"What is he going to do?" Seeing Kong Chen's movements, Mu Li frowned slightly and asked other members of the organization.

   However, everyone is at a loss, and it is not clear what Kong Chen has.

In the organization, Kong Chen's existence is quite different. He is very strong, but he is very good at talking, and he is also very good at teaming up with other people on tasks. Therefore, everyone does not know his ability very well. This is a personal character decision. Yes, it is not to say that empty Chen is not gregarious or how.

   "We don't know what kind of hole cards Kong Chen has!" Nan Dou shook his head helplessly.

"The defense on the periphery of the blood formation is very strong. Unless the vitality of those who use the blood formation can be exhausted, it will be difficult to hurt the monks inside the blood formation. This is why the prince is willing to use this formation for so long. Even if he is dead, he still thinks it is worth it to keep most of the cultivators of the Tai family. However, this kind of formation, if you want to bypass the outer defense and directly attack the core of the formation, I am afraid..." Qinghuan said here. , Took a serious look at Kong Chen.

   Judging from her judgment, even if Kong Chen is very strong, he would have to pay a great price if he wanted to kill the prince in the blood formation.

   At the time when Kongchen started to implement the law, the Taiyi clan's blood array attack broke out again, and a **** light pierced the sky and killed everyone.

   Mu Li didn't have time to think about Kongchen's methods anymore, the Buddha Tower condensed, and rushed up again, forcibly intercepting this attack, and dispersing the **** light again.

   Nowadays, he is the only one who has the ability to intercept this attack. If other people do, even if they don’t die, they will definitely end up with serious injuries.

   "Li Gongzi!!!"

   The members of the Three Eyes Alliance saw Mu Li retreating, his face pale, and he immediately rushed to help.

   "Don't come here, you just come to die, all back!" Mu Li shouted loudly.

   He should be able to take a few more attacks, and if Kong Chen can't succeed at that time, he can only try to use Broken Eyes at the risk of being backlashed.

   Although the broken-body pupil has a very good effect on this kind of physical formation, it also depends on the strength gap between them. At this moment, there are hundreds of elders in the Taiyi Clan displaying the blood formation, and some powerful disciples are constantly joining in voluntarily. In this case, the power of the blood formation has become very terrifying, as Qinghuan has obtained, the broken pupil is It is difficult to pose a threat to such a formation, at most it is weakened, but at the same time, once the power of the formation exceeds the limit that Mu Li can withstand, then he faces the risk of being backlashed.

Lin An has the Eye of Creation, which is why he can perfectly display the power of the pupil of the law-breaking, because there will be no backlash at all. Even if there is, this backlash will be affected by the Eye of Creation. The treasure will not cause damage to Lin An himself. If Mu Li wants to achieve a similar effect, he must find a similar treasure to be possible. Of course, it is a good idea to integrate the Broken Eye into the Eye of Creation, and to repair it completely, but this is for Mu Li Obviously it was a bit unfair, and going to the Eye of Broken Body would have a relatively large impact on Mu Li's own strength.


Suddenly, a light red wave came from behind Mu Li, and then, a phantom of a cherry blossom tree appeared in the air, and the lush branches and leaves spread out, and a beautiful fire bloomed on it. Red cherry blossoms.

   This cherry tree is not very tall, only more than ten meters long. After it grows out, it seems to be propped up with an umbrella, covering Kong Chen's head.

   The cherry blossoms slowly fall, and the empty red hair is also floating in the cherry blossom rain, entangled with the petals falling from the cherry tree, and it becomes the most moving scene of the whole moon wheel sky.

"this is……"

The members of the Taiyi Clan also noticed the changes on Kong Chen’s side. Many people frowned because they felt a trace of extraordinary aura from Kong Chen’s body. The appearance of this aura made each of them Everyone feels the danger if there is nothing.

   "What spell is this?"

   The prince looked at Kong Chen for a long time. He could think that this was the organizer to deal with him, but he didn't know what exactly Kong Chen would do to deal with him. If you want a targeted defense, there is no way to do it, you can only coagulate the blood around the body as much as possible to prevent being killed instantly.

   He is now the core of the blood formation and the pillar of the Taiyi Clan. He can't fall! Because once he falls and the blood formation is forced, everyone will be exposed to the horrible arrogance of the Three Eyes Alliance. Even if they are not exterminated by the time, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

   took a deep breath, Sora Chen retracted the soft gaze that fell on the cherry tree and looked at the center of the blood array. The cherry blossom-shaped eyes directly locked the prince's long love.

   At this moment, the prince Changqing also saw Kong Chen’s eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and skipped a beat for no reason.

It stands to reason that he is now in the center of the blood formation. In addition to consuming his own vitality, his defense is the strongest and the most difficult to break through, but when Kong Chen glanced over, he knew that next Their offense may not be so good.

   "Karma Yan·Funeral!"

   Kongchen's voice is very soft, but it echoes in the whole world with the petals of cherry blossoms.

The cherry blossom tree behind him shook slightly, shaking off a large number of cherry blossom petals, and at the same time, Sora Chen's hands on the lyakura harp suddenly evoked, and the red ray strings on it were transformed by Sora Chen. His hands broke directly.

   bang bang bang...

   Accompanied by the breaking of the string of light, the sound of the string breaking echoed in the entire moon wheel, and the space was trembling violently, as if it could not bear the sound of the string breaking of the falling cherry tree. .

   Kongchen's originally ruddy face would pale a little after every string broke, until all the strings were broken, he directly spewed a mouthful of blood, his breath became very weak, and his whole person was almost like a gossip.

On the other hand, when the first string broke, the Prince Changqing spewed a mouthful of blood. After that blood appeared, a large number of cherry blossom petals rose up, and the blood vaporized instantly, and this was just the beginning. After all the strings broke, the prince's eyes widened for a long time, the **** light on his body completely faded, and the whole body turned into a magnificent flame, which burned with the falling of the cherry blossoms.

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