
In a lonely alley, the space shattered silently, and three figures wearing black windbreakers appeared quietly in it.

Their arrival did not attract anyone's attention, nor did it cause any fluctuations, and everything was silent as if nothing had happened.

"People in Jiuxiao City have almost reached Muye's side, and we should almost do it on our side." Lin Chuan said softly.

Through the linkage with Mu Yuyi, he can easily see the situation of Mu Ye through his reincarnated eyes and achieve real-time intelligence interaction. This is the unique advantage of Linchuan Sanqing.

"To clarify our mutual tasks, the first step is to train the trainer. You see the situation and destroy it, and pass all the pictures on this side to the wooden leaf city in real time." Lin Chuan said.

The step trainer nodded cleverly, looking at Lin Chuan with a pair of beautiful eyes, pure like a little white rabbit.

"Muyu Village is just three words. When you do things, you can destroy as much as you can. Just play a ruin break."

"As for me, it's mainly complicated to intercept and assassinate the four city owners left behind by Jiuxiao City." Lin Chuan continued.

"Do you understand?"

The step trainer nodded, and Lin Chuan mainly said this to her.

"Okay, start to act." Lin Chuan's voice fell, a flash of blood flashed in his eyes, the figure disappeared, and he touched directly towards the main palace.


Muyu village raised his hand and waved six crystal coffins out of his storage ring, hitting the ground, the coffin lid fell, and Penn stepped out of it.

Penn Six is ​​the best at engaging in such activities, and this time he must not be absent.

After Payne Sky appeared, he did not hesitate, his hands were folded, and Chakra surged wildly, and he began to release ninjutsu directly.

Payne's other five roads began to leave quickly, galloping towards the other parts of Jiuxiao City, and soon disappeared into the end of the street.

Today's Jiuxiao City is a lot deserted compared to the prosperity of the past. Not to mention the 30,000 monks who set off to attack Muye, almost half of the residents left and went to watch the drama behind the team.

They are not combatants in Jiuxiao City, and they are not obliged to help Jiuxiao City fight, but in the past, there were still many people willing to go to see the liveliness.

"Let's go!" After calling out Payne's six paths, Muyu Village directly exhibited Huang Quanbi Liangban and left with a step trainer.

This area can be destroyed by Payne's six ways. They are going to another area to let the war in Jiuxiao City blossom everywhere.

When Lin Chuan went to the main palace of Jiuxiao City, he continuously released the previously prepared detonating clay along the way. Various pinched insects flew densely from the cracks in the open space of Linchuan, toward Jiuxiao City Flying around.

"I made the clay specifically this time. The lightning used in it is all Zixiao God Thunder. The power should be able to improve a lot of grades." Lin Chuan said softly.

Not showing up these days is not really enjoyment, but is making detonating clay to prepare for today's war.

"Earth bursting star!"

Finally, Penn’s ninjutsu was completed, his palms were slowly pulled apart, and a black sphere flew out of his palm and flew toward the sky. The gravitational force contained therein began to spread and become larger. China

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"What is that black sphere?"


The explosion of the Earth Star attracted the attention of the monks of Jiuxiao City shortly afterwards. Soon, everyone felt the horrible gravity coming from it. A large number of houses began to collapse and flew towards the sky. After supporting for a moment, the entire formation collapsed directly, and the place where it was located was instantly razed to the ground.

Seeing the Earth Burst Star take effect, Payne's Heavenly Path looked indifferent, and the space in front of him was torn apart. He stepped out and disappeared.

"Amplify psychic art!"

At the same time, the animal life also started, but this time she no longer came out of spirits, but the spirits that Lin Chuan made with Yin and Yang Dun during this time, exactly the same as those in Naruto.

With the strength of these psychic beasts is not very strong, but various abilities are very outstanding, such as the split of the hellhound, such as the invisibility of the chameleon, can play a good role.

The various Chakra shells of Shura Road have also begun to tilt wildly, falling in all directions in the city.

Payne’s six attacks were fully launched at this moment.

call out! A sound of breaking the sky came, and the main man of the second city of Jiuxiao City rushed straight up, looking ugly at all parts of the city.

Roars and explosions came from everywhere, a huge meteorite-like sphere hung in the air, and a very terrifying gravitation broke out, destroying the houses in the city, and some monks who were not high-cultivated had been sucked in together.

Some people are resisting the attack, but they are paying a lot of money. Most of the monks left Jiuxiao City to see the excitement. Those who stay here are either mortals or those who are relatively low.

"Jiuxiao City entered the fighting state, and all the monks were dispatched to find the infiltrating enemy!" The voice of the Second City Master suddenly broke out and spread throughout the city.

At this time, he was still unclear who was doing the destruction.

There are many enemies in Jiuxiao City. While they are attacking Konoha, it is not impossible for others to sneak in and destroy them. This is why they left some of their forces in the city.


At this time, the corner of Lin Chuan's mouth, hidden in the dark, was sealed with one hand, detonating all the detonating clay that had just been released.

The moment the sound of the Second City Lord fell, the roaring sound came from a large area, and the terrible explosion accompanied the thunder and lightning that swept thousands of acres.

The screams and the dust from the collapse of the house soared into the sky, and countless monks began to vacate, looking in horror at the smoke everywhere, and various unknown attacks that were erupting.

At this moment, the entire Jiuxiao City was filled with roaring explosions, as if countless people were attacking Jiuxiao City, but apart from a few strangely shaped monsters, they could not find other people to attack.

And on the other side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The step trainer is relying on precise spiritual control and absolute perception to reproduce everything that happened in Jiuxiao City. Just like visiting the Jiuxiao City to declare war before, she can use what happened at this time to use spirit The force fluctuations are transmitted back to Muye City, and turned into a spiritual projection to let those waiting to watch the show take a good look.

In a dark corner, Lin Chuan quietly pulled out the Xuanhuang sword, blood red eyes staring at a figure in the sky not far away. The man was the nine city masters of Jiuxiao City, one of the four city masters left behind this time.

In the eyes, nine Gouyus are slowly condensing together, and the terrifying pupil power is constantly gathering, launching the kaleidoscope pupil technique that belongs to Lin Chuan himself.


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