"What? No way! When pigs fly! Is this an illusion? How is yours so big?

"yes! It's just too big!

"This! This is a peacock magic method?!

"That's an exaggeration, isn't it? What is my peacock magic in front of him? Bean sprouts?

"That's awesome! It's amazing! The peacock magic method can actually reach this level? Even the original Mehoshi can't do it, right?!

"I don't think it's impossible to be the fourth generation of our Star Ninja Village with his strength..."

"I approve!"

"With this powerful person leading us, Star Shinobi Village can continue to prosper..."

People like Akahoshi, who have ideas about the fourth generation of Mehoshikage, immediately closed their mouths after seeing Haruno laughing's exaggerated "peacock magic method" and stopped talking about any competition.

With such a big gap in strength between the two sides, what else is it compared to?

"It seems that everyone is very satisfied with Haruno Xiao's strength, and there should be no problem with him becoming the fourth generation of Mekage..."

"Then I officially announce it here today... Haruno laughs that he will become the new star shadow of our Star Shinobi Village!

"Everyone welcomes the fourth generation of our village!"

Seeing the change in attitude of the star ninja at this time, the three generations immediately stood up to announce the final result.


Snap..." Since Haruno Xiao became the fourth generation of Star Shinobi Village, Summer Star was also rehabilitated for the first time and returned to Star Ninja Village again. She then becomes Haruno Laugh's secretary, helping him with the entire Hoshinin Village.

Because Haruno laughed most of his energy during this time was focused on the magical secret treasure star, he had to divide a shadow doppelganger town field, and then there was something to do with the secretary, and it was also the secretary who did nothing....

"What an amazing thing!"

"It is said that this thing is still a fragment of the divine tree..."

Recently, Haruno Xiao has been delving into the mysterious treasure of the Star Shinobi Village, the Star, and he wants to uncover its secret. In fact, he found quite a few interesting things on this star.

First of all, this star contains huge energy and can unleash unique chakra fluctuations that even affect those around it.

Secondly, it is surprising that this special chakra has no effect on Haruno Xiao's own body, but plays a role in promoting physical growth!

In Haruno Xiao's opinion, this thing is simply an excellent tonic! It can well assist his cultivation....

It is completely different from the obvious side effects and sequelae that occur after the ninjas of Star Ninja Village use it to practice the Peacock Magic Method!

After all, although the energy contained in this meteorite can bring a powerful increase to the cultivator's Chakra, not everyone can control this increase. Many people tend to be eroded by these energies, resulting in constant damage to the body.

Therefore, for ordinary people, this star is a treasure that can increase strength, but also power in exchange for huge physical damage.

"However! Since it is likely to be a fragment of the Divine Tree, can I use it for cultivation?

"If I can use it to research a new mutant divine tree, maybe I can cultivate a new six-path pattern because of this!"

Thinking of this, Haruno Xiao paid more attention to this secret treasure that was suspected to be a fragment of the Divine Tree, and it was a laborious study of him in the following days.

Time passed in a flash, and another three years passed....

Haruno Xiao did not expand his territory during this time, and he ran back and forth in the three places of Fuzi Village, Star Shinobi Village and Snow Country, and developed these three places with peace of mind.

Fortunately, there are two magical ninjutsu such as shadow avatars and teleportation, otherwise he would not be able to deal with so many things.

First of all, let's talk about Haruno laughing in the snow country from the situation....

Since he helped Yuki no Kuni quell the coup d'état in the country and subdue the Yuki Shinobu there, Yuki no Kuni can be regarded as Haruno Laugh's logistics research base.

After the wisdom of the wind flower and the big snake pill collided with each other, many fantastic ideas really came out! In addition, Haruno Xiao from time to time put forward some advanced ideas, let them spend time and energy to research and try.

In just three years, the entire Snow Country has undergone earth-shaking changes and has become a scientific and technological powerhouse.

Railroad tracks and trains travel throughout the Snow Country, steam-powered cars are everywhere, and airships have become a regular means of transportation for snow ninja...

After the Kaguya family came here, they quickly integrated into the life here, and perhaps the cold environment could alleviate their often hot-headed problems.

After a few years of rest, they also regained some vitality, and some clansmen of the right age and strength began to join Yuki Shinobu and officially became Haruno Xiao's subordinates.

In the Land of Snow, in fact, no matter who understands that Yuki Shinobu is Haruno laughing and having the final say!

At first, the ministers of the Snow Country were very dissatisfied with this, but after Haruno Xiao came to visit him, they all agreed that this was a very suitable thing.

The mother and son of Xue Li and Bai are even more like fish in water here, and they like it very much!

Now, thanks to Haruno Xiao's arrangement, they live with Kazehana Koyuki.

For Fenghua Xiaoxue, who has just lost her loved ones, it is also very happy to live with this beautiful mother and son.

At the same time, she also likes Bai, a cute partner, very much!

Of course, Shirley was grateful to Haruno and felt that there was nothing to reward.

After all, Feng Hua Xiaoxue is the name of this place!

The lives of mother and son have changed since then, most of the time as a servant and playmate of Kazehua Xiaoxue, while also learning ninjutsu to strengthen their strength.

Originally, Yukimi was past the right age to practice ninjutsu, so it might be difficult to learn. But with the enthusiastic help of Haruno Xiao, everything was logical.

After getting along for a while, both parties are attracted to each other's appearance and temperament, and it can be said that they have been in love for a long time.

Later, Shiro's title for Haruno Xiao also changed from big brother to Uncle Xiao, and since then the mother and son have begun to live a different life.

Thanks to the geothermal generator, under the guidance of Haruno Laugho, many greenhouses have emerged in the Land of Snow, and it is now possible to grow food all year round, achieving self-sufficiency, and meeting demand without imports.

Among them, the Chakra armor technology that Haruno cares about the most has also been greatly improved and optimized, and it is no less than the effect shown in the original play.

However, in Haruno Xiao's opinion, Chakra armor technology still has a lot of room for improvement, and he hopes that one day this technology can reach the level of transforming into a "Kamen Rider".

For this fantasy, Kazehua Futao, who has been completely captured by Haruno Laughao, says that she will do her best and work hard to achieve that goal.

However, Haruno Xiao also designed a handsome Chakra armor for himself based on existing technology.

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