Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 2102: Black and white channel

After entering the Gate of Light, Lin Chuan and others came to a world full of black and white light. These lights flowed like a stream of water in the passage, soft and quiet.

"How is it different from before..."

Although I didn't feel the danger in the passage, everyone still kept a cautious attitude and looked around carefully.

All the previous entrances were actually space teleports. After they entered, they all arrived at the next sky in an instant, but this time it was different. It seems that they entered a real passage. They need to walk step by step to reach the exit.

"You said, is this a ghost made by the emperor?" Ye Qingyang asked.

Chang Jingtian, who has just experienced it, is really strange. The two babies still make everyone remember even now. Even if they have left now, they still feel uncomfortable.

"It's possible..." Qin Lang nodded.

The Emperor had just promised to let them go too fast, but it made everyone feel a little uneasy. In addition, the channel had changed, which further exacerbated the panic in everyone's heart.

The step trainer reached out and touched the black and white light flowing around, but these things were like phantoms, which could not be captured at all, and even did not exist in perception.

Lin Chuan's face was a little solemn, and he was not sure about his current situation. His reincarnated eyes looked around, all of which were black and white, and he could not see anything else.

Looking back, the way back has disappeared, and they can only go all the way.

Suddenly, Chen Xuanyi's body took a slight pause, standing in front of a black and white light, his face showing a puzzled look.

"what happened?"

Everyone's spirits were highly concentrated at this moment. When Chen Xuan appeared an abnormal moment, everyone's heart immediately stopped beating for half a beat.

"I... seemed to see some phantoms..." Chen Xuan Yi frowned, recalling what had just happened.

The black and white light flashed in front of him, but the moment his gaze fell on it, he saw a person who was himself, but not the present himself, but the former self, from In terms of age, it should be in his twenties, very young, but the phantom disappeared quickly, so Chen Xuanyi did not see anything specific.

Listening to Chen Xuanyi's description, everyone frowned.

"Isn't there any powerful illusion here?" Qin Lang's face was a little ugly. Zi Xiao Shenlei came out of his body and wrapped him all over to prevent any accidents.

Others have also used their own defenses, at least to prevent instant damage to their opponents.

"It should not be illusion!" Lin Chuan's eyes had turned blood red at the moment, and the kaleidoscope writing round eyes scanned all around, and found nothing abnormal.

The writing wheel eye is the nemesis of illusion. Although it cannot be compared with the absolute restraint of Lin An's broken pupil, if a illusion is displayed, the writing wheel eye can't be found at all.

"I suspect we have entered Yuanjitian!" Lin Chuan Shen Sheng said.

The situation at this moment is completely different from the previous feeling in Changjingtian. If the emperor really wants to embarrass them, there is no need to use such a method.

Then, if there is no problem with the entrance, the most probable situation for them now is only in the eighth celestial constellation Que Yuanji.

"I think so too." The step trainer nodded.

"What kind of person is this emperor..." Qin Lang looked around. He just tried to attack the surroundings with Zixiao God Thunder, but it didn't work. The world here looks like real, but it gives people An illusory unreality, at least his attacks are useless in the passage of these black and white rays.

"We... wait, what about Ye Qingyang?" Lin Chuan was preparing to speak, but suddenly found that Ye Qingyang had not spoken for a long time.

Everyone's face changed, and immediately turned around to find that Ye Qingyang was standing about five meters away from the crowd, looking at the black and white light in front of her eyes calmly, and a gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"not good!"

Lin Chuan said with a dark voice, and came directly to Ye Qingyang's side, and pressed his right hand on Ye Qingyang's forehead. The immortal Chakra surged out with the black runes of the Maha Bible, and poured into Ye Qingyang's body.

However, it has no effect.

Ye Qingyang still calmly looked at the black and white light in front of her eyes, with a gentle smile. Although the eyes were open, the pupils of the two eyes had no focus.

"How could this be?" Lin Chuan looked a little ugly.

He knew that the emperor of Yuanjitian must be the most powerful of the three emperors and the five emperors, but as he is now, it was completely unthinkable that he was played between applause without meeting.

And at the moment, it was Ye Qingyang, the strong man during the robbery period, so quietly placed in a robbery period, to what extent is this person's strength strong.

After trying for a long time, UU reading Lin Chuan still can't pull Ye Qingyang out of this strange state, and can only give up temporarily.

But at this moment, Lin Chuan's complexion became even more ugly.

It seemed that from the moment he shot, the whole passage became very quiet, and there was no other sound in the whole passage except his own breathing sound.

Turning his head to look, Step Trainer, Qin Lang, Chen Xuanyi, and even Tai Yiming, who was released, all stood in front of the black and white light, showing a strange gentle smile.

"What exactly is going on……"

Lin Chuan showed an incredible look, only two or three breathing time, and he was the only one in the whole channel sober.

This is a real lonely man.

Lin Chuan shook his fist, this is the most critical moment he has felt since he entered the nineth heaven.

If it is a frontal battle, he is not afraid at all, even if he is a strong man during the robbery, or even a fairy, he can touch it, but this feeling of not seeing his opponent and being played by people makes him very uncomfortable.

"Calm down! Be calm..."

Lin Chuan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Everyone else has fallen into this weird state, but I don't have it, which means that this spell is not effective for me, or the emperor is selectively letting everyone sink into it."

"Chen Xuanyi saw the fantasy in the light before, and this illusion was when he was young, but I just saw it. This is not an illusion, then here..."

Lin Chuan frowned deeply, and after a moment of pondering, he decided to gamble.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he put the writing wheel eyes back to his ordinary eyes, and then set his eyes on the black and white light not far away...

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