Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 2124: Not the same breakthrough

The bottleneck that accompanied Lin Chuan's body in his body slowly broke under the robbery. His behavior began to grow rapidly, and an uncontrolled atmosphere of terror erupted from Lin Chuan's body towards the whole month. Lu Tian spread away.

Lin Chuan's breakthrough is not comparable to ordinary people.

Lin Chuan, who has practiced the nine-turn fissure ritual, has nine primordial babies in his body. He has formed a world with each other, and has his own circulation system, endless and endless.

In addition, as a tribe of the tribe, Lin Chuan has two major biblical scriptures, the Maha Bible and the Buddhism Scriptures. Once he breaks through the Mahayana period, his strength will increase greatly. Once the feat of the non-coming person is achieved, I am afraid that the entire cultivation world will have to change because of his existence.

And this point soon showed signs of breakthrough.

The average person breaks through the Mahayana period, which at most provokes the aura around the world, and makes the laws of the world resonate only. More powerfully, it will lead to some visions of the world, but Linchuan is different.

His breakthrough didn't seem to provoke too much heaven and earth aura, but instead the nine big babies in his body turned into a ghost suspended in his side, forming an extreme inner circle, and constantly generating aura in the distance In order for Lin Chuan to break through, this is already a very amazing thing.

In addition to this, there is no way to comprehend heaven and earth here because of the barrier of the eternal life. The laws of heaven and earth attracted are not complete laws, but flawed.

But to Lin Chuan, he broke through the Mahayana period but was constantly exuding the power of law from the Dantian in his body.

If the Lingli self-proclaimed system can be continuously generated and can be explained, then this scene can't be explained at all, and even Taiyi Chongming and Taiyi Chongming are not clear what actually happened in Lin Chuan's body.

Only the step trainer and Qin Lang knew that after taking the Yuanji Grass, the fruit of the **** tree in Lin Chuan had already got in touch with the origin of the cultivation world, and there was communication and fusion with each other. That magical piece The fruit is referring to the laws of the origin of the cultivation world to formulate its own laws.

And this is what is happening in Lin Chuan's body at the moment.

Of course, these changes are only the guesswork of the trainer and Qin Lang. What exactly is going on may not be clear to Lin Chuan himself.

"What the **** did he do!!!" Tai Yi Chongming felt Lin Chuan's breath, his face was already showing a frightened look.

This is by no means a breath that a monk who breaks through the Mahayana period can exhale. Even if he breaks through the robbery, I am afraid it will not reach this level.

"The power of the law, the power of the law is condensed in his Dantian, and it is different from the power of the law we understand. This is an unfamiliar law!" Tai Yi Chongyan felt a little, his face also became Very ugly.

At first, they thought it was a special law initiated by Lin Chuan. After all, although the breath was unfamiliar, there was still something in common with the heaven and earth law of the Cultivation Realm.

But as those breaths became stronger and stronger, the strange feeling became more and more obvious, until he determined that this was clearly another law, which did not belong to the principles of the cultivation realm, although there were laws of the cultivation realm. Shadow, but the effect is completely different.

This discovery shocked the two. If this is true, what Lin Chuan is doing now is not to perceive the laws of heaven and earth to break through the Mahayana period, but to condense his own laws to break through the Mahayana period, which is unthinkable in the realm of truth. presence.


It was then that the white runes spun out of Lin Chuan's body, illuminating the surrounding world.

Familiar coercion appears, this time it belongs to the power of self-cultivation, and even the people of the Tai family can feel familiar from this breath, because it is the power of the original scriptures, but only from another kind of scriptures. , Not the Tai Yi Scripture they practiced.

With the runes of the Futu Mantra, Lin Chuan's flesh became translucent, exuding a misty white light, as if the entire body had sublimated under the reflection of these runes.

"This is... Is he going to break through to the original state?"

Seeing this scene, Tai Yi Chongming's heart burst out a little, and that familiar feeling didn't happen when they broke through the Tai Yi Realm. What Lin Chuan is doing now is undoubtedly breaking through the original realm of the Buddhism Scriptures-Butos Tower Body!

You know, once Lin Chuan cultivates the body of Futu Tower, his physical body will become the most terrifying magic weapon, the offensive is the most powerful spear, and the defense is the most powerful shield, and once reached, Lin Chuan even All attacks below the robbery period can be ignored, unless it is an attack from other primitives.

By that time, the only person who could cause fatal damage to Lin Chuan was the one who had cultivated to the real spirit state of Now, there are only three Tai families who can reach this realm. Lin Chuan became a bodyguard.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Chuan's current breakthrough showed his talent almost unreservedly in front of everyone.

And these things were not done by Lin Chuan overnight, but since he traveled to the realm of realm, he accumulated and precipitated it step by step.

Otherwise, it is just a breakthrough of the Mahayana period. Even if he is even more powerful, he will not be able to reach this level.

It seems to be unwilling to be outdone. Not long after the white runes flew out, the black runes also appeared. Together with the white runes, they lingered around Lin Chuan's body and radiated an indeterminate light.

The combination of black and white runes, coupled with the terrifying aura inspired by Lin Chuan, as well as the sitting outside demon golem, Lin Chuan exudes momentum at this moment, even the monks who survived the robbery match.

Thundercloud in the sky.

Qin Lang looked excitedly at Lin Chuan below, and at the same time his nerves were tense. He knew that Lin Chuan showed his full strength. At this time, the thick and thick breakthrough was made to lead out the prince.

Because Prince Miao knows that in this state, Lin Chuan, who broke through to Mahayana period, no one in the entire longevity world can limit it, so if he wants to shoot, he must shoot now, otherwise there will be no chance. After Lin Chuan broke through, he packed up the Tai family, and the next one was the prince.

The turbulent atmosphere raged in the lunar sky, and the focus here has long shifted from those who were in the robbery period to Lin Chuan.

They all know that the key to this battle is not the victory or defeat of others, but whether Lin Chuan can successfully break through to the Mahayana period.

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