Haruno Xiao examined the specific physical condition of the patient in front of him, while using his own medical skills to meticulously treat it, and explained it to the two people around him by the way. Suddenly, he also asked about Izumi's schooling.

"Nope! Yes! Izumi

was seriously watching Haruno in front of him at this time to treat his father's body, and quickly answered in a panic after hearing the other party's question.

"We were going to send her to ninja school next year..."

"As for Chakra's refining, my husband has already taught her before!"

Fujimoto Hazuki knew that her daughter was a little nervous, so he asked her on the side to find out the gaps.

"Very good!"

"Izumi, do you know your Chakra attributes?"

Haruno laughed while using healing techniques to deeply treat Fujimoto Kai, while talking to the little Lori Izumi beside him.

"Father said that there are three kinds of water, earth and fire!"

Fujimoto Izumi thought for a while, then looked at his father on the hospital bed, his eyes red and said his Chakra attributes.

There should be yin and yang attributes, plus water, earth and fire, this is the five attributes, it seems that this little nizi's qualifications are stronger than she imagined!

Haruno smiled in her heart and secretly sighed that she had found the treasure, and maintained a gentle smile on her face to admire her.

"Haha, it seems that our Quan is also a genius!"

Fujimoto Izumi was very happy when he heard this, and his face became red and very cute.

"Alright! At this stage, I will treat him conservatively, and after Fujimoto Kaizaka's body adapts, I will treat him for the next step.

Haruno smiled and withdrew his hand from Fujimoto Kai, and then smiled and explained to the Fujimoto mother and daughter beside him.

"Thank you so much for your help!"

"Thank you, Brother Haruno!"

When Fujimoto's mother and daughter heard this, they quickly bowed again to thank them.

Of course, Haruno Xiao can't keep a long time on Fujimoto Kai, a patient, there are other patients in this room waiting for him to treat! So he packed up his tools and walked to the next bed in the room, then suddenly turned around and offered a choice to Izumi behind him.

"Izumi, do you want to follow me now to experience the daily healing life of a medical ninja? Or do you want to stay here and take care of your father?

At this time, without waiting for Fujimoto Izumi to speak, her mother Fujimoto Hazuki next to her quickly made a choice for her.

"Izumi, I'll just take care of your father here. Hurry up and keep up with your own teacher!

"I know Mother!"

Then Fujimoto Izumi followed Haruno and began to observe his daily work in Konoha Hospital for the rest of the day.

Time came to evening in the blink of an eye, and Haruno Xiao ended his work at Konoha Hospital for the day. Walking tiredly in the corridor of the hospital, he suddenly asked Izumi beside him how he felt.

"How does it feel?"

Suddenly asked by Haruno laughing, Fujimoto Izumi was also stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, and then said his feelings.

"Hmm! I think Brother Haruno you worked hard today..."

"But it's also very powerful! One person has treated so many patients..."

"If only I had the ability to do something like you in the future!"

Haruno smiled when she heard this, and then gently stroked the other party's little head and encouraged her in a low voice.

"As long as you are willing to learn new knowledge, you can be as good as me in the future!"


Fujimoto Izumi nodded heavily at this moment, as if he was making up some kind of determination.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, a week passed, and the originally crowded Konoha Hospital became normal, and most of the patients inside could go home directly as long as they were not too seriously injured.

On this day, the three members of the Fujimoto family were visiting Haruno Xiao's house dressed in formal clothes, in order to thank Izumi for the other party's mentor and for the help he had given to their family before.

"Thank you so much!" X3

"You're welcome! This is my job, and I also receive money for these prosthetics..." At

this time, Fujimoto Kai had already equipped the simple prosthetic legs that Haruno Xiao had prepared for him, which could temporarily meet his normal life needs. However, because he has so many missing parts of his body, I am afraid that he can only retire and go home, and he can no longer be a ninja!

"Izumi, you must study well with Haruno Xiao-sama in the future!"

"Yes! Father..." Because

Haruno Laugh's application for special shinobi has been approved by Sarutobi Hinata, he has also successfully advanced to the special medical shinobi of Konoha Hidden Village, so much so that Fujimoto Kai, who was originally a Konoha Naka Shinobi, now honors him as an adult.

"Brother Hai, how do you feel about the prosthetic legs on your body?"

"Still adapting?"

"If you need to adjust, please contact me in time..."

Haruno Xiao is still quite concerned about Fujimoto Kai's physical condition, because during this time, he has obtained a lot of flesh and blood tissue from the other party under the pretext of treating and making paired prosthetics.

This is one of the few samples of flesh and blood of the Senju clan in Konoha Village now!

"Well, thank you really for your concern!"

"The craftsmanship of these prosthetics is very good, I use them properly!"

Fujimoto Kai also smiled and thanked Haruno with a grateful face when he heard this, after all, the other party only charged him a very low price, which did not reflect the value of these precious prosthetic limbs at all.

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