Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 2154: Seeking the power of Daoyu

"What is this?"

Seeing the nine spheres that suddenly appeared, everyone's faces changed, especially Chen Xuanyi, Ye Qingyang, and Qingdi. They could obviously feel the threat on this seemingly unpretentious sphere. A threat that can threaten their lives.

"Qiu Dao Yu!"

No one else has seen this black sphere, but [Xiao] people in the organization all know the horror of this thing. This is the bottom card that Lin Chuan has always left. This time it finally appeared at a critical moment.

Lin An glanced at Qiu Daoyu, and he had seen it. At the beginning of the two fighting in Lianshui, Lin Chuan once summoned Qiu Daoyu, but Lin Chuan did not attack him with Qiu Dao that time. After all, both of them were playing in the field, and the real purpose was the Lin family in Zhongchuan. But Lin An also clearly remembered the power of this thing. The moment of contact directly killed a Mahayana elder of the Lin Parents Association, which shocked him.

"What's the use of this thing?" Ye Qingyang asked curiously.

Because he noticed that after this thing called Qiu Daoyu appeared, [Xiao] organized a light expression on the faces of everyone, apparently thinking that this thing could indeed solve the immediate crisis, at least no delay. questionable.

But the problem is that they are facing the Taiyi Gold Seal jointly urged by the three monks during the robbery, and even the Eye of Creation can't deal with it. This thing that can not deal with the dark is really able to deal with it?

"Qiu Daoyu has a very terrifying power, and it is an energy that surpasses Xianshu Chakra. I remember Lin Chuan once said, as long as you touch this thing, no power of the Six Dao will be annihilated!" Nandou recalled What Lin Chuan said at the beginning of the ball space.

It was during the time when everyone was speaking that one of the begging Daoyu had already flown out, and quickly turned into a huge shield, forming a blocking barrier. And this shield barrier is constantly extending toward the surroundings, but it can be seen that the quality of Qiu Daoyu is constant, that is to say, it is only so large, and its thickness is continuously thinning after extending toward the surroundings.

It was at this time that the Taiyin gold seal in the sky was smashing again. Although Chen Xuanyi and others believed Lin Chuan, they had never seen Daoyu after all. At this moment, they had already made preparations. Unable to intercept Tai Yi Jinyin's attack, they will be ready to shoot.

Unlike the roar expected by everyone, this time, the golden light erupted from the Taiyi Gold Seal fell on Qiu Daoyu and did not emit any sound. The golden light disappeared out of thin air like never before. But at the same time, the shield that Qiu Daoyu turned into shrank rapidly, and soon only a small half of the original left, which became very thin.

"Stopped?" Ye Qingyang and three people looked at this scene inconceivably, and even Qing Huan showed an interesting look.

"Interesting defense means that it seems to be a collection of various energies that can instantly annihilate low-level energies. Even the golden light emitted by Taiyi Gold Seal can not have a great impact on him, but this energy should be constant Yes, once it's exhausted, it's definitely impossible to condense out in a short time!" Qing Huan said softly.

Since Qiu Daoyu appeared, she has been carefully observing this strange method. In any way, this kind of energy has power over all living beings, and it can completely pose a serious threat to the monks during the robbery period. It is not surprising to even kill the robbery period. But with such a powerful method, Lin Chuan has been concealed as a hole card until now, showing that there must be some restrictions on this thing.

The current limit is quantity.

This thing should be only nine, and it is used as a consumable. Once Linchuan is exhausted, even if Linchuan is awake, he can't re-coagulate immediately, otherwise, relying only on Qi Daoyu, Linchuan will be invincible. And how could they be afraid of the Tai family and the skeleton?

But in any case, the terrible nature of Qiu Daoyu has already been revealed at this time.

It only consumes the majority of Qiu Daoyu, but it has already stopped the Taiji Gold Seal's full blow. This shows that if Qiu Daoyu is also used as an attack, one piece of power will exceed the Taiyi Gold Seal's attack.

In the sky, Tai Chongming and others who attacked did not seem to expect such a result. The gold seal was suspended in the sky, as if stunned.

"What is that? Can it resist Taiyi's full-strength attack?" Taiyi Chongyan asked in shock.

Mukuro frowned, carefully observing the black sphere through the Taiyi gold seal. Although he was seriously injured at the moment, fortunately his memory was not affected.

"This seems to be Lin Chuan's unique recipe. I only used it once when I attacked the Lin I don't know exactly what the role is!" Mukuro shook his head.

No matter how you look at this thing, it doesn't look like something in the realm world, or even the one in which the skeleton is located, but he just appeared in Lin Chuan's hands, and the power he showed was terrifying.

"So how to crack this? Our attack can't break the defense made by this thing at all!" Tai Yi Chong Yan said ugly.

"This thing should be called Qiu Daoyu. If I guess right, this thing is only nine. We have already consumed more than half of one. That is to say, as long as we continue to attack, it should be more than ten times. We can consume all the Qiu Daoyu, and then no one can stop us!" Mukuro said.

Although he was not clear about the specific role of Qiu Daoyu, he also spliced ​​his understanding of Lin Chuan and guessed a lot of key information with various clues.

"Okay! Then continue to attack!" Tai Yi Chongming angered.

They are now, each attack is equivalent to consuming their own source, Lin Chuan's pursuit of jade is limited, but in fact their vitality is also limited, then you can only see who will last longer.


The attack of Taiyi Gold Seal condensed again, and the golden light diffused out. After dozens of breaths, the golden light burst out and went straight down to the outer Dao Golem.

"The light of creation!"

Along with a ray of light breaking through the sky, Lin An’s Eye of Genesis was charged, and the attack broke out again, but the speed was a little slower. It was the ray of the Taiyi Gold Seal that consumed the remaining fire of jade. Just hit the golden light.

The roaring sound erupted, and this attack was intercepted perfectly.

"Happy cooperation!" Lin An chuckled and said to Lin Chuan who was breaking through.

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