Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 2070: Test from the Qing Emperor

"Emperor Qing, I advise you to see the situation clearly. Once you step on the broken ship of the Tai family, you will never retreat." Chen Xuan Yi stared at him sharply, and his body's coercion broke out. , Forcibly blasted the vines that had been entangled.

"It's regretful now, we don't need you to stand on our side, you just need to let us pass through here, you are still your Qing Emperor, and we don't violate the river water." Ye Qingyang also said at the same time .

Two outbreaks broke out at the same time, and at this moment temporarily suppressed the riot forest.

No one knows how strong the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are, but it can be seen from their years of existence how horrible these people are.

According to the ancient books they consulted, it has been 10,000 years since the Qing Emperor changed the land. That is to say, the person they faced at this moment has been immersed in the robbery period for 10,000 years. One can imagine this How terrible people are. Moreover, Qingdi is the youngest of the current three emperors and five emperors, and the strength of others is only more terrifying than that of Qingdi.

In order to cope with such a situation, it is natural for them to be able to preserve conflicts without breaking out, save their strength, and go to a higher level as soon as possible is their ultimate goal.

"Qingdi, believe your purpose is clear to you. Once successful, I can take you away from this longevity world at any time. As long as you let us go now, we will be fat friends." Lin Chuan's kaleidoscope wrote round eyes staring around, Said calmly.

"Think of my level, then show your strength." An illusory voice came, and I could not hear whether it was a man or a woman, and I did not know where it came from. When the sound fell, the forest The riots can no longer be suppressed, countless vines are like arrows, blasting towards them, each one is enough to kill the Mahayana monks. Kiki's novels are launched online

"Do you want to release Tai Yi's life?" Qin Lang asked.

Because he did not completely control Taiyi Siming, Lin Chuan put Taiyi Siming into the time space after entering the Ninth Heaven Que, to prevent this double-mindedness from making two moths.

Moreover, Lin Chuan ’s modified Tai Yiming will only protect his safety, and he ca n’t direct Tai Yiming to help him fight, so it ’s okay to put it in space and time. Just use it when you need it.

"No, this Emperor Qing did not say anything to death. It is estimated that he did not want to tear his face completely. If our strength is enough, he should let us pass. Without threatening my life, the old fox of Taiyi's life must be It wouldn't be shot, and it would be a drama to see it out. "Lin Chuan shook his head.

At the time of their talk, Chen Xuanyi and Ye Qingyang had blocked a large number of trees and vine attacks, but these attacks continued, as if they were waves, and continued to invade, if they only defended and did not attack , They simply can't do anything.

"Step by step, to find the location of Qing Emperor, he controls the forest attack, and will definitely leave traces." Lin Chuanyin said.国 幺 赽 蹽 奇奇 novel fiction | w ~ w ~

"Understood." At this time, the step trainer will open up absolute perception with full force, capturing the direction and pulse of the spiritual flow in the forest.

"Xian Fa · Huo Dun · Hao Huo extinguishes!"

Lin Chuan did not idle, he directly displayed the fire escape ninjutsu, and he performed this ninjutsu with his current strength. The flame covered a few kilometers in an instant. However, the blazing flame passed through and had almost no effect on the forest. The forest that the Qing Emperor personally arranged could not be broken by a small fire system ninjutsu in Linchuan.

The roaring thunder came from the next moment, and Qin Lang also chose to shoot.

Three kinds of Zixiao God Lei came out and spread in all directions. With the power of Zixiao God Lei, many trees were destroyed by Thunder, but Qin Lang's own consumption was not small. This is after all fighting with the Qing Emperor. Even if the other party did not show up, that kind of terrifying strength is reflected in the trees.

The pupils of Lin Chuan's eyes changed slightly, and Jiujiuyu became the kaleidoscope writing wheel of Uchiha Itachi, and his eyes converged on the distant trees.


The black flame began to burn silently, and continued to spread.

The flame is not burning fast, but its power is terrifying, even the trees of the Qing Emperor are also burned and cannot be spared. And the adhesion is very strong, once contaminated, it is difficult to extinguish.

"Go forward."

With the order of Lin Chuan, the five men went on the road again and walked towards the forest.

Although the Qing Emperor's attack was fierce, he could not help Ye Qingyang and Chen Xuanyi without showing his face. With these two periods of escort, he could not **** the three giants.

With the fierce battle situation, the step trainer has found some clues from these chaotic spiritual forces, and began to follow this clue, and continued to follow it. It is estimated that it will not take long before the specific location of the Qing Emperor can be found. End this meaningless battle.

Lin Chuan didn't shoot much along the way, that is, from time to time he burned the trees with the sky. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has a long way to go, he can't use too much strength here. In the case where Chen Xuanyi and Ye Qingyang can still shoot, he mainly saves strength and does not plan to shoot too much.

"I already have some eyebrows, but that person can constantly change positions with the help of trees. Is there any way you can get close in an instant?" Step Trainer Chuanyin asked.

Huang Quanbi Liangban cannot use it here, so Lin Chuan must use other means to approach the Qing Emperor. If they hit the sky, they may find it difficult to find opportunities behind them.

"Huang Quan can't use it more than Liangsaka, but it is still possible to use the tomb of the hand. As long as you can find him, I have a way to approach him." Lin Chuan said.

The step trainer nodded, said nothing more, and focused all of his attention on the specific location of the Qing Emperor.

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

Suddenly, horrible fluctuations came from the ground, and countless dark green branches burst out of the ground and went straight to Lin Chuan. This attack was obviously premeditated. Even Chen Xuanyi and Ye Qingyang didn't notice it. Until the attack broke out, the two wanted to defend too late.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

Lin Chuan's eyes suddenly switched to reincarnation eyes, his hands spread apart, and all the attacked vines were bounced away by the terrifying repulsion, but the terrifying power he uploaded still caused Lin Chuan's heart to shake and consumed a lot of pupil power.

However, the appearance of such precise and powerful attacks also means that the Qing Emperor needs to use more spiritual power to precisely control, and this just gives the step trainer the opportunity.

"Found it!" The step trainer's gaze suddenly narrowed.

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