For the next two weeks, Ye Qi hid in Cocoia Village, except for 5 hours of fixed physical cultivation and 3 hours of fruit development every day.

The rest of the time I play with Nami and Noki, and it's still important to cultivate relationships. His age is not a cultivation, he can only be said to be a childhood sweetheart.

And after receiving the information that the pirates are infested, he will also go to hunt, and no one can run away at Polly's speed, but unfortunately he has not encountered the fruit ability.

He didn't take the initiative to bring it up to the Navy, after all, there was no reasonable excuse. Although as long as you don't have to come out, the navy won't find out, but it will still leave suspicions.

And in the past two weeks, those pirates were all exchanged for bounties by Ye Qi without exception.

Except for the Black Cat Pirates who appeared in the original book, which made him very difficult and even almost died, the other bounty pirates who were not even dragon sets were okay.

Chloe's speed after using the hook was so fast that Ye Qi couldn't even see the shadow, let alone fight back.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't take the initiative to control it, Ye Qi would be in trouble.

Fortunately, it was on his pirate ship, Ye Qi used a capsamine cannonball: the dust shape exploded directly above his head, spreading the capsaicin dust from all sides to the entire pirate ship, and Chloe, who was moving at high speed, could not avoid coming into contact with the terrifying capsaic.

The heat of his whole body seriously affected his speed, and the capsaicin that swept through the ship entered his eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

Ye Qi simply took off the cat's claw knife in his hands and threw it into the sea, and tortured his silent steps and hook steps by the way.

After only removing capsaicin three times and getting hit three more times, when the fourth time he asked his little brother and golden egg to pour capsaicin, Chloe finally took it....

Kneeling on the ground, full of humiliation, he told Ye Qi how to use the silent step and the hook.

Silent steps are literally illustrated, moving without sound, and cat-like footsteps are high-speed moving assassination.

The hook is Chloe's strongest move, as silent as Silent Step, but he moves faster, so fast that he doesn't even know what he's going to cut.

Of course, this disadvantage is that his own physical fitness and reaction nerves can't keep up, as long as he improves these two points, he can control it freely.

It's just that Ye Qi's physical fitness is not as good as Chloe's now, and he can only use silent steps.

In the end, he satisfied Locke's begging and gave him a hearty one.

After two weeks of mass hunting, people also gave him a nickname, and it was widely circulated in the East China Sea, and news newspapers continued to sell well in the East China Sea.

It can be said that he is popular, but for some people, he is afraid to mention it, especially the places that Ye Qi has been to the point where children stop crying.

Hell Hungry ——!!

When pirates appear in rural towns or rob merchant ships, they will be known by the navy, and the navy will immediately notify Ye Qi.

Ye Qi will only leave Cocosia Village to hunt when he is notified by the navy, and when he arrives, the pirates have already begun to kill people and set fires, and the village or town is also showing a hellish scene, and he only arrived at this time.

Of course, this is not the main reason for the nickname.

The spicy fruit used by Ye Qi will all let out screams of pain from the hot torture of the enemies he fights.

After the battle, all the pirates were too spicy, causing their body temperature to rise rapidly, and the inside of their bodies was like a furnace directly heating their flesh and blood, even if they were not fully cooked, they reached the point of seven or eight layers, and bursts of hot air rose outside, adding the spicy taste that stimulated the appetite of the taste buds, which made people feel even more frightening.

The hellish scenery around them, the pirates are ripe in agony, as if they have experienced a steaming hell.

This is not a human punishment, but a scene from hell before the devil eats.

There are rumors that the promotion city under the world government has also begun to use reicin as a means of punishing prisoners, and warships loaded with a large amount of reticulin come and go every week, but it cannot be confirmed.

Of course, there are also reasons behind the operation of the Navy under this title.

The arrogance of suppressing the pirates in the East China Sea in the name of the evil ghosts of hell also shocked many pirate groups for a while, so that ambitious people couldn't help but have the idea of wanting to retreat, and the pirate robbery rate was greatly reduced.

Although he cooperated with the navy to hunt pirates, he was also principled and did not go hunting all the time.

I don't go out after 10 o'clock in the evening, even if there is news of pirates, I don't go, and I tell the navy that I need to rest, after all, fighting with pirates is very tiring.

Of course, the real reason is certainly not this....

Compared to Bermel's bed-sharing, one or two bounty pirates are a piece of.

That night, although Bermel took the initiative to release the essence for Ye Qi, he only used his hands, even if his hands were exhausted, he didn't change to other places, let alone go in.

Ye Qi also wanted to enter her body and taste her taste, but under Bermel's refusal and stern eyes, he could only think about it in his mind, and he couldn't do it for the time being.

Nami and Nokigao also offered to get a new house or build a room, so that Ye Qi would have her own room and not have to squeeze a small bed with Bermel.

But considering that the movement is too big, too sudden and suspicious, even if it is changed to a larger bed, it is not changed.

And Ye Qi is of course very happy, at least every night Bermel can use her silky little hands to help her, and she can also sleep in front of her Obai and hold her.

It would be better if one day the little hands were tired or they figured it out, and gradually opened up other places.

Just after the early morning, Ye Qi received naval intelligence shortly after eating the warm breakfast made by Bermel.

The Treasure Hunt Pirates haunt Dolly Island and are heading northwest.

And Ye Qi, who received the information, quickly set off under the gaze of Nami and the three of them.

"Northwest of Dolly Island ..."

He sat on the head of Polly, who was hurrying to the ground, with two barrels of fresh water and fruit on one side.

"Isn't this the island where I hid my treasure??Did they pass by by accident or was the target of this island??Did someone find my treasure???"

Ye Qi muttered to herself.

In the past two weeks, he has killed more than 20 pirates, and all the treasures he got are placed on that island and not brought to Cocosia Village.

That's too conspicuous, and it's not necessary, 20 million Baileys are enough for life.

"Captain, is there really a lot of gold treasure in front of you? Why don't we send someone to take a look at it first, so as not to run in vain. "

"Yes, the hungry ghost of hell that has appeared recently is very difficult to mess with, and the pirates who fight him are no worse than us, smashing fists, scythes... He also killed them. "

"And the pirates who fought him were all tortured to death, and the worst thing is that their bodies are all familiar after death! ! There are also traces of bites, half of their heads are gone, and there are brains flowing out. "

The pirates whispered cautiously, and some of them even had snot coming out.

"What's the hurry, we're not going to rob, we're looking for treasure. That place was uninspiring at all, and we found it and left immediately, who knew about us. "

A pirate with a nose like a wolf's nose, a long nose, and a thick mask on his chin said that he was the captain of the Treasure Hunt Pirates, Treasure Hunt Pirate Gerald

Not only do they hunt for treasure everywhere, but they also keep an eye on other pirates who have a lot of treasure, and sometimes the pirates who have just finished robbing are targeted by them in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, but they also often raid places with a lot of treasure, such as merchant ships and cargo ships, which are loaded with loads.

No one knows how he found the vast amount of treasure, only that he had a mountain of wealth, but not how much.

ps: Thank you for the transfer from the original book, thank you!!^-^ skirt**

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