After seeing off Fujimoto's mother and daughter with a smile, Haruno Laugh's shadow doppelganger began to deal with the things of the underground research institute.

Most of his belongings were actually here, and fortunately there were enough storage scrolls here, so he quickly took care of everything, and then used teleportation ninjutsu to teleport away these precious things.

"It's time!"

Feeling that the sealing enchantment outside the secret room outside the realm had been touched, Haruno Xiao also knew that it would soon be discovered here, so he also decided to teach these people a profound lesson.

"Boom! Boom, boom..." The

next moment, Haruno Xiao's home was turned into ruins in a series of explosions, and all the root members inside died in the billowing smoke.

Because at the moment of the explosion, an enchantment rose around the house, trapping all the guys who wanted to escape inside, and the violent explosion and the high temperature generated caught them off guard.

"Boom..." The

violent explosion quickly attracted the attention of the Konoha Police Team, and a large number of personnel gathered here.

"Wow! Actually playing so much? "

Are these all dark parts?"

"Whose home is this?"


As the interior of the house was completely destroyed, the outer enchantment disappeared, so soon many ninjas who heard the movement came here in search of useful information.

"Captain, this is Haruno Xiao Shangnin's home! And some of the people who died here don't seem to be in the dark part! It's the roots..."

Uchiha Shisui was still serving in the Konoha Guard at this time, so he also came here, and after inspecting the corpses on the ground, he immediately came to a conclusion.


"Hmph! The top again does not know what bad things are doing?

"It's just that this time I met a hard stubble!"

"What about Haruno Laugher? Did he find his people? "

Uchiha Fugaku is also here at this time, after all, the movement here is too big.

"I haven't found the other party's figure for the time being!"

Seeing this, his subordinates immediately reported the situation to Fugaku.

"Inform Naruto-sama! It's hard for us to deal with this kind of thing..."

Shuishui couldn't help but be deeply worried when he looked at the large number of root member corpses that were moved out, and he didn't know how this matter would be dealt with in the end.

Haruno laughs this person, even he knows that medical ninjutsu is superb, his influence is very unusual, and he has good friends with many big clans!

The explosion here almost alarmed the whole of Konoha, so the ninjas who arrived began to gather more and more, and it seemed that they all came to see the excitement, and also to see if there was anything they needed to help with.

Everyone has a heart for gossip, doesn't they?

"Red! It was that Haruno Xiao's home that was bombed! Did you say you were being sought for revenge? "

Mitarashi Azuki is still a young girl at this time, and there is no demand for this famous Konoha technician at all, plus the master of Orochimaru has not defected for the time being, so she is proud of Haruno Xiao, who has become a special ninja with medical ninjutsu, but she is a little blind.

"Don't talk nonsense, we just need to exercise restraint and silence until things are determined! I believe that the village will handle this matter..." Xi

Rihong looked at the house that was blown into ruins and couldn't help but shake her head to interrupt her girlfriend's nonsense, but looking at the corpses of those root soldiers, she also knew that something might happen this time.

It's a pity!

The other party is also a good illusion ninja!

Yuri Hong, who had communicated with Haruno Xiao, was deeply worried about this, and felt that the other party might really be worse this time.

After all, with so many people dead, the village will definitely not give up.

"Hah! So many people died here! Haruno laughed, that guy will definitely be condemned as a traitor

this time..." Mitarai Red Bean also spoke everyone's heart at this time.

Just as everyone came here and began to point at the explosive ruins, the Konoha Hokage Building F4 had already gathered at this time to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"Danzo! What's going on? How did this happen? "

Of course, Sarutobi Hinata, who is Hokage, was the first to learn about the bombing of Haruno Laughing House, and he also knew that a large number of root members died inside.

Tuanzang's people are dead, he doesn't care at all, anyway, it's not his people, they are all tool people who can be abandoned at any time, but the subsequent impact makes him very headache!

Because things had spread out, many Konoha ninjas knew about the explosion.

The medical director of Konoha Hospital was blown up! It's a big or small thing!

"What else is there to say?"

"Let's make Haruno laugh a traitor!"

"He actually laid such a trap in his house and killed so many of my subordinates!"


Shimura Danzo was also very annoyed at this time, after all, he also suffered heavy losses this time, but the people did not catch it, and the original plan was a complete failure.

How many times is this?

Why doesn't things seem to be going well lately?

"Ahem... You, you really can't make sense! "

Sarutobi Richo was also infuriated by Tuanzo's disapproval, if he wanted to define Haruno Xiao as a rebellion, did he need the other party to explain?

The person just took the task and was going out to perform, and when he turned around, he was stolen by someone, which has to let others think of him, the third-generation Hokage.

Doesn't he want face?

Sarutobi Hinata believes that the Konoha clan may have been rumored at this time, and Haruno laughs in the middle of the sky and has friendships with many ninjas. He was afraid that those big clans would take the opportunity to think of him, especially the Hyuga clan, and the contradictions between the two sides had not yet subsided!

I have to guard against it!

"Richop, it's caused by spies!"

"Let's just say that Konoha's dark department hunted down the outer village spy, and then it spread to Haruno Xiao's house..."

Mito Menyan pushed his eyes and slowly said a solution that was not a solution.

He knew that Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so he habitually thought of a way to make peace with the mud.

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