Seeing this familiar scene, the ferret immediately remembered the memory of being suppressed by the other party's power.

This weird spatial ability will really make people unguardable if they are faced for the first time. But over the years, he has simulated many times to fight the other side again, so he also seems extremely calm.


... The weasel quickly retreated backwards again, and at the same time, the two kunai were also thrown out by him one after another. There is no doubt that this extremely fast dark weapon still cannot harm Obito who has the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"Looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet, ferrets!

"Your attack to me is nothing more than a passing glance."

Obito's voice was cold and sarcastic. He had already caught up with the other party, and the one-eyed kaleidoscope writing wheel under the tiger mask kept turning, and seemed to be able to see everything.

However, the ferret was not affected by his words, and his face was still as heavy as water, his body constantly shuttling through the woods, and it seemed that he was still trying to distance himself from the other party.


As Obito swung the chain, the weasel quickly pulled out the short knife on his back and tried to block.

It's a pity that the weapons of the two sides do not touch each other at all. However, the ferret cautiously dodged the chains that seemed to be nothing, and then swung his short knife to quickly cut through the grinning defenseless enemy.

The current situation seems to be just as Uchiha Obito just said, and Uchiha's attack is completely ineffective.

Obito smiled lightly when he saw this, and then suddenly disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already appeared behind the weasel, holding an iron chain in each hand, and jerked at the back of the other's heart.

Uchiha Obito doesn't want to kill Uchiha Itachi, he just wants to tease this so-called Uchiha genius well to express the depressed emotions in his heart....

"This time, I'm going to make you really feel the pain. The

chains crossed and whipped on Uchiha's body, and the next moment he waited for his body to turn into a lot of crows and scattered. At the same time, the cold voice echoed in the air, and you could feel the determination and firmness in Uchiha's heart.

However, at this moment, Obito's body was suddenly flapped by the wings of a crow.


The next moment, Uchiha's body and this crow switched places, and the short knife in his right hand directly stabbed Uchiha Obito's body.


Obito had an iron chain wrapped around his hand and directly swung his arm to block the blow. When Uchiha's short knife struck from the other direction, his body once again turned into nothingness.

"It's a bit of progress..."

"It's a pity! You're still too tender, ferrets.

Obito's voice was full of pride and mockery, and at the same time, he swung his arm wrapped around the chain and struck the other party quickly.

However, Itachi was not affected by his words, he just coldly looked at the other party's kaleidoscope chakra eyes.

"Monthly reading... Open! "

Suddenly, the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes appeared!

This sudden change made Uchiha Obito stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he found that he was already in a dark and strange space, and at the same time, he was bound to his limbs and fixed to a cross!

What is the situation?!

This kid Uchiha Weasel actually secretly awakened the kaleidoscope chakra eye!

What causes it?

Could it be the death of Uchiha Shuizu...

"Welcome to my monthly reading space... For the next seventy-two hours, I will entertain you well..."

"Count your sins and accept my judgment!"

Uchiha's kaleidoscope chakra eye moon reading ability is an illusion performed by his kaleidoscope chakra eye, which can pull the enemy's spirit into the moon reading space where all space, time, and quality are dominated by his own will.

No matter how powerful the enemy is in the flesh and how agile the speed is, it will be ineffective in the moon reading space, and no matter how long it is spent in the moon reading space, the real world will only have a moment.

They will endure great physical and mental pain in the world of illusion, just by seeing the kaleidoscopic chakra eye of the weasel. Therefore, if the average person has no chance to lift the illusion once he is in the moon reading, his spirit has already been greatly damaged.

Uchiha Obito was a little panicked at this time, because he found that his kaleidoscope chakra eyes could not break through this strange illusion space of the other party.

"Wow! How is it possible..."

"Say it! Who are you?

"Junior! I am Uchiha!

"Still tough! Death...


Uchiha tied Uchiha to the cross and separated a large number of phantoms, all of whom were now holding ninja swords with themselves and piercing each other's bodies continuously.

Why does it last 72 hours?

Because this is already the limit time that the Uchiha Itachi's moon reading space can maintain, this is also the result of low power use.

This is the result of his previous test using psychic crows, and the so-called Uchiha spot in front of him is his first human test subject.


Constantly piercing his body, the fake Uchiha let out a heart-wrenching scream.

At this moment, the mysterious forcing that he had been maintaining had disappeared.

What Uchiha spot, you will definitely not be able to fool Uchiha Weasel in the future!

Damn it!

"Let me see who you are?"

"What a tenacious will! It's just that why do you care so much about this mask? Uchiha

tried to uncover the other party's tiger mask, but unfortunately this thing seemed to be connected to the other party's flesh and skin, and even if he used various means, he still could not see the real face under the mask.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Are you afraid that I will recognize your true identity?"

Uchiha Weasel found that the other party's kaleidoscopic chakra eyes could not unlock his moon reading space. But it is still okay to maintain the other party's own state, and this mask or the real appearance under the mask is something that the other party cares about very much.

Uchiha Itachi, who didn't want to continue wasting his pupil power entangled with the other party, decisively inserted the short knife into the opponent's pupil kaleidoscope chakra eye, and then stirred it fiercely...


If a person who is not mentally tough enough dies here, then the flesh will also live and die!

So Uchiha Obito, who was tied to the cross and could not move, could only grit his teeth and insist at this time....

He, can't die yet!

Under the powerful obsession, Uchiha Obito managed to survive despite the pain of ten thousand blades piercing his heart.

Three days have passed inside the moon reading space, but the outside world is only for a moment, and at this time, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi, who are making eye contact, will stagger past in a blink of an eye.

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