"Aha?! Could it be that the Smurfs who are famous throughout the ninja world are also your property!

"That wouldn't be true, would it?"

Haruno Zhao was suddenly discovered by his nephew, and he couldn't help but look embarrassed. However, he immediately exclaimed, because those Smurfs with special aphrodisiac effects were too expensive.

But even if it is expensive, this thing is very popular in Konoha Village, and it is often sold out!

Thinking that his nephew was a genius and was once the medical director of Konoha Hospital, the more Haruno thought about it, the more likely it was that that special blue pill was probably something that his nephew had made up.

"Haha... It's just gadgets! It's not worth mentioning..."

Haruno smiled modestly at his uncle, then admitted the fact.

In the past two or three years, since he successfully developed his own teleportation technique based on the Flying Thunder God Ninjutsu, he began to use the cover of the shadow avatar to travel around the ninja world.

Whether it is the land of wind full of yellow sand, the land of thunder full of mountains, the country of earth full of rocks, or the country of water far away Haruno Xiao, he has been to them all.

In these places, he not only saw the customs and people of various places, met all kinds of people, but also discovered many strange things, which made him very rewarding.

This does not!

When he came to Fuzi Village unexpectedly, he finally directly challenged the leader here, and then subdued the entire village, and finally took Fuzi Village into his pocket and turned it into his own back garden and private land....

"Uh... You're a genius! "

For his nephew's genius performance, Haruno Zhao has nothing to say at this time. In his opinion, a single Smurf is enough for a family to prosper.


With his foresight and outstanding skills, Haruno has opened different industries in many places.

After all, the development of the ninja world in entertainment at this time is still relatively backward, although there have been televisions and cinemas, but eating, drinking and gambling are still the mainstream pastime, and the nobles are living a luxurious life like drunken dreams and death.

Therefore, Haruno Xiao, who has excellent medical technology and certain scientific research capabilities, wants to earn their money is really simple, and the so-called Smurfs is one of his projects, and the benefits are very, very considerable.

"Uncle, you've passed the prize!"


medical industry and its related health care industries are treasures one by one, and they are still waiting for me to continue to develop!"

"We will become richer and richer in the future..."

Of course, Haruno Xiao did not choose to eat alone, and in most cases would find some local aristocratic celebrities to work with. After all, in his opinion, money is inexhaustible, and it is more important to generate wealth with anger.

In the early stage, if he wants to earn money safely, it is especially important to cooperate with others and then take the opportunity to develop his own network.

At the same time, if he wants to continue to expand his business territory, then it is extremely important to cultivate talents himself.

Mr. and Mrs. Haruno, who were his uncle and aunt, were one of the important pieces of the puzzle he had chosen to shine for his future business empire.


It seems that you are really rich!"

Hearing his nephew's reply, Haruno Zhao couldn't help but swallow his saliva. With a Smurf industry, he could imagine what a huge benefit it was.

However, the smelly boy in front of him is obviously not only one such treasure industry, it seems that this guy's business is very big!

Is what his nephew said before about making him the boss in the future true?

"Hey, hey... Keep a low profile..."

"I'm also a little fighter!" Compared with many old families, it's still not worth mentioning..."

"And strength is fundamental in the ninja world, otherwise no matter how much wealth we have, it will be the moon in the mirror!"

"So uncles and aunts! You should practice hard in the future!

"Although I can increase your upper limit of strength, I also need to work your own..."

Haruno Xiao did not attach too much importance to these wealth, and most of them used to take the opportunity to open a business when he saw the right opportunity when he traveled, so as to raise funds to meet his experimental needs. After all, many studies cost money, and many times there will be a situation of failure.

Using money in exchange for strength is his motivation for developing the industry so hard before, because if you don't have enough strength in the ninja world, then you probably won't be able to keep anything.

"Uh-huh... We will..."

Looking at his affectionate wife and lovely daughter beside him, Haruno nodded to his nephew in front of him with a serious expression.

From this moment on, their family was completely tied to Haruno Xiao's nephew!

Next, Ye Yue arranged the banquet very familiarly, and then Haruno Xiao and his uncle's family had a good meal to wash the dust for them.

The delicious food and comfortable environment also made the uncle's family completely relax and begin to accept this new environment.

The time came to midnight in the blink of an eye....


..." "Sister Ye Yue..." The

spacious room was still familiar with the recipe, or the familiar smell, and the air seemed to be filled with an ambiguous atmosphere. However, this time Haruno laughed and found that there was an uninvited guest outside his door!

Ay! Izumi this guy is young....

Why is it so naughty?

I secretly came with my mother....

Does this make it uncomfortable to work?

"Izumi, what are you doing outside?"

A little helplessly pushed open the door, Haruno smiled and found that Izumi was wearing a thin pajamas and a pillow standing outside his door like this.

This guy is a little fearless now! It was clearly intentional for him to find out....

"Izumi, why are you here?"

Seeing her daughter appear outside the door, Ye Yue couldn't help but look embarrassed, and involuntarily became rosy and ripe, her body trembled slightly, as if some big secret was discovered by her daughter.

"Hee-hee... I haven't practiced with Big Brother Xiao today!" Anyway, my mother is also cultivating here, so add me!" Let's learn together..." Izumi

walked in from outside the door with a smile on his pillow, and then quickly ran to his mother and sat down, looking like he wanted to study with each other.

Ooh! Even brought his own pillow, Kanizumi wants to spend the night here tonight!

Allah still moving....

"You kid..."

"I really can't help you!"

"Laugh, look at this..."

Didn't you say you wanted to assist her before?

Why is it suddenly making trouble now?

Looking at her daughter who hugged her arm coquettishly, Ye Yue didn't know what to say at this time.

So she couldn't help but look at Haruno at the door with a help-like look and smile, hoping that the other party could have some good way to separate her daughter.

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