, these self-respected strong men are a little angry, but they dare not really how, after all, they come to surrender, not to find something.国 幺 蹽 劽 奇奇 novel fiction | w ~ w ~

After another half day, most people are impatient at this time.

They came here admirably, but they could not even enter the city gate, and it was a long time to wait in this place, who received it.

Just as many people started to stand up and were about to ask Konoha again, the spiritual storm in the city suddenly converged a lot. This change was very obvious. Naturally, they could n’t hide these strongmen. They immediately discovered the change and revealed their thoughts. look.

"Everyone surrenders to Konoha, we are naturally welcome. Come in." An old voice suddenly came, accompanied by huge coercion.

Many people's face changed immediately after hearing this voice.

They heard it, and this sound came from Chen Xuanyi. Being able to speak at this moment proves that Chen Xuanyi has completed the breakthrough and has really been promoted to the robbery period.

At this moment, a large number of masters converged their dissatisfaction.

In any case, this world respects strength and speaks with strength. They can be dissatisfied with others in Muye, but they dare not be dissatisfied with the monks during the robbery.

With Chen Xuanyi's voice falling, Muye City Gate opened to greet the entry of these people.

Among the manor.

Chen Xuanyi stood in front of the step trainer. Although he was already a monk during the robbery, he still remained humble in front of the step trainer. Because he knows that without the Konoha Big Three, there would be no current him.

"There are some ulterior motives in these people. The White Tiger God really wants to give them such important things to them?" Chen Xuanyi asked.

Muye didn't accept people. Even if Chen Xuanyi was a monk during the robbery, he didn't have the right to decide for himself. What he said was naturally approved by the three giants of Koye before he dared to let these people in.

"Just by this opportunity to see those who really come to trust, and which are ulterior motives, you can rest assured that they can't break our major events." The step trainer chuckled lightly.

"Okay, let me arrange this!" Chen Xuan nodded and turned away.

The corner of the step trainer's mouth raised, showing a faint smile.

She has successfully communicated with Jiu Zhongtianque's Jianmu. As long as Ye Qingyang's breakthrough is completed, she can immediately bring people into Jiuzhong Tianque.

However, it takes a lot of people to help open the nineth heaven, and the cultivation can not be too low, which is why the step trainer let those people in.

Before the first battle, Kono lost too many high-level monks. Before Lin Chuan did not resurrect these people, high-level monks were very scarce.


Lin Chuan's figure appeared on the side of the step trainer, his face had completely recovered, and he could not see any signs of injury.

"Are you recovered?" The step trainer asked.

"Ninety percent or more, don't be a god, the gods are always standing. These pupils will take a lot of time because of excessive use, but the body is no longer a problem." Lin Chuan said.

"Those who are dead, are you going to be resurrected in the nineth heaven?" The step trainer asked.

"There is a limit to the number of people who can enter Nine-East, even if you open it, you can't bring too many people in, otherwise it will be a heavy burden on you! But in Muye, if you stay, you will definitely be retaliated by the Tai family So this time, I ’m going to bring everyone in Konoha to the Nineth Heaven Que. Those people naturally went to the Nineth Heaven Que and then resurrected. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "Lin Chuan said.

They have stayed in the longevity world for such a long time, and they have only one purpose, that is, the Taiyuan Scripture of the ninth heaven and the moon.

Therefore, when everything is ready, Lin Chuan has already planned to abandon the city where Konoha is in Changshengtian, and take everyone into the Jiuzhongtianque.

He is well aware that once he enters the nineth heaven, his battle with the Tai family will enter a fierce stage. If only a few of them are definitely not enough, this is also the reason for creating Konoha.

Fighting is inevitable, then let the people of Muye help him to hold the Tai family as much as possible. As long as he can get the Taiyuan family's original scriptures and make a breakthrough in strength, he can take everyone to leave this eternal life and sweep Zhongchuan mainland. Kiki's novels are launched online

The royal family of Nakagawa might not have dreamed of what a great gift they gave Lin Chuan.

"The only problem, Prince Mukuro has never appeared." The step trainer reminded.

This man is the enemy of Lin Chuan. From the Nanming mainland, to the Lingling domain, and then to the Xiangu realm, he met Lin Chuan several times, and the two played several rounds. Although the prince skeletal did not win, it could not be considered a complete defeat. Such a character is in the longevity world, but they have no clue at all, showing how deep this person is hiding.

"I have a hunch that he will wait for me on the lunar sky." Lin Chuan said softly.

The step trainer's eyes flickered, saying nothing, but holding Lin Chuan's hand tightly.

Two days later, the spiritual vortex of Muye City completely converged, and Ye Qingyang was unsurprisingly promoted to become a monk during the robbery period. Counting Tai Yi's fate, Muye now has three combat strengths during the robbery period. .

It was against this background that a large number of Mahayana monks began to enter Muye Manor, sat cross-legged around the wooden building, and joined forces to start the formation.

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