Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 788: Fresh meat temptation (thanks tangthuvien ten thousand ...

At this moment, the **** wind of the entire underground maze has begun.

Humans in the ancient lake of Jinglan have basically found the way to the ground, coupled with the influx of hundreds of thousands of demons, humans have to retreat into the maze to protect themselves. In this way, the entire underground The probability of a maze outbreak battle rising linearly, and the ensuing killings are even more commonplace.

This kind of battle makes both humans and demons have to put more monks into the maze. Among them, Luohe Sect, under the leadership of its lord Luo Tian, ​​has already reached the periphery of Jinglan Ancient Lake, but it has just begun The time was blocked by the prince of the Qingling Demon. Although the two sides did not do anything, they were stern.

As the top two forces in the country of water, Jinglan Lake and Luohezong are aware of the consequences of fighting each other, so even if they confront each other, they still exercise restraint.

However, with the arrival of the Thousand Valleys, the second largest gate of the Water Country, the balance between the demon and the humans in Jinglan Ancient Lake was broken. It is really difficult for the master of the Qinghu Demon to stop humans from entering the ancient lake of Jinglan. Concession, letting humans enter the ancient lake of Jinglan.

Of course, if the demons were so good, they would not be able to fight against the human chamber long ago, although the ancient lake of Jinglan has always been regarded as the forbidden area of ​​the Jinglan Lake by the master of the blue lotus, and the demons of the other three holy places are not allowed The clan enters, but at this time, the holy site on his side alone is no longer sufficient to fight against humanity, and the only way is to unite the other three holy sites with the demon tribe.

The entire Nanming continent began to surge more and more violently, and with more and more people involved in it, it was impossible to stop the storm even if no one contributed to it.

At this time, the disciples led by Shui Mo Chan began to enter Jinglan Ancient Lake, and according to Jia Wenhe's order, they performed the top secret operation of their Da Yin Lou.

Underground maze.

Countless humans and demons died in it, but few people found that the entire maze was slowly absorbing the blood flowing out of these corpses, and the pale white channels were penetrated by these liquids, but the color never changed, as if there were no How much blood gets into the wall will not cause the slightest change here.

Together with Meng Jingxian, Lin Chuan kept walking towards the depths of the maze.

They saw a lot of corpses along the way, and they also saw a lot of demons. There were already dozens of ancestral jade in their hands. Although the battle was difficult, there was a powerful **** assassinated by Beidou, a special company, and they hardly encountered anything. Invincible opponents, even if some difficult monsters are difficult to kill, they want to leave, and no one can keep them.

Suddenly, the sneaking Meng Jingxian's figure flickered, showing her figure from the darkness, while Lin Chuan walking ahead turned to look at Meng Jingxian with a look of love.

During the actions during this time, Meng Jingxian always used the dark attribute to hide her body and walk behind Lin Chuan. Because there are a lot of Zu Yu in hand, they can easily detect the existence of the opponent one step before others, but let Lin Chuan What's speechless is that even if Meng Jingxian had the strength to beat his opponent head-on, he would not choose to do so, but would still choose to assassinate.

Although this would be a lot of insurance, but what Lin Chuan couldn't accept was that his seven sons in Luohe, the reincarnation of Xiao Xiao, were completely used by Meng Jingxian as a bait.

Meng Jingxian is also known for its tender physical temptation, which has a fatal attraction to the demons, making Lin Chuan's urge to press the goods into the ground again aggravates a lot.

At this moment, Meng Jingxian was showing his body. Lin Chuan thought that some monsters were approaching, but when he looked closely, he found that Meng Jingxian was frowning and listening to something.

Lin Chuan's eyes were instantly fixed, his eyes fell on the Beidou ring on Meng Jingxian's left middle finger.

If not bad, Meng Jingxian should have gotten in touch with a certain messenger at this moment.

With the increase of ancestral jade in their hands, the connection between several [Xiao] organization members has become more and more frequent, but it is still not easy to get together because there is no concept of direction in this underground maze. Even if you know that other people are nearby, you do n’t even know which direction to go. Besides, the criss-crossed passages are completely irregular. You may have to walk dozens of kilometers to get across a wall.

At the beginning, they still tried to get together, but after a few attempts, they had to give up and simply act separately. However, the communication between them at regular intervals allows everyone to have a good understanding of the overall situation. Take control so as not to become completely isolated.

For a long time, when Meng Jingxian converged and dragged his chin for thought, Lin Chuan came to ask.

"What happened?"

Meng Jingxian had already told him [Xiao] about organizing the ring, so he did n’t have any problem asking questions at this time.

"Xuan Wu said that he knew the clues of the soul and blood, and had already contacted Nan Dou and went together!" Meng Jingxian said, but from the solemn look on his face, this matter was obviously not that simple. UU reading books www.

Sure enough, Meng Jingxian's next sentence made Lin Chuan's face change.

"It's just that that place is already occupied by a lot of demons, and their trip will be very dangerous!"

"Then we are going to help?" Lin Chuan frowned.

At this time, Meng Jingxian leaned against the wall, dragging her chin with her right hand, and she seemed unprepared to act, which made Lin Chuan very puzzled.

"No, we have another task!" Meng Jingxian said.

"What task?" Lin Chuan asked.

"According to the news from other law-enforcement laws, there should be traces of empty leaves near us!" Meng Jingxian began.

"Empty leaves !?" Lin Chuan's face changed immediately, and his purpose of coming to Jinglan Ancient Lake was such an elixir.

"Have you heard of this elixir?" Meng Jingxian asked strangely when Lin Chuan's face changed.

"Have heard a little ..." Lin Chuan answered vaguely, then continued with a curious expression, "But although this thing is precious, it is not used in many places. Why should we find this elixir?"

"The White Tiger God should be useful, and I don't know the specifics!" Meng Jingxian shook his head.

He has been thinking about going to find the empty Mingye first, or to find a way to help Nandou. At this moment, it seems that he can only follow the command line.

Lin Chuan nodded and said nothing.

When Jiuhuan Dandan was in Xianfu, he already gave the step drill master and Qin Lang. Now it seems that it is not only himself who wants to use the empty leaf crack Dan, but the step drill master and Qin Lang also have their own plans.

Thank you tangthuvien10000 for the reward! The first lord of this book! Thank you!

Thanks for Lingyun Haiwei's 100 book currency reward!

(End of this chapter)

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