Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 2098: Weaknesses of 5-line balance

Remember in one second【】

"What way?" Qin Lang looked at Lin Chuan curiously.

"This Chang Jingtian is the place where the Emperor of the Earth has run for countless years. If he really wants to hide, we will definitely not be able to find it in a short time. But Chang Jingtian's five-element spiritual balance is not the result of the operation of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. It is because the earth emperor controls the spiritual power here, so that all spiritual power can be dynamically balanced, so as long as the balance of the five elements here is broken, do you think he will appear?" Lin Chuan said with a light smile.

The balance of the five elements gave the Earth Emperor an excellent fighting environment. As long as it can be maintained, the Earth Emperor is likely to be invincible in this environment, but at the same time, it has also become a weakness.

The emperor of the weak underbelly should also know it, after all, the balance of the five elements can be discovered by anyone who comes to Chang Jingtian.

But what can I do if I find it?

Can anyone break this balance? It's almost impossible!

If you want to break the balance, you must have a certain five-element spiritual power above the other four spiritual powers, so that the cycle of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements is shifted and the endless cycle is destroyed. But this requires massive amounts of single-attribute spiritual power, and these spiritual powers are not what monks can provide.

The scope of Chang Jingtian is really too big. From the current point of view, this is the largest one of the Nine Heavens Fault so far. The spiritual power contained in it must also be massive. If only a small amount of spiritual power enters the cycle of the five elements, it cannot be broken. Dynamically balanced.

And the spiritual power in a monk's body, even during the tribulation period, was nothing but a drop in Chang Jingtian's entire body. Trying to break the balance is completely idiotic.

This is why Di Huangming knew that his Chang Jingtian had weaknesses, and still did not make changes, because this weakness is not actually a weakness, at least for most people, it is not.

After Lin Chuan’s words fell, Ye Qingyang and others fell into contemplation. They felt that Lin Chuan’s idea was indeed correct, but it was difficult to implement it, because the spiritual power of all of them was released, and I am afraid that they would not be able to shake Chang. Jingtian’s balance of the five elements is not yet counted if they release all their spiritual power, and they would first be scrapped.

"The idea is correct, but we don't have that much spiritual power!" Ye Qingyang said with a wry smile.

He knew that Lin Chuan had a fairy tool that could generate energy, the companion fairy tool Nine Sky Profound Jade of the Floating Spirit Realm. But Nine Heavens Profound Jade produces immortal energy, and immortal energy has no attributes. It would be too difficult to decompose immortal energy into a single attribute of spiritual power. With that effort, they look for Chang Jingtian inch by inch. It's more real than this.

However, after Ye Qingyang's voice fell, he soon noticed that Qin Lang and Bu Lianshi's expressions had not changed, and he immediately moved in his heart and glanced at Chen Xuanyi.

And Chen Xuanyi, the old fox, had already guessed the result when Lin Chuan came up with the solution.

If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that Lin Chuan can't do it. Their Hokage-sama, isn't their best at creating miracles.

Why bother this method was proposed by Lin Chuan himself, then he must have a solution, this can be seen by the calm and calm attitude of Qin Lang and Bu Lianshi.

"Old fox, have you noticed it a long time ago?" Ye Qingyang asked in private.

"Since Hokage-sama said that he found a way, then naturally he has already figured out a countermeasure, and you are worried about where it is used." Chen Xuan, an old god, said.

Hearing this, Ye Qingyang didn't get angry and said, "Why don't you remind me?"

"How can I reflect my cleverness without showing your stupidity!" Chen Xuanyi said calmly.


If Lin Chuan were not there, Ye Qingyang would be ready to yell at him, this old fox, that's it!

Lin Chuan sensed that the two were transmitting, but didn't say anything, he took out Jiu Tianxuan and started to shoot.

This thing is definitely impossible to do if you change someone else. First, you need a treasure that can provide a lot of spiritual power, preferably a fairy, because only a fairy can guarantee a steady supply of energy. Secondly, someone needs to convert the energy into a single spiritual power in the five elements. This is the most difficult. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to do it. Only Lin Chuan, because the five elements are perfect, can pass any kind of energy through the Dantian. After moving in the middle, it was transformed into a single five element spiritual power and released.


The Nine Sky Profound Jade floated out, releasing a large amount of immortal energy three meters above Lin Chuan's head and instilling it into Lin Chuan's body.

At the same time, Lin Chuan sat cross-legged and began to run the Nine-turn Splitting Pill Code.

This exercise was created by the Wujue Emperor Xianjiangyuan Dao, and the part about the movement of the Five Elements is the most perfect and the most valuable. Before Wujue Emperor became immortal, the five elements had been completed, and the remaining techniques were the most helpful to the five elements. As for the other four attributes, Gangwon-do himself was only guessing by his talent and strength, because he himself did not have that much. Attribute, it cannot be verified.

Therefore, on the five elements, Lin Chuan can be said to be standing on the shoulders of giants. He encountered the fewest problems in his cultivation and at the same time had more lessons to learn from.

After the immortal energy poured into Linchuan's body, along the meridians, it rushed into the Dantian like a river entering the sea. At this moment, Linchuan’s Dantian has undergone tremendous changes. The yin and yang elements formed by wind and thunder are scattered around, and in the center is a small-scale rotation system formed by the five elements, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements. Those who have poured in Immortal Qi, all fall towards the core of the Five Elements Yuan Ying cycle.

Immediately Xian Qi was evenly injected into the five Yuan Ying, and then each Yuan Ying began to refine the Xian Qi, turning it into the most original spiritual power, and then benefit

^0^Remember in one second【】

Use the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint to gather towards the next Yuan Ying.

The wood-attribute Yuanying produces a large amount of wood spiritual power, and then runs to the fire-attributed Yuanying based on the principle of five elements intergrowth. After transforming into fire attribute, it combines with the fire attribute spiritual power originally produced by the fire-attributed Yuanying and continues to transform into earth Attributes and soil attributes continue to transform into metallicity, and the metallic spiritual power finally enters the water attribute Nascent Infant, turning into a billowing water attribute spiritual power, which is then pulled out of the dantian and escapes towards the outside world. .

This whole process is interlocked, and every phase transformation will produce a huge amount of spiritual power. At the end of the water attribute Yuan Ying, all the fairy qi will be uniformly transformed into water attributes, showing a geometric magnification, and then Released together, spreading towards the entire Chang Jingtian.

At this moment, countless water attribute spiritual power began to spread, and the balance of the five elements of Chang Jingtian was gradually broken. The extra water attribute was crazily destroying the original balance, suppressing the fire attribute of Xiangke, and continued to grow and develop. .

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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