I really can't imagine it!

The roots are so arrogant, they dare to do this in the broad daylight! And Sarutobi didn't even stop Shimura Danzo's dirty work, it seems that the two have already reached an agreement in cahoots.

Konoha may really not be able to go back!

"Laugh, what are we going to do later?"

When Fujimoto Hazuki heard this, he immediately picked up a few scrolls from the ground and tied them with the steel wire in the blade bag, and then carried them on his back or hanging on his body, trying to help Haruno Xiao reduce his burden. Finally, she looked at the man who was still comforting his daughter and asked the other party about the future.

"Let's go! Don't do this task!

"I'll take you to a place first!"

Haruno Xiao had already thought of a way out, so even in the face of such a situation, he still seemed very calm. It is also this indifference that makes Fujimoto's mother and daughter feel a lot more at ease, and they are no longer confused about the future.


After calming the mother and daughter of Izumi and Hazuki, Haruno Xiao also dealt with the traces and aura around them, and then used teleportation again to take them and disappear in place.

"Welcome to my back garden!"

The next moment, Haruno Xiao led the two to a high mountain platform, with a large area of buildings below, and a bridge connecting the two mountains could be seen in the distance.

In a remote mountain near Tanokuni and Frost Country, there is a peaceful and peaceful village, Fuzi Village.

"This is my village, Fuzi Village!"

"You'll live here from now on!"

Haruno laughed and said something unusual in plain words.

"Ah! Your village?

Fujimoto Hazuki still remained calm, in short, she had absolute trust in the words of the man in front of her, since the other party said that this was his village, then this was definitely the other party's territory. And the young Fujimoto Izumi still looked like he was fussing, and seemed to be stunned by such a fact.

His own laughing brother turned out to be the head of a village here!

Is she in illusion?

There are so many things that happened tonight, and Little Lori couldn't react for a while.


Just when Fujimoto Izumi was surprised, their movements also attracted the attention of the ninja defending Fuzi Village. When it was discovered that it was Haruno Xiao, the female ninjas who arrived quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Oh! It's you guys! How are you doing? There are no major problems in the village, right?

Haruno smiled when he saw his subordinates and couldn't help but smile and greet them, his attitude was very easygoing, making people unconsciously close.

"Report leader, with the care of our twelve guardians, everything is fine in the village!"

The short-haired female ninja led by Tsuneha raised her head with an excited look and replied loudly, seemingly respecting Haruno Xiao very much, and there was a faint admiration in her eyes. Of course, not only Tokiha, but also other female ninjas' eyes were very fiery when they looked at Haruno with a smile.

"Huh... That's good! Let's all get up!

"Go! I'll show you around our Fuzi Village..."

"This is a ninja's paradise!"


Then Haruno Xiao asked his subordinates to take the scrolls from Sister Ye Yue, and then took them to visit Fuzi Village, a peach orchard nestled deep in the mountains.

It is located on two large and one small mountains, each with a village, and a huge wooden bridge in the middle of the two mountains.

The original Fuzi village was a daughter country, and the entire village was only women and female ninja, and there were few men.

This is the village where the first generation of the leader of the village continued to take in the poor homeless women in the turbulent ninja world, and then slowly developed.

So the female villagers and female ninjas of the entire Fuzi Village have a strong sense of belonging to the village!

At the same time, there is also a rule that the village leader needs to defeat the strong and let the strong into the rich, so as to increase the reputation of the village and breed a stronger next generation of bloodlines.

When he was young, he secretly infiltrated this mysterious Fuzi village, and was discovered by the previous leader of Fuzi Village.

Subsequently, the two men fought a battle with marriage as a bet. As a result, the two of them were almost indistinguishable under Jiraiya's water.

So they made an agreement that the battle would be completed by their own disciples. That is to say, the fate of gambling marriage will fall to the disciples of two people.

However, all this came with Haruno Xiao, and then defeated Fu Ziyu, the previous leader of Fuzi Village, who had also made an agreement with Zilai, and took full control of the entire Fuzi Village.

In his opinion, such regulations in Fuzi Village are a bit unreasonable! Because it is too inhumane for only the chief to recruit a son-in-law to marry, after all, other women are in need, how can they be left alone for life?

Therefore, after Haruno Xiao, who was prepared, overwhelmed all the female ninjas in Fuzi Village to become the leader, the first decision was to abolish this rule, and then opened the right of female villagers to marry female ninjas.

It is because of this that Haruno Laugh has also won the support of most female villagers and female ninjas. As for the old stubborns who were still not convinced, he directly compromised with the threat of expulsion from the village.

However, although Fuzi Village is now haunted by many men, the women here still maintain the tradition of recruiting sons.

They can't look at it without some skills!

In this regard, Haruno Xiao can only let it go, hoping that time can slowly change all this.

After all, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, can you?

"Ah! It's the chief!

"yes! The boss is back! So handsome..."

"Chief! Chieftain...... Check me out here! I'm Kuroko..."


Haruno laughs that the leader's status and prestige in Fuzi Village are still very high, coupled with his handsome and charming appearance and strong strength, he is definitely the dream lover of many women here.

In fact, the women here know that there is no hope for Haruno to laugh, the leader of Fuzi Village, to become a son-in-law! But they really don't mind marrying each other together....

Because it was the man in front of him who changed everything here! Let their originally lonely hearts also give birth to a strange hope!

He is fire and light, directing Fuzi Village into a brighter new era....

For this man, most of the women in Fuzi Village are willing to give their lives!

"Haha... Hello everyone!

Haruno Xiao took Fujimoto's mother and daughter shopping while waving hello to the villagers here and the female ninja he met. His easy-going attitude and handsome manners made the women present more and more fanatical, just like those fans who chase stars!

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