To outsiders, he is a skilled medical ninja, but in fact he knows a lot!

As a skill to settle down, instantaneous technique, perception technique and knife art are the strengths he has focused on practicing since he was a child, and they have never fallen behind, and they are rarely known now!

Medical ninjutsu is still at the back of the list....

Especially after Haruno Xiao's sealing technique rose to a level, the secret perception enchantment was all made out by him. So as long as someone approaches his home, they will definitely be discovered by him.

Even Bai Jue Chunye Xiao found out a few times, but he didn't move the other party.

"Then please laugh sama!"

Hinata Hikaru looked at Haruno with a confident look that was also infected, and a relieved look appeared on his face.

Especially the decoration in this room makes her feel very warm, and even the incense wafting in the air seems to make people feel comfortable and unconsciously relax their bodies.

"Don't worry! I'm just doing a routine check-up for you to see if you're healthy.

"Otherwise, if you go back so soon, you will blame me for not being well entertained here in the future!"

"Come on! Give me your hand! I'll probe your body first..."

Haruno smiled as she looked at Hinata Hikaru in front of her with warm eyes, smiled gently at the elegant beauty in front of her, and then stretched out her hand, signaling that the other party could safely hand herself over to him.

"Yes, Lord Laughter!"

Unconsciously, Hinata Hikaru had a lot of trust in the big boy in front of her, and she also felt that the other party's eyes were very good-looking, and it seemed that people could be addicted to it after looking at it for a long time, so she quickly lowered her head and shyly stretched out her hand to let the other party check.


Haruno Xiao put his hand on the other party's wrist, and then entered Chakra and began to swim in the other party's body, carefully checking it, and it didn't take long for him to notice the abnormality of the other party's body.

"Madam, on the surface, your body doesn't seem to have much problem, but in fact, many of your cells have already shown a slight loss!"

"This needs to be made up well..."

Hinata's situation is extremely unusual, it is clearly a deficit of cells!

It's just that the other party is also a ninja with a chakra, and now he stays at home every day to raise his dignity, eat and drink, so there are no obvious symptoms.

"Is there such a thing?"

"It's just that I don't feel anything wrong?"

Hinata Hikaru was also surprised when she heard Haruno Xiao's diagnosis, she didn't think that she was really checked for problems!

"You're a cellular deficit!"

"It's easy to be diagnosed as postpartum weakness..."

"The average person may not care too much when they are young!" But in the long run, there will definitely be problems!

"Do you feel that after giving birth to Hinata, your health is starting to deteriorate a lot?"

Haruno laughs and thinks that he has found a large melon, perhaps this is also the reason why this Lady Hinata Hikaru did not appear in the original drama at all after the birth of Hanabii.

Perhaps after giving birth to two white-eyed princesses in the future, she may also pay an extremely heavy price!

"Ah! Also, it's really..."

"I thought it was just an aftermath of childbirth! But listening to you say this, I found that my state was indeed much worse than before Hinata, and the postpartum recovery did not achieve the expected results! "

Since my family knows that my family is, Hinata Hikaru originally didn't care much about his physical state, but after hearing Haruno laughing's words, he couldn't help but think back to the difference between his previous and current physical state.

This made her think a lot....

Isn't this a regression in the strength of a female ninja after giving birth?

In the ninja world, the number of male ninjas accounts for a relatively large proportion! On the one hand, men have strong physical fitness, and on the other hand, women have physical defects as ninjas.

After all, they will have a few days of inconvenience every month, which affects their state very much. At the same time, childbirth also has an impact on their strength, and many female ninjas will also have the imagination of losing strength after giving birth.

This may be a relationship of long-term training, or it may be a change in mentality, in short, childbirth will indeed have an impact on some female ninjas.

"Your body cells already have empty manifestations, which need careful conditioning and medication to make up for it!"

"Come and take off your coat and lie down here! I'll give you a massage first, so that I can adjust your physical state..."

Haruno smiled solemnly about Hinata's state at this time, and also gave his own treatment plan.

"Undress? Get down?

"Will this be..."

Hinata Hikaru, as the wife of the patriarch, also knew that some of the treatment methods were special, but she was still a little scrupulous, for fear that the man in front of her would not be able to help but have some bad intentions towards her.

She knew how strong her capital was and how attractive her figure was, so in order to maintain the face of the Hyuga clan patriarch's wife, she usually dressed more conservatively.

But didn't you see that Hinata Hiashi usually has a paralyzed expression of wanting nothing every time he sees someone?

He was tired and used to it....

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