
The other snow ninja were also human spirits, and after hearing the words of their leader, they quickly followed and ran outside.

Leaving only a black armor in black armor, Feng Hua Futao accompanied his dead brother with a look of resentment, standing for a long time, and slowly his eyes became empty and godless.

Perhaps all the ferocity and violence is superficial....

At first, he just wanted a sum of money to continue developing his Chakra armor, and then revitalize the Snow Country....

But ah!

Sometimes things don't develop how you want them to go....

There seemed to be an invisible force behind this pushing him forward, and when he reacted, everything was irreparable!

Is it worth it?

Under the reflection of the surrounding firelight, the wind and the waves seemed to be alone at the moment, and the heart was empty...

"What people?"

In the empty room, suddenly there was a swaying shadow that was so conspicuous in the light of the fire.

Feng Hua Fu Tao also quickly discovered this uninvited guest, he quickly collected his mood and turned to look at the person, but found that it was a red-haired young man.

It should be a ninja!

"Gee... It's ruthless!

"Killed my brother, and now I don't even let go of my own niece, it's really a hero!"

Haruno was standing outside the door with a smile on his face at this time, seemingly not afraid of being discovered by the other party at all.

"Who the hell are you?"

Looking at this guy who suddenly appeared, Feng Hua Fu Tao felt a little bad, and couldn't help but secretly be vigilant.

Why was there no wind at all before?

What about the snow Shinobu outside?

Did they all follow the Wolf Tooth Avalanche to chase Kiki Kakashi and Koyuki?

"Me? It's a passing mask..."

"Ice Shield Black Dragon Blizzard!"

"Ah! You...... Don't talk about martial virtue!

Just as Haruno was about to introduce himself, the opposite wind and flower angry wave secretly launched ninjutsu, and a black snowstorm tornado was suddenly released from his hand.

This is the stunt of the wind and the waves, the black dragon blizzard, which gathers Chakra in his hand and bursts out a black dragon formed by snow, frost, etc., which is fast and very powerful.

If it weren't for Haruno Xiao's agility and superhuman speed, he might really be successfully attacked by the other party.

In this regard, Haruno smiled and looked at his opponent in surprise....

"Haha... Don't talk about martial virtue?

"Are you a ninja? Or a samurai?

"Aren't ninjas unscrupulous?"

"As long as you can kill your opponent, what means can't you do?"

"Look at the move! Ice Dragon Blizzard! Seeing

that Chunye Xiao dodged his sneak attack, the wind and flower furious waves continued to seal rapidly, and the next moment, both hands simultaneously released a black dragon blizzard towards the other party to surround and kill.

"Boom, boom..." Facing

the attacking black dragon, Haruno Xiao did not mean to confront the other party, but continued to dodge the attack with extremely fast speed and flexible skills, so that the two black dragon attacks continued in vain.

"Oh! It seems that you are more suitable to be a ninja than me..."

"Or I will be the master, how about you be my subordinate?"

I saw Haruno laughing while talking and laughing, and quickly leaned over and rushed towards his opponent. Like a gust of wind, he narrowed the distance between the two sides in the blink of an eye, and while approaching, a water tooth blade condensed in his hand, and slammed into the brother killer in front of him.

"Kind of interesting!"

"But I have the Chakara armor..."

Haruno laughed's exaggerated speed surprised Feng Hua Fu Tao, and now it was obviously too late to dodge. But at this time, he still looked extremely indifferent, directly facing the spurt in the direction with his chest.

The next moment, a chakra defensive wall was built out of thin air around the windy body, like a shield, blocking the attacking Water Tooth Blade.


"Your armor can even neutralize Chakra!"

Seeing his water tooth blade being divided and dissipated by the shield generated by the gossip device on Feng Hua Futao's chest, Haruno Xiao was also surprised.

At the same time, he was also very enthusiastic about the other party's magical Chakra armor technique, and decided to learn it.

In the future, his handsome armor will rely on this technique! I believe that after his own brain hole transformation, the technology of this Chakra armor will definitely be stronger and cooler than before...

"Haha... There's a lot more you can't think of!

"Don't think you're a ninja just because it's amazing! In front of my Chakra armor, your struggles are only in vain..." After

successfully solving the stab of the water tooth blade, Feng Hua couldn't help but laugh arrogantly.

It's about to float!

I saw that his right hand swung forward vigorously, using the arm armor on his hand to hammer fiercely at the man in front of him, thinking that with the hardness of his arm armor, he only needed one blow, and he would definitely be able to knock the other party to the ground, and even break his head and bleed.

"Huh... Can't hit! You're too slow!

But he didn't want Haruno to smile slightly, just simply leaned over to avoid the angry swing of the wind and flowers, and then swept his legs violently, tripping the other party to the ground at once.


"What are you? Accept the facts!

Haruno stood up quickly, and regardless of the other party's surprise, raising his foot to the wind and waves below him was a heavy step.


There is no doubt that Haruno Xiao's kick was successful, and the fast and violent heavy step directly stepped on the other party into the floor, and then caused the ground on this floor to collapse.



Despite the protection of Chakra's armor, the wind and furious waves who were directly stepped on the next layer still felt a burst of tummy in his stomach, and blood unconsciously came out of his mouth.

He was actually directly injured by the other party's physical strength! It's really incredible....

This man is invincible!

Realizing that he was not an opponent, Fenghua Futao wanted to get up and escape, but Haruno Xiao would not let him go easily.

I saw a flash of cold light, and the two bitter wu's rays were shot out by Chunye Xiao, and they nailed a pair of palms that were furious to the ground with lightning speed.


Too fast! The speed of the other party is too fast!

Even if his Chakra armor defense is strong, even Chakra can offset it, but the other party is obviously an experienced powerhouse, and he has detected the weakness of his armor in a short time.

Now the opponent only uses physical skills, and does not hit his armor, but attacks his other exposed parts of the armor. Just a simple change of strategy restrained him to death....


"Ah! Yes! "

Feng Hua Futao is also a ruthless person, facing the moment of life and death, he forcibly endured the pain of his palm being penetrated, directly pulled his hands out of the bitter nothingness, and then ran outside without looking back.

He needs Yuki Shinobu's help! Otherwise, he would probably die at the hands of that man....

"Where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't work here!"

However, as soon as Feng Hua Fu Tao walked out of the room, Haruno Xiao had already blocked in front of him first!

This exaggerated speed made him sweat upside down....

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