So the wolf-tooth avalanche gave birth to a retreat.

After all, no matter how important the task is, no matter how important it is, it is not as important as its own little life, right?

When people die, then there is nothing!

Just think and do, in the surrounding steaming water mist, the wolf tooth avalanche quickly fled the scene.

Kakashi Kiki looked at the burning leaf warehouse who was slowly walking towards them, and immediately felt a lot of pressure.

Will he be able to win her?

Kakashi didn't notice at all that the wind flower Koyuki on his back was looking at Hakura who was walking majestically with adoring eyes.

That eye seems to be able to see the stars....

"Your choice?"

Hakura came to Kakashi Kiki, and then looked at the wind and snow moon who was looking at her intently, and she could see the adoration and longing in the little girl's gaze.


"I'm going to stay!"

Kakashi hadn't decided what to do yet, but the wind and snow on his back did.

"Ah! This..." Kakashi's

reaction made Kakashi feel a little embarrassed, but the other party, as the person he wanted to protect, was also half of his own client, and he only needed to confirm the safety of the other party.

And the burning Ye Cang in front of him really didn't seem to be hostile, otherwise the other party could directly attack him now!

After thinking about Ye Canghe's strength, as well as the powerful Phoenix Fire Burning Origin Ninjutsu just now and the other party's Burning Blood Succession Boundary, Kakashi finally made the most correct choice...

"Wind and snow can give it to you, but you need to keep her safe!"

In this regard, Ye Cang showed a kind smile to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"Haruno laughs!"

"Oh! Coming? It doesn't matter to you just now, right?

"Are you still not at ease when I do something?"

"Care about you..." Not

long after, Ye Cang's voice suddenly came from not far away, at this time, she was rushing back to the vicinity of the castle with the wind and flowers and light snow, and also saw Haruno Xiao calling Laifu... Oh! It's fighting the wind!

At this time, the wind and waves were holding a pig's head, and the armor on his body was also torn apart, looking extremely embarrassed.

Seeing Ye Cang appear, Haruno Xiao was not interested in continuing to play with the wind and flowers, and quickly used the Chakra knife in medical ninjutsu to cut a few times on the pig-headed man's body, and suddenly cut the tendons inside the opponent's body, making the other party completely lose the ability to resist.

At this time, the wind and the wind and anger knew that the other party was playing with him just now, and the feeling of holding back made him a little hateful and crazy.

But the only place where the loser of the coup d'état could move now was his head, and watching his niece appear, his mouth squirmed for a while, and finally he could only resign himself.

It's over....

What did they all get in the end?

Looking at the castle that was burning violently not far away, Feng Hua Fu Tao seemed to see the figure of his eldest brother Feng Hua Zaoxue swaying in the firelight, waving to him...

Heaven's way is good reincarnation, who does the sky spare ...


Fenghua Xiaoxue could no longer recognize his father-killing enemy Fenghua Futao at this time, after all, the other party's current pig's head appearance had greatly changed his image.

Maybe you don't even recognize it....

So Feng Hua Xiaoxue could only run towards the burning castle, as if he wanted to go in and see his father's side again.

"Little snow... "Your

father may only hope that his daughter can live well in the future..." Seeing

this, Ye Cang grabbed her in time, and then held the other party in his arms to comfort her.

"Huh... Light snow, is it?

"I'm your father's friend..."

"I've solved the problem with me, so you don't have to worry about the coup!"

"And your father doesn't want you to live in pain all the time... Govern the country well!

"From now on you will be the daimyo of this country!"

Haruno laughed and lied and opened his mouth, after all, the wind and snow could not survive to debunk him.

Kicking the wind and flowers under him, Haruno laughed and found that the other party was still stubborn and did not speak, it should be to admit the fact that the king was defeated.


"Big brother, big sister, thank you for your help..." Feng

Hua Xiaoxue heard the tears in her eyes, and with a sad face, she bowed to Haruno Xiao and the two of them bent down to thank them.

Little people seem to have grown up a lot at once!

Suddenly, Haruno looked at the house not far away with a smile, and Kakashi Kiki was crouching on the roof, looking at this side stunned.

"Long time no see! Kakashi..." "

Haruno laughs!"

The two stared at each other, and felt a lot for a while. But the next moment Kakashi felt that the squatting posture was a little bad, and immediately changed to standing up.

"Alright! I've got my business done, so I'll let you Konoha handle the follow-up!" Seeing

the performance of the other party's frightened bird, Haruno couldn't help but smile, and then carried the wind and flower angry that had lost the ability to resist and wanted to leave.

"Wait... Did you join the Sand Hidden Village? Seeing

that Ye Cang consciously left Kazehua Xiaoxue, and then followed Haruno Xiao's side, Kiki Kakashi couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Huh... Sand Hidden Village?

"It seems that Konoha's intelligence is still a little weaker!"

"Didn't you see that we didn't bring a brace?"

Haruno Xiao was a little unimpressed by Kakashi's misunderstanding, but it could also be seen that Sunahide Village was still hiding deeply enough about framing Hakura.

Maybe they don't know the specific state of Ye Cang at this time! And the matter of taking the initiative to frame the heroes of their own Shayin Village, these high-level officials were also embarrassed to break out.

After not seeing Ye Cang's appearance for such a long time, they all thought that the other party had been killed by the people of Wuyin Village.

It's just that Wuyin Village has always been inactive, and even backtracking makes them feel very angry and helpless...

Well...... In fact, Wuyin Village did not know the state of Ye Cang, only knew that he had died a group of people, and the scene also left a human-shaped mark surrounded by suffering and a lot of blood stains. So Wuyin can only guess who Ye Cang was saved by!


"You're all traitors?"

At this time, Kakashi Kiki noticed that neither Haruno Xiao nor Hakura were wearing ninja braces, so he couldn't help but exclaim.

Haruno laughed even if he didn't think that Ye Cang, who was in Shayin, would also be a rebel...

That's a bit informative!

"What do you say about forbearance? "It

seems that Konoha Village has not declared me a traitor so far, right?"

For Konoha's high-level dragging, Haruno smiled and obeyed. He originally thought that he would be wanted as a traitor, but he didn't want Konoha Village to not announce his betrayal until now!

"Uh... This..."

Kakashi Kiki was also speechless when he heard this.

Truly! Konoha Village really hasn't officially listed Haruno as a traitor, at least the people at the bottom and many civilian ninjas don't know much.

The Konoha high-level has already suppressed this matter temporarily, at least until the funds of the Fire Nation are allocated this year.

This is a very irresponsible thing for the people at the bottom and the ninja...

Fortunately, Haruno didn't mean to hurt them!

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