Shen Meng glanced at Mu Yuyi and did not comment on the teenager's magical confidence.

There are so many cities in the longevity world, except for the Taiyi city in the hands of the Tai family, no one dares to call himself invincible. Even if there is some means, this wooden leaf can never be compared to Taiyi city. If it really offends the Tai family, I am afraid that the leaves will die in an instant.

Because Changshengtian is in the Changsheng Realm, and the Changsheng Realm is in the hands of the Tai family.

The monks in major cities left after a tour, but many monks chose to stay and continue to look at Muye City. As for whether they will live here in the future, they will have to look at Muye and the other three tomorrow. Negotiations in high-level cities, after all, although the Konoha environment is very good, but if it is not safe, they will not stay for long.


Lin Chuan, Mu Yu Village and the step trainer have all returned, standing at the top of the mountain at this moment, overlooking the gradually bustling city, Mu Yuyi and Qin Lang standing beside.

"One gasification three clear!"

The three people's bodies turned into a breath, hovered upwards, and then merged together to form Lin Chuan's body.

"Your goal is initially achieved. What are you going to do with tomorrow's negotiations?" Qin Lang asked.

Today's fight, he didn't shoot, it is a rare leisure time, and the feeling of watching the drama is indeed very good.

"According to the plan, but I think there are always some people who are still willing to be the running dogs of the Tai family, so the news is likely to leak, and we must also be prepared to respond." Lin Chuan said.

"Relatively speaking, I don't even like the weaker cities. They are basically people who are heads of the wall. Instead, they are the top-ranked cities of Taichu City and Shenmeng City. They are powerful. It’s easier to be inspired by us if we have our own ideas,” said the step trainer.

"The strong are our goal, and those weak, let them die with the wind." Lin Chuan said quietly.


Moro had returned to the city with more than 20,000 monks. The reason why there were many people when he did not go was not because of the casualties in the battle, but because many people chose to take the initiative after seeing that Jiuxiao City couldn't even defeat Konoha. Disengaged, frustrated and left, not many people actually died in battle.

When he went, he was very angry, and when he came back, he was ashamed, and 20,000 troops had to find a ground seam to get in.

After seeing the miserable situation of Jiuxiao City, everyone felt very suffocated and angry.

They are not able to beat Konoha, but they have no way to take Konoha. The feeling of punching on cotton is desperate.

"The big city lord, the second brother and the old nine were all killed by that naruto. Do we really have to negotiate with them?" Seven city lord said sadly and indignantly.

He had long known what happened to Muye, and he was very unwilling to accept the defeat of Jiuxiao City.

"Otherwise? Do you have a better way?" Moro asked, his expression dead.

To say the most angry and hated, it should be him Moro, but after playing with Muye, he felt that he was not qualified to be angry in front of that person.

He took Muye as an opponent, but Muye never took him and Jiuxiaocheng into consideration.

On the way back, he had thought a lot. Muye’s goal from the beginning was not Jiuxiao City. The reason for the conflict with them was entirely because of the underground spirit. If the spiritual vein is not in Jiuxiao City, but in Taichu City, then the result is that Muye is hostile to another city, and the result is not worse than it is now.

Intuition tells him that Muye has a bigger conspiracy, and this conspiracy is likely to be revealed in tomorrow's negotiations.

"We fight with Muye, even if we catch Jiuxiaocheng!" said the Seventh City Master.

"Catch Jiuxiaocheng? Qige, don't dream, we are not opponents of Muye. It's the same with Jiuxiaocheng." Huoyun shook his head and said.

"Huoyun, what do you mean? Is the hatred between the 2nd brother and Lao Jiu just that? Our Jiuxiao City was destroyed and our spiritual veins were intercepted. If we don't take action, we are only waiting for destruction!"

Huoyun sneered, instead of looking at the Seven Cities, but looked at Moro.

"Boss, let me tell you the truth. I can see what I can see. I don’t believe you can’t see it. How big is that Konoha’s ambition. You should be clearer than me. This longevity can be their opponent. There is only one person." Huo Yun said slightly excitedly.

"Is the Tai family?" Moro said lightly.

"Besides the Tai family, who can be the opponent of Konoha? They are holding four pieces of accompanying immortals. We simply can’t help them. If they wait until that Naruto is promoted to Mahayana, the eternal life may change at any time. If we want to survive, we are afraid A decision needs to be made." Huo Yun said.

At this moment, the faces of the other surrounding castles have changed a little bit. Most of these things that Huoyun said are not seen. After all, they don't know the outside world. What the associated fairy means, for them, just represents a powerful magic weapon, but Huoyun knows that this matter is definitely not that simple.

"Do you think they will be opponents of the Tai family?" Moro took a deep breath and looked at Huoyun, asking seriously.

"I don’t know, but I want to say that since they have come up with four accompanying immortals, no one can say that the associated immortals of Dongluo Continent and Nanming Continent are in their Seven Continents The seven accompanying fairy artifacts are related to each other. If these six fairy artifacts are really in the hands of Muye, can you say that they have no strength against the Tai family?" Huoyun asked.

Here is the Changshengtian, the world in the Changsheng Realm. As the most powerful existence in the associated fairy, the Changsheng Realm has always been in the hands of the Tai family, but the arrival of the three Linchuan has changed things. Because if the six immortals are really in their hands, it means that the seven immortals are gathered here, and no one knows what it means, but Muye is acting so arrogantly, and there must be some backing behind it.

Moro took a deep breath after hearing this, and said after half a ring, "I will wait until tomorrow's negotiations are over."

After the words fell, Moro's figure disappeared directly, leaving several other lords looking at each other.

The same situation has also appeared in some other cities. Although many people's guesses are not as thorough as Huoyun, they have also seen some plans of Muye.

Regarding the negotiations to be held the next day, there are also several happy and sad.

Can Konoha really stir up this pool of standing water? No one can give a definite answer, but it always feels like Changshengtian is about to change.

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