The step trainer still chose to use the seed that the Jian clan left in Luniantian. And this also proves from the side that the step trainer is indeed a descendant of the ancient Jian tribe, carrying the heavy blood and deep enmity.

She knew that under the current circumstances, it was impossible to stop the five or sixty thousand troops of the Tai family by relying on only six of them. Coupled with the five emperors' shots, the number and strength of each other were too different.

Before Tai Yi Chongming and Tai Yi Chong lost their lives, they did not want to shoot directly, which gave Lin Chuan the opportunity to shoot, but after the two people started, the gap between them appeared.

Unless Lin Chuan continues to use the few remaining cards, this battle cannot continue.

Under such circumstances, even at the risk of being swallowed by resentment and blood, the step trainer still resolutely summoned the Jian blood.

Lin Chuan has resisted too many things. As Lin Chuan's companion, the step trainer thinks he must help Lin Chuan to share a little.

Green leaves, purple stems, black flowers, and yellow fruit, there is no sound below, no standing.

Looking at the tree rising from the ground, although it is only a seedling, but as an ancient **** tree, its breath has made Tai family feel depressed. With the emergence of this tree, the entire Jiuzhongtianque began to tremble slightly, and the building tree that had already died had released a huge ghost at this time, covering the seedling. Like the mother protecting her child, she took care of her in her arms.

In the lunar sky, the cold, violent, bloody, and evil breath continued to diffuse from the underground. The dark red storm started at the end of the day, but it was sweeping the whole world with the flame of sparks.

Under the original thunder cloud, a large amount of black and red mist appeared, of which thousands of horses and horses were collapsing, releasing sky-long grudges and murderous opportunities. Once they appeared, they directly locked the people of the Tai family as if they were born. It's just a rival.

"Damn! The Jian clan really left behind on Lunar Sky!" Tai Yi Chongming felt the changes in Lunar Sky, and his face immediately became somber.

The most feared thing is still coming, and it seems to be worse than they had expected.

"What's going on, what happened?"

"I feel like some fierce beast is locked!"

"It's a terrible breath, this is the breath that only came during the robbery!"

At this time, the Tai family members had just stepped out of the shadow of Lin Chuan's tomb, but found that they had not yet played time, and they were stared at by a terrifying breath.

Those breaths are not locked to specific people, but to the breath of Tai Yi Dao Jing, as long as the people who run Tai Yi Dao Jing in the body are all stared at by the terrible breath, including Tai Yi Division who is fighting with Tai Yi Chongming Life.

"Can you control them?" Lin Chuan immediately realized the problem and turned to ask the step trainer.

If the heroes of these Jian tribes are out of control, then he can only temporarily give Tai Yi's life to the income space, otherwise it is his internal friction.

"For the time being, but their grievances are too heavy, and they are extremely directed against the breath of Tai Yi Jing, so if the battle is over, I may not be able to suppress it." The training division said solemnly.

"Understood, if something goes wrong, you immediately draw your hand to notify me." Lin Chuan nodded.

Now that the step trainer has already shot, Lin Chuan does not need to do it for the time being. His means must be left for another period of time, because there is a person who has not come out, and that person can be regarded as the enemy of his life, the prince.

Several times before, Lin Chuan destroyed the plans of Prince Miu, making him defeated at a critical time. This time, Lin Chuan must leave Prince Zi Mu a hand so that what had happened cannot appear on his body.

This time is different from the previous ones. It is not that Prince Mi is planning something, but Lin Chuan himself is planning Tai Yi Jing.

Prince Zi Miao’s previous failures were regarded as a reminder to Lin Chuan, letting him understand that no matter how far things went, he would have to keep a hand, otherwise who would laugh at the end was not necessarily true.

"My heroic spirit, wake up!"

A depressive roar suddenly appeared in the lunar sky. Immediately afterwards, countless shouts came from the sky, accompanied by the dark red orangutan, and those dead Jianzu heroes finally appeared in front of everyone.

The **** mist condensed together, and turned into one figure after another, as many as one hundred thousand, came out from all parts of the lunar sky.

The **** repressive breath is pervading. The soaring grievances numb everyone's scalp, especially the Tai family. The Tai Yi in their bodies guides these heroes as if they were lights, let them know who is the real enemy clearly. There is no need to control it at all, their hatred has been concentrated on the Tai And at this time, the step trainer needs to do is not to let these heroes take Tai Yi's life as an enemy, and at the same time Keep your reason as far as possible, don't be swallowed up by these heroic grudges.

In the sky, the ghost of two large trees appeared, and they stood on both sides of the lunar sky, and surrounded the Tai family in the center.

And above the crown of the big tree, two men, one old and one young, two men condensed out from the **** mist, exuding a terrifying atmosphere of terror.

"It's them!"

Seeing the two big trees, and the two old and young men above the big tree, Tai Yi Chongming's complexion immediately changed.

He knew these two people. When they were destroying the Jian clan, they led the few clan members of Jiu Chong Tian Que to fight hard, almost draining the last drop of blood, and eventually died in battle.

The hatred of these two people for the Tai family has reached an unparalleled level. At this moment, they have just appeared and locked their eyes on Tai Yi Chongming and Tai Yi Chongying who are fighting.

They felt the familiar breath. When they were attacking Jiuzhongtianque, there were these two people. Although the strength of the two people was not the strongest at the time, they also had the blood of many people of the clan. .

"Damn! Why are these two men still on the moon!" Tai Yi Chongyan's face became very ugly.

Although the Tai clan slaughtered the Jian clan at the beginning, they were still frightened by the fearless death of the Jian clan and the last drop of blood in that war. Now, the two men returned to the moon in another posture. In the heavens, in the momentum, their Tai family has already lost.


There is no unnecessary nonsense, and when these Jianzu heroes condense out, they have only one goal, that is, the Tai clan in Tuguang Yueluntian.

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