When Qianhu left, the three generations said kindly, “Is Xiao Yao still used to staying in the Ninja Academy?” ”

Xiao Yao yawned and complained: “I’m not used to it, it’s not interesting to be with a group of little fart children every day, learning some knowledge that you already know.” ”

“It’s not a good boy to talk big!”

“I didn’t say anything, I don’t believe you tested me!”

“Then I’ll test you, shuriken 15 yuan a sword, how much does it cost to buy ten swords?”

“150 yuan!”

“What about buying 50?”

“750 yuan!”

“Buying 50 handfuls will get a 20% discount, how much do you have to pay?”

“600 yuan!”


The three generations came up with dozens of questions in a row, and Xiao Yao also answered them one by one, the three generations touched Xiao Yao’s head, and said with a happy face: “Okay, it seems that you really know all the knowledge of the academy, but how do you know these things?” ”

Xiao Yao said indifferently: “How do you know something, I just know ah, but it’s just the most basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, what’s the big deal.” ”

“What about the three-body technique? How is it that you are proficient in the Bitter Throwing Technique, the Beginner Trap, and your cultivation? ”

“It can basically be applied in real combat.” Xiao Yao yawned and shrugged, “First of all, the transformation technique!” ”

As Xiao Yao’s voice fell, white mist suddenly appeared around him, but the white mist dissipated, and Xiao Yao had turned into the appearance of three generations and appeared on the opposite side of the three generations, whether it was appearance, clothing or demeanor, almost flawless, exactly the same.

“Good!” The third generation looked at Xiao Yao’s transformation technique, and praised it with admiration: “What about the doppelganger technique?” ”

Xiao Yao lifted the transformation technique, directly performed the avatar technique and the avatar technique, and then laid a simple trap with the Ku Wu throwing technique, and the three generations were very pleased to say: “You really don’t need to continue to waste time in the Ninja Academy.” ”

When Xiao Yao heard this, he asked, “Then can I apply for early graduation?” ”

The third generation was slightly startled, “Do you want to graduate?” Isn’t it bad to go to school with your friends? ”

Xiao Yao rolled his eyes, “What’s good, bored to death!” ”

The third generation thought for a while, and then looked at Xiao Yao solemnly and said: “There is really no problem in wanting to graduate with your grades, but it is now a peaceful era, and you are a member of the Thousand Hands clan, so I have to be stricter with you, are you willing to accept it?” ”

Xiao Yao said nonchalantly: “Uh-huh, you just let the horse over, no matter what kind of requirements, it will definitely not be difficult for me.” ”

“Okay then, let this matter go first, tomorrow I will go to the Ninja Academy to arrange your exam, don’t let me down!”

“Don’t worry, properly!”


When the three generations left, Xiao Yao began to continue to exercise his body, he first did 500 push-ups, then 500 frog jumps, pull-ups, sit-ups, and then used stone locks to exercise his strength, when Xiao Yao felt that he was exhausted, he soaked in a wooden barrel, bathed, and extracted chakra.

When Xiao Yao finished taking a bath, the Chakra on his body had almost recovered, and it was already past nine o’clock in the evening, and Xiao Yao began to go to his practice room to study his Jin Duan.

That is, after the whole body is metallized, Xiao Yao has mastered the local metallization, and can make the metallized parts grow spikes and blades at will, in addition, he successfully developed the first long-range golden ninja – the art of fingering the gun according to the secret technique “water gun” of the second generation of Hokage, the second generation of water shadow and the ghost lamp family.

This ninjutsu is to condense Jin Dun Chakra on the finger, and then shoot metal bullets like a finger gun, because Jin Dun is a solid ninjutsu, so the difficulty of casting is much lower than that of the water gun, but the power is stronger than the “water gun”, but the range is much smaller, so it is difficult to cause a fatal threat if it does not hit the point.

After all, the water cannon shot water bombs, while Xiao Yao shot gold bullets.

Xiao Yao’s Jin Dun is worthy of being a perfect blood inheritance that can be the same as the hydration technique of the Ghost Lantern family, Xiao Yao can not only metalize his body, but also cast Jin Dun Ninjutsu without seal.

The Jin Dun Chakra in Xiao Yao’s body is like his fingers, which can be like the command of the arm’s fingers, like climbing trees and treading water, Xiao Yao can easily master it after only one practice, so as long as he knows the casting principle of each technique, he can cast any ninjutsu without a seal.

“Xiao Yao don’t practice, it’s already twelve o’clock, go to bed early!”

Xiao Yao, who was practicing finger marksmanship, answered Mito’s words and sent it directly after gathering all his remaining metallic chakra on his finger and compressing it to the size of a bullet.

Shout! ~

As the sound of breaking the sky sounded, a golden bullet passed through the eyebrows of Xiao Yao’s ninjutsu bronze man, and shot at the wall behind the bronze man without any loss, making a bullet hole with deep fingernails.

A golden light flashed in Mito’s cloudy eyes, as the first wife, the nine-tailed human pillar power, she is definitely a true shadow-level powerhouse, so after seeing Xiao Yao’s Golden Dun Finger Gun Technique, she immediately realized the horror of this technique, its power is definitely not worse than ordinary C-level or even B-level ninjutsu, and because there is no need to seal, its power is even more terrifying.

Mito looked at Xiao Yao’s tired face, and at the same time showed a shocked look.

Xiao Yao fainted directly after casting this ninjutsu, and Mito directly carried Xiao Yao to the room, and then directly came to Xiao Yao’s practice field with the teleportation technique.

Mito gently touched the surface of the copper man, only to see that Xiao Yao’s copper man used to practice finger gun art was covered with potholes and bullet marks, Mito gently stroked the pierced bullet hole in the copper man’s eyebrows, and said to himself with tears in his eyes: “The ancestors of the Thousand Hands family, you see?” The hope of the rise of our Senju has arrived, Xiao Yao not only awakened the special blood succession boundary, but also developed such a powerful ninjutsu at the age of five, I believe that in the future, Xiao Yao will definitely be able to continue to suppress the Uchiha clan and re-push our Senju clan to the position of the first in Konoha or even the first in the ninja world. ”

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