They wanted to retreat, but the order forced them to follow, so they had to die with a determined face. But even if they die, they want to leave a wound on each other's bodies.

The dark weapon can't catch up with Haruno Xiao's figure, not to mention these ninjutsu that need to be shaken forward before launching?



Often before the opponent's ninjutsu is launched, he disappears in place, and the blade in his hand once again pierces the opponent's heart or cuts the opponent's throat.

Just by virtue of the spell marks on the tongues of those black-clothed men, the identity of the other party was revealed, and there was no doubt that it was the root.

Haruno couldn't help but laugh more ruthlessly, and the hit never stopped, making those men in black who originally wanted to restrict his actions also look helpless.

I really can't catch up!

Haruno Xiao is practicing ultra-high-speed killing at this time, and the instantaneous technique is very slippery, and ordinary people cannot have such a reaction ability, which is very similar to the style of Bofeng Shuimen.

Although the current Haruno Xiao has also mastered a little of the Flying Thunder God's fur, he still seems a little reluctant to use it in actual combat, but his super speed is still very fast...

This is actually more similar to the legendary White Fang!

Be ruthless! Never drag mud and water....

For Haruno Xiao, the figure of the other party stopping to seal is just a wooden stake, waiting to be cut by him!

So with only a snatched long knife, Haruno laughed and slashed all these black-clothed men who surrounded him.

"Trouble you guys to come out and wash the floor! I won't accompany you..."


After waiting for Haruno Xiao's figure to disappear in place for a while, several black shadows appeared here one after another.

"The other party's strength is very strong, the sword art is definitely a master-level existence, we may not be able to solve him!"

"After all, his speed is too fast..."

"Go back and report to the lord!" We need to think of other ways, otherwise the sacrifice will be too great..." After

some exchanges, the man in black then covered up the tragic scene environment, and the bodies were recovered by them.

First, they don't want these corpses to expose too much information; Second, even corpses have their usefulness, and they cannot be wasted.

"What? So many people were actually killed by him?

"What's going on?" Hurry up and tell me in detail! "

A certain root base in Konoha, Shimura Danzo also looked incredulous after listening to the return of his subordinates. A careful medical ninja can kill so many well-trained ninjas at his roots, and if the other party has no secrets, there will be ghosts!


Then these root ninjas who came back first to report the information clearly told Shimura Danzo the whole story of the matter to Shimura Danzo in front of them, even what Haruno Xiao said.

"Hmph! It's hidden deep! "

Excellent perception! Superb teleportation! Lightning-fast knife skills... And the physical arts and illusions of a while ago..."

"Is there such a medical ninja?"

"Ape Fei, you still underestimate that kid! He's definitely a threat..." Shimura

Danzo had no affection for a Konoha ninja like Haruno who was not under his control. However, it was indeed unexpected that the other party had such strength, and he had to reconsider the method against that guy.

"Doesn't his family have a mother and daughter?"

"Let people arrange it, I'll surprise him again when the other party comes back..." Shimura

Danzo, who couldn't think of any other way for the time being, also thought of Fujimoto's mother and daughter who lived with Haruno Xiao at this time, and soon many thoughts filled his mind, knowing how to deal with that little ghost in the future.


When his subordinates heard this, they hurriedly answered, and then they wanted to arrange personnel to do things.

"Big Snake Pill, what's going on lately?"

"It seems that there are more and more small movements..." "

It seems that it is also a restless viper!"

"Then don't blame me..." After

watching his subordinates leave, Shimura Danzo suddenly touched his arm wrapped in bandages, and the tingling pain from it made him frown. This was something that the guy from the big snake pill handled, but the effect was unsatisfactory, and it didn't meet his expectations at all.

That's why he hopes to get a medical ninja as good as Haruno Laugho to do things for him, but he can't imagine that the kid doesn't put him in his eyes at all...

"It's all a scourge! Only I can lead Konoha to ultimate victory..."

In the darkness, Shimura Danzo muttered.

The vicinity of Haruno Laughing House on the outskirts of Konoha Village became silent again at this time, and several figures surrounded this place in a flash.


As soon as the leader of the root members waved their hands, everyone was about to break into Haruno Xiao's home.

In broad daylight, only an organization like the Roots in Konoha would do such a thing with such brazenness.

"Oh! Coming in such a hurry? My essence has only not long left!

"What a trouble..."

This is the secret room under the house, Haruno Laugh's special doppelganger is sitting in the perception formation watching the ninjutsu scroll, so the appearance of the root member was immediately known to him.

As Haruno smiled to the magic formation on the other side, and then quickly pressed the seal to the ground, the next moment Ye Yue and Izumi appeared in the smoke.


"Huh! Laugh...... How could I be here? "

Brother Xiao?"

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