"Uh... I'll do my best!

"But this also has to find the other party's traces!"

"Hey! I already knew that I had asked the other party to sign the psychic scroll of the Toad family, and now it is not easy

to find the other party..." "I also know how difficult it is to find a superior ninja who is bent on hiding, especially since the other party is also an excellent medical ninja, and there are many flowers to hide his whereabouts!

Otherwise, Tsunade would not have been able to easily escape the hunt again and again after being in debt, and then go gambling somewhere else.

On the one hand, because she is indeed a big fat sheep, other casinos will not refuse her; On the other hand, the other party's disguise ability is excellent and can deceive the vast majority of people.

"Hey! Just do your best to find it in the village! "

I guess the other party should still be in

Konoha Village..." said Sarutobi as he looked out the window at the scenery of Konoha Village and said a little sadly.


"Since the dark department can't be found for three days, it stands to reason that the other party has already left Konoha Village..."

Jiraiya touched his chin, feeling a little surprised by his teacher's words.

"This is how I feel!"

"The other party appeared in the Konoha Cemetery three days ago, and it should be to worship the ancestors. And he has the ability to easily defeat Kakashi without harming the other Konoha villagers, so he should still have expectations for Konoha

..." "So I guess he is hiding in the village and secretly observing our actions in order to determine his attitude towards Konoha in the future..."

There is also a reason why the Miyome didn't move Haruno Akira's family, and he didn't actually want to make things unmanageable.

Many of the ninjas who were injured by Orochimaru the other day died because they didn't get timely treatment...

And after the news of Haruno's laughter spread, the atmosphere of Konoha Hospital also seemed very wrong, and many medical ninjas were passively sabotaged, which made many patients complain, and some complained to the Naruto office.

You can imagine how much pressure there is on Xiaochun's side!

It was only after the loss that Sarutobi Slashed him that Haruno laughed, the first technician of Konoha, was so important in Konoha Village...

I can't regret it!

Why did he believe Tuanzang's nonsense so easily at that time?

"Ah! All right! I try to find it, but if the other party really wants to hide, I don't really have much to do..." I couldn't

imagine that there was such a complicated thing in this, but it seems that Haruno Xiao still has a chance to redeem it, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

Having lost the Great Snake Pill before, Haruno laughed that they must not give up in Konoha Village!

"Liar! You're not the master my father helped me find at all..."

"Who the hell are you?"

On the other side, Kurama Yakumo finally found himself being tricked by the man in front of him after knocking on his father's side, and couldn't help but come to Xingshi to ask about the crime.

"Haha... Then didn't your father tell you that I am powerful? He's no match for me!

Haruno Xiao liked the little Yakumo in front of him very much, so he took the other party in his arms in a flash, and then touched his head again.

"Oops! My hairstyle... Nasty!

"Let go! Let's let go!

Yakumo didn't actually refuse each other's closeness too much, but no one had ever smiled at her like Haruno, so there was still a bit of freshness, but she couldn't say it as she was arrogant.

"Haha... Unless you promise to be my apprentice, I won't let it go!"

Haruno smiled at seeing that the child was so cute, so he also wanted to tease each other.

"You're in this way... I...... I'm going to call Father! "

Little Yakumo, who can't escape the clutches of the devil, had to release a child's trick - call the parents!

"Please let go of my daughter!"

It's just that before Xiao Yakumo could call out to his father, the Kurama patriarch came to them first, and then smiled helplessly at Haruno and said.

"Hey! Kurama Patriarch, I want to take Ko Yakumo as an apprentice, what do you think?

Haruno smiled and gently let go of the struggling bear child, and then smiled and asked the Kurama patriarch in front of him.


When Xiao Yakumo heard this, she also stared at her father beside her with big round eyes, and she also wanted to know how the other party would answer.

Does the other party really want to become their own master?

"Hmm... Since Mr. Laughter has this idea, of course I am very willing..." After

struggling for a while, the Kurama patriarch finally agreed. However, this also means that his Kurama family may also be tied to each other in the future, and follow the man in front of him all the way to the dark. I hope the other party really has the ability to change the fate of the Kurama family!

"Ah! He really became my master!

"Is he really stronger than your father?"

Xiao Yakumo couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard this, her face was incredulous, and at the same time she looked at her father with skeptical eyes.

The mighty and invincible figure of his father before seemed to be a little shattered.

"Yakumo, you can't be rude! It is your honor to be able to learn from Mr. Xiao!

"You can be obedient in the future, and then learn ninjutsu according to Mr. Laughter's instructions..." The

Kurama patriarch couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw his daughter's inquiring gaze, but in the end, he still taught himself a lesson with a straight face.

The man in front of them was too important to their Kurama clan, and Yakumo's worship of the other party was also a bond, making the relationship between the two sides closer.

As for the fact that the other party is a Konoha rebel... Isn't it not announced yet?

Even if it is really a foregone conclusion in the future, and the other party becomes a rebel, this is only a small matter compared to the future of his own clan.

"Ah! Be...... Father..."

Xiao Yakumo looked at his father's suddenly serious and unfamiliar face, and then turned his head to look at Haruno Xiao, who was smiling, and finally could only choose to give in.

"Haha... Don't be unhappy! This is my gift to you..."

"It's not only beautiful, it can also make you healthier and stronger!"

Successfully accepted a little guy with good potential as an apprentice, Haruno Xiao was also very happy. So he took out an emerald necklace that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Xiao Yakumo as his gift.

This is the same necklace that Princess Hinata of the Hyuga clan next door received on her birthday!

"Yakumo, take it quickly! Then thank you master..." The

Kurama patriarch was obviously also a person who saw goods, and he had already heard that Haruno Xiao had given a precious necklace to the Hyuga clan.

That magical effect is actually the most suitable for their Kurama clan, but unfortunately the Hinata clan is not short of money at all, so they did not choose to sell it to them!

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