"Haha! It's okay..."

"It's just an unexpected gift! In fact, it is also a family heirloom given to me by a certain patient..."

"Although it has the effect of warming the body and increasing Chakra, such a small gem is insignificant to us Shangnin, it is better to play with children!"

Haruno Xiao also saw everyone's careful thinking, so after coming to Mrs. Hinata's side to put on the emerald necklace for the shy little Hinata, he quickly explained the origin of the bracelet to everyone.

Everyone also showed a look of regret when they heard this, after all, such good things, they are rare!

"Hinata, hurry up and thank Haruno Laughter-sama!"

Hinata, who is a mother, saw this scene, and also showed love on her face, and gently touched her daughter's hair to cheer her up.

"Thank you, Haruno Laugh-sama!"

When Hinata heard this, he immediately smiled and thanked Haruno with a smile.

It's cute!

Haruno smiled and touched the other person's little head with a smile, and then smiled at Mrs. Hinata to show friendliness.

Well, the size of this little head feels just right, and it's quite comfortable to the touch....

Xiao Ningji, who was standing on the side and followed his father Hinata Hinata to watch the ceremony, couldn't help but look at this scene curiously, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Now he has not yet laid down the caged bird, he seems very simple, and he also likes the cute Hinata sister, completely without the bitter and bitter look after the original plot!

It can only be said that fate tricks people ....

"Hello, Hinata-san, long time no see!"

"Is this your son? It's cute! I believe that he will definitely be as handsome as you when he grows up..." After

Hinata Hiashi took his wife and daughter for some activities, the next time was for everyone's interaction. Haruno Xiao also found Hinata Hinata who was staying in a corner at this time, and also saw his son Hinata Ninji.

"yes! Long time no see... Laugh!

"This is my son, Ninji!"

"Ninji, this is your Uncle Haruno Xiao, hurry up and say hello to someone..."

Hinata Hinata saw Haruno Xiao take the initiative to come over and greet him, and also quickly pulled his son to interact with the other party.

"Hello Uncle Haruno Xiao!"

After being urged by his father, Ning Ci also immediately straightened his little face and bowed nervously to show respect.

"Haha... Xiao Ningci, don't listen to your father!

"What's your name Uncle?" They all call me old..."

"You can call me Big Brother Laughing!" Let's each call each other..."

Haruno laughed and didn't want Ninji to call himself uncle, so he laughed and touched the other's head, wanting to correct the other party's name.


Xiao Ningci didn't know what to do at this time, so he had to look at his father with a helpful look, and then got an affirmative smile from the other party.

"Big brother laugh!"

"Hey! Nice boy..."

After seeing Ning Ji so sensible, Haruno Xiao also felt very fond of it. So he took out a scroll from his arms, obviously prepared.

"Give! This is my gift! It's about some tips for training the body, which is very suitable for you Hyuga clan..."

"Thank you big brother Xiao!"

Seeing his father nodding, Ning Ci also happily accepted the gift. He also couldn't imagine that he was just here to attend Hinata's sister's birthday party, and he would be able to receive gifts.

It's really nice to know Big Brother Xiao!

Seeing this scene, Hinata Hinata couldn't help but smile with relief, instructing the child who watched him grow up day by day, and he also had to worry about the arrival of that day.

Caged birds....

As the moon rises, Hinata's birthday party is almost over in the blink of an eye.

The little princess of the Hyuga family was also taken to rest in the room by her mother Hinata Hikaru, and the other guests began to leave one after another.

"Come on! Drink and drink..."

"Such a big man! Give me any other drinks..."

Perhaps he was too happy, so Hinata pulled a few of the more important guests to keep them from leaving, and put together the wine clearly. He looks a little debauched at this time, which is a little different from the previous stereotype!

Maybe it's too much pressure....

It seems that the patriarch of the Hyuga family is not so good!

"Haha... Drinking too early is not too good for me! And I still think that medical ninjas, so you need to ensure your health, drinking too much alcohol will be easy to make mistakes..."

Haruno Xiao did not give in to Hinata's strong invitation, insisting on drinking his ordinary drink. After all, something may be going to happen tonight, so he needs to be vigilant.

It's just that after the whole banquet is over, Haruno Xiao still didn't wait for the arrival of Yunyin's kidnapper. So he had to "unintentionally" drop an accessory on his body at Hinata's house, and then left here with everyone.

After everyone left, Haruno Xiao didn't actually go far, and soon turned back and used a special transformation technique to lurk near Hiashi's house.

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