Chapter 81: The Second Obstacle

And while Ye Xiu was still living a leisurely life “like a pig” in the village, the front line ushered in a battle that had been “plotted for a long time”.

“Report to the group! Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru-sama asks for a meeting”

“Huh? Why are the three of them here? The eagle-like gaze of the old man with an “X” scar on his chin froze slightly, and he had vaguely guessed some possibility.

“Let them in”


“Danzo-sama! It’s been a long time since I saw it…” Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru quickly opened the curtain of the big tent and walked in.

“No need to talk about this nonsense, Zilaiye, Ape Fei asked you to come, did Sha Yin make any moves?” Tuanzo stopped Jiraiya’s pleasantries and asked straight to the subject with a frown.

“Yes! Lord Tuanzang, according to the report from the spies sent to the side of Shayin, the high-level of Shayin is plotting to unilaterally tear up the peace treaty! ”

Listening to Jiraiya’s description, Tuan Zang’s eyes flashed, and he secretly said in his heart, “Sure enough…!” ”

“This is the scroll that Sarutobi-sensei asked me to bring,” after speaking, Jiraiya took out a red scroll from the ninja sealing bag and handed it to Danzo.

“Scroll?” , Tuan Zang took the scroll, quickly opened it and looked at it carefully, while the three of Jiraiya waited patiently for him on the side, and at this moment, the big tent seemed very quiet.

“In the end, Sha Yin still can’t bear it, ready to forbear, detonation charm? Hum! Just what the doctor ordered! “For a long time, after reading the contents of the scroll, Tuan Zang snorted softly, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes!

“Oh? I wonder what is the good plan of the Tuanzang master? Glancing at Chengzhu’s tuanzang in Xiong, Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue with interest and licked his lips, and asked in a hoarse voice.

“Hmph, Shikaku, bring that thing” Danzo did not directly answer Orochimaru’s question, but mysteriously ordered Nara Shikahisa, who was standing on the side.

“Hey!” Nara Shikahisa, who was a front-line staff officer, turned around and took out a small scroll from the side of the table.

“Three adults, please see,” Nara Shikahisa unfolded the scroll on the table.

“This one is… Map? Tsunade stepped forward first, carefully looked at the scrolls on the table, and said in amazement at the crisscrossing black lines and dense red dots on it.

“Good! The old man had already sent people to search every inch of the area during this time, and marked and annotated the places suitable for ambush hiding: “Tuan Zang pointed at the map like a river.”

“And if you want to start a war, you must have enough materials to pass through these places and transport a large amount of materials to the front line, then we just need to…”

“Wait for work!” A flash of essence flashed in the minds of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, and they said in unison with the movement of Tuanzo who suddenly clenched his fists.

“Yes, originally, Master Tuanzo and I were still having a headache about who would be more appropriate to ambush at that time, after all, the person that Sha Yin could send to transport such important materials must be quite tricky, and the only person on our side who could ensure the completion of the task was Tuanzo-sama

But as the commander-in-chief of the front, it is impossible to risk the emptiness of the big tent to carry out such an ambush operation, and he was thinking about whether to ask the village for support at that time, but he did not expect that the three adults would come at the right time” Nara Shikaku scratched his head with a smile.

“Hahahaha, it seems that the adults have come at the right time!” As soon as he heard Nara Shikahisa’s words, Jiraiya suddenly became proud again.

“Idiot” Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya with disdain.

“Orochimaru, you bastard despises me again! I’m going to duel you! ”

“Cut, an idiot who can’t even beat the fragrant banana skin”

“You bastard! Who, who can’t beat the fragrant * banana skin! Jiraiya’s face was flushed and he almost pasted his entire face.

“Don’t quarrel with the two adults, don’t argue…” The trio of Pig Deer Butterfly was busy stepping forward to persuade, or rather busy fighting Jiraiya there.

“Come hit me, stupid”

“Bastard Orochimaru! Lujiu, Dingza, let me go, today I must clean up this smelly snake!” “Jiraiya kept kicking his feet angrily.

“Hey, I can’t fight”

“Hey, I still can’t fight”

“Lord Orochimaru said yes, Gao Leng… Is it really okay to jump like this…”The three of Shikaku, who were still holding Jiraiya, looked at the big snake pill with a sudden change in painting style with black lines.

“Alas, if you could be a little smarter, you wouldn’t be bullied so miserably by my little ghost…” Speechlessly looking at Jiraiya’s angry jumping feet, Tsunade shook his head helplessly, it’s really difficult to have such an idiot teammate.

Danzo didn’t stop them either, just squinted to the side and looked at the fighting Sanshin, muttering to himself alone: “The second obstacle, confirm the sweep…”

ps: A sentence description of a person in the big snake pill, the whole three dangerous words, you dare to believe…

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