Chapter 55: Capture My Love Luo!


Chu Shinobi Examination Venue.

The last session of the Chūnin exam officially began.


The plan to attack Konoha conspired by Leete’s disguised Blue Dye and Orochimaru has also reached the final and most important stage.

And the real Litter, of course, was not idle.

Therefore, he excerpted the latest issue of the newspaper in advance and printed it.

Just like that, one captioned: “Shock! The fourth generation of Kazekage in the Land of Wind has been brutally assassinated, and the person who infiltrated Konoha in disguise as the fourth generation of Kazekage is actually him, what other terrible plans does he have for Konoha? Details…..”, the latest issue of the newspaper was printed.

After that, Lite will be distributed in the form of automatic sales.

This self-timing vending machine was accidentally selected by Li Te in the lottery, and it can be regarded as coming in handy at this time.

When the time comes, this issue of the newspaper will be alerted and put on sale.

And the content of this issue of the newspaper, he directly revealed that Orochimaru assassinated the fourth generation of Kazekage in advance, and then infiltrated Konoha disguised as the fourth generation of Kazekage, preparing to launch a plan to attack Konoha.

This news, naturally, is also to make his plan reach the highest point.

However, Litt has not yet released it.

Because the highlight at this time is still the Chūnin exam.

He thought, if it is released at the time of the Chūnin exam, what effect will the atmosphere achieve in advance?

It’s worth looking forward to.

That’s part of his plan, he’s done it beforehand.

And next, he had to prepare a condition that would make Konoha’s atmosphere even more terrifying.

Before the end of the Chūnin exam, he had to complete his new plan.

“It’s time to act!”

Li Te took out the slashing knife “Mirror Flower Water Moon” and activated his ability.

He left the newspaper office again disguised as a blue dye.

Immediately afterwards, he quietly came to the competition venue of the Chūnin Exam.

In the exam venue.

A teenager wearing a boy wearing a boy with long brown hair and tied into small bundles at the ends of his hair and green eyes with long brown hair tied into small bunches at the ends of his hair and green eyes is battling.

The two stood in the opposite battlefield, surrounded by everyone, very distinct.

From one person with short blonde hair and blue eyes; There are also cat’s beard-like textures on the cheeks and a person’s pure white eyes, and the white clothes of the robe make it easy to recognize the two.

One of these two is Naruto Uzumaki, an apprentice that Jiraiya has just received.

The other is the son of Hinata Hinata, a member of the Hyuga clan, and a genius figure Hinata Ninji.

After the referee’s announcement, the two were ready to officially start the battle.

At this time, Lan Ran vaguely saw Hinata Ninji, who had a very serious expression, make defensive moves.

Naruto, on the other hand, had a playful expression and activated his doppelganger to surround the latter.

Surrounded by people cheering them on.

“Come on! Come on! ”


The battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out.

In the sound of cheering, the battle between the two ignited in an instant.

However, Hinata Ninji was somehow slightly suppressed by Naruto, who had improved.

After that, indigo dye did not continue to watch.

While their attention was on the game, he quietly went to another place.

The Land of the Wind, the residence of the village of Sand Hide.

Inside the house.

A young man dressed in a red robe, green trousers, and gray armor on his chest and abdomen was closing his eyes in the room, while next to him were two men and a woman who were slightly older than him.

It is the future fifth-generation Kazekage of the Sand Shinobu Village in the Land of Wind, and it is also the I-Ai Luo who guards the crane pillar power of the Ichio people.

Next to him were his sisters, Kankuro and Temari.

The three of them came together to participate in this Zhongnin exam, and they were taking a break to prepare for the task.


Suddenly, my Ai Luo’s eyebrows moved, and my solemn eyes opened in vain.

Then he picked up the gourd next to him, stood up vigilantly, and his steps suddenly accelerated.


Walked to the window and said coldly: “Give me out.” ”

But no matter how he shouted, he found nothing, and he saw that there was no one around.


Suddenly, he saw a light in his eyes.

As soon as his pupils shrank, he found that he couldn’t move, and then he fell backwards.


Immediately after, with a bang, I Ai Luo fell unconscious on the ground for more than some reason.

“I love Luo, what happened?”

Temari and Kankuro, who had just heard my Airo’s cold drink, had already picked up their equipment.

Seeing the two people who fell to the ground for some reason, they immediately became vigilant.

The two with cold sweat on their foreheads tightly gripped the weapons in their hands.

Look around as far as you can.


Strange two, nothing in their eyes.

So the two let down their guard a little and wanted to see the fallen I-Ai Luo.


But at this moment, they found a trace of ordinary breath.

The two of them coldly asked at the same time: “Who?” ”

“Show up! Mare’s nest! ”

In the next moment, the slightly smiling voice of the mysterious man sounded in their ears like a ghost:

“You guys, see my knife?”

Then, in Aira and Temari, Kankuro noticed that a figure appeared beside them at an unknown time.

It was Li Te, disguised as a blue dye, who quietly appeared in the house.

Surprised, they immediately felt that their eyes were distorted.


With their eyes dazzled, Temari and Kankuro just showed shocked expressions.

He was already unconscious.

Lan Ran successfully launched a surprise attack on My Airo, hypnotizing the two of them.

Successfully kidnapped my Airo.

Then Lan Ran took Iroh with him and returned to the arena.

Ready to start his plan to raid Konoha.

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