If you weren't extremely dissatisfied with the current situation in Konoha, you wouldn't be able to say something like that!

My own teacher is still old!

He let Konoha Village decay with it....

That's why Tsunade left, and Orochimaru didn't want to stay here any longer! Even himself....

Ay! What is going on!

"Haha... The so-called people do not offend me, I do not offend!

"You still expect Konoha Village not to offend me again!" Otherwise, I wouldn't have tied my hands... Even if it's self-made, you can't! For

Jiraiya's threat, Haruno smiled at all.

Who wouldn't?

If he really fights, he is really not afraid of Zilaiye, who already has a kaleidoscope at this time, and even has the confidence to defeat the other party.

Even if it can't be defeated in the end....

With teleportation, he can also leave calmly!

Saying that, Haruno smiled and disappeared in place, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Is this a physical instantaneous?

This exaggerated speed also shocked Ji Lai, it was the first time he had seen such a perverted speed!

"What a smelly brat..."

"But his speed is so fast, it's hard to see with the naked eye!" No wonder it's so arrogant..."

"Then let him fight with the teacher and them first!" I must make Konoha, the rotten windmill, turn again..."

"Naruto... Alas...... I'm coming! "

Zi Lai Ye no longer wants to mix with his teacher's bullshit at this time, he just wants to take care of Watergate and Jiu Xinnai's children now.

The next moment, he also used the teleportation technique to disappear in place, making Ape Flying Sun Slash, who was watching this scene in the Hokage's office, feel that something was wrong.

"Oops! What exactly did they say?

"But why didn't he let the other party leave without making a move?"

The technique of telescopic can only observe images near the targets that have marked Chakra, but it cannot transmit sound.

Originally, Sarutobi still wanted to understand the content of the communication between the two sides based on his lips, but because Haruno Xiao spoke too quickly, he couldn't understand all the content for a while.

But they must have mentioned themselves and Danzo, as well as Naruto...

That's bad!

He originally wanted to let his apprentice test Haruno Xiao to see if he could pull the other party back into Konoha's camp, but he didn't want his apprentice to seem to be persuaded in turn!

Damn it!

Just when Sarutobi was slashing his head and wondering how to deal with his apprentice Jiraiya next, Haruno Xiao had already used teleportation techniques to return to Fuzi Village.


As soon as Haruno Xiao appeared on the teleportation array above the mountain, he was thrown into his arms by Haruno Sakura, who suddenly saw him.

"Sakura! "

Brother is here!"

Touching Little Niko's pink hair, Haruno Xiao seemed to feel the panic and helplessness of the other party. Leaving the familiar Konoha Village for a while, and then coming to this unfamiliar environment, obviously made this little girl who was only four years old a little unacceptable.

"Why did we leave Konoha Village? Ino and I have already made an appointment to go picking flowers together tomorrow!

"Can I still go to my appointment tomorrow?"

The innocent Sakura was still thinking about the agreement with her friend and wanted to continue the appointment, apparently not understanding the current situation of their family.

Haruno smiled and looked at the uncle and aunt here helplessly, the two of them had just been coquettish and sold by their daughter.

The content is that Sakura wants to go back to Konoha Village to play with her children.

But how can the couple afford to bring their daughter back to Konoha Village now? Even if you have this ability, you don't dare to go back!

Aren't you afraid of being kidnapped and used to threaten Haruno Laugh?

"Sakura... If you want to go back, I can take you to meet your friends tomorrow and say goodbye to them..."

"Because you won't be able to live in Konoha anymore!"

"We're moving somewhere else,"

Haruno laughed, crouching down to look at Sakura, then gently explaining while gently stroking her hair.

"Ah! Uproot! Why? "

Didn't we always live well in Konoha?" Why move away?

Haruno Sakura couldn't help but look incredulous when she heard this, and then turned her head to look at her parents.

"Because we have better options! The outside world is actually not bad..."

"And your father and my uncle are going to be the big boss!" From now on, you will be the little princess of our family..."

"You can have money to buy a lot of candy!" Many dolls! You can buy whatever you like!

Haruno Xiao didn't have many ways to deal with children, and in order for her young mind not to be hurt too much, he could only find a way to distract the little Niko in front of him.

"Really?! Don't lie to me? "

Sure enough! The way to deal with children is actually very simple, as long as their material needs are met. After all, the law of true fragrance is the same in every world!


"Your family will have money in the future!" Buy whatever you want? "

What else can Haruno say now? You can only continue to appease each other, and then leave time to smooth everything out.

"Then can we buy Konoha Village?"

Haruno Sakura suddenly looked at her cousin innocently and asked a question that left the other party speechless.

"Hahahaha..." "


Haruno Zhao and Haruno Bud couldn't help but laugh when they heard this, and seemed to be amused by their daughter.

"Sakura! Although we have money, Konoha Village is not for sale! Even if we want to buy it, others won't sell it..."

Can't buy Konoha Village to you... But we can buy a candy house!

"At that time, you can take whatever candy you want!"

Of course, Haruno Konomura couldn't afford it, but he didn't want that place even if it was given to him. After all, it is a place that is destined to be troubled, and I don't know how many times it will be attacked?

It's not uncommon for entire villages to be razed to the ground or to blast out a big hole...

Does he dare to ask for it?

Rebuild again and again will be due to him!

Not counting the manpower and material resources....

Konoha Village is a sinkhole!

"Really?! Then buy a candy house! And the dollhouse! I'm going to share the candy and the doll with

Ino..." At this time, Sakura and Yamanaka Ino are good girlfriends who mix oil in honey, but they are not the-for-tat wrongdoers in the original play. Maybe their friendship has not been affected by the mysterious secretion of female hormones for the time being!

People in this world may have more relationships with body cells, so they are also abnormally precocious.

Talk about falling in love at a young age!

This is how Obito and Rin Nohara came over, forming a weird chase circle with Kakashi.

Originally, Sakura and Naruto Uzumaki would be like this in the future, and Nizhu came to a dead and alive chase....

But all this may change because of Haruno Laugh!

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