Naruto's strongest cheating system

Chapter 544 Powerful Ninjutsu

Izumi, Gaara and the others came to a high place, and at this time, Kong Nin also reached the edge of Sand Hidden Village.

"Fire escape, Impatiens!"

After so many years, I exhibited Impatiens again. Even Quan himself was taken aback. All the fireballs were half a meter in size, and the number was more than one hundred. I am afraid that there is only such a terrifying Impatiens. able to release.

The Impatiens, like an anti-aircraft missile, directly attacked Kong Nin, and Kong Nin, who was about to launch an attack, never expected such an attack. Although Kong Nin can fly freely in the air, Quan's attack density is too high, so the poor Kong Nin all hit the fireball by himself.

"You're so strong, aren't you perverted?" Gaara looked embarrassed, Kong Nin made Sand Ninja burn out, but it seemed that he couldn't even block Quan's ninjutsu in front of Quan.

"Can I say that this is also the first time I've seen such an impatiens flower?" Quan was also a little helpless, after all, he rarely used low-level ninjutsu now.

Gaara shook his head helplessly. He thought he was strong enough to protect the entire Shayin Village, but compared with Izumi, he was still far behind.

Kong Nin's vanguard suffered heavy losses, but the follow-up large troops did not choose to retreat, but directly raised the altitude, and at high altitude, these Kong Nin have exceeded the limit that ninjutsu can attack, even Izumi There is a feeling of powerlessness.

"Spiritualism, reincarnation from the dirt!"

Two coffins appeared, the second Tsuchikage Mu and the third Tsuchikage Onogi appeared. The two were very dissatisfied with being summoned again and again, but what's the point of being dissatisfied? The strength of the two of them is not enough to get rid of the control of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, so now they can only obey orders honestly.

The two Tsuchikages flew into the sky at the same time, and then they used ninjutsu together.

"Dust escape, the art of stripping boundaries!"

"Dust escape, the art of stripping boundaries!"

The two Tukages cast Dust Dungeon to attack at the same time. The huge attack range instantly swallowed up a large number of Kong Nin.

It was supposed to be a big battle, but now it was easily countered by Izumi, which really exceeded all Sand Shinobi's expectations. At this moment, an explosion suddenly sounded, and Gaara immediately showed a little panic when he heard the explosion.


Hearing Gaara calling out the name of the sacrifice, Izumi and Hinata also understood that the sacrifice was under attack, so they hurriedly ran towards the Kazekage Building. As soon as the group arrived at the entrance of the Fengying Building, they saw five Kong Nin who were about to escape, and one of them was still carrying a sacrificial offering.

Seeing that his beloved wife was robbed and fell into a coma, Gaara would be willing to let these Kurenin go, so he immediately wanted to manipulate the sand to crush them all.

"Stop, if you dare to hurt us, I'll kill her immediately." A Kong Nin pinned Kunai to Ji's throat, Gaara was forced to stop attacking after seeing such a scene.

"Illusion, the technique of Nirvana Abode!" Quan's Sharingan spun at a high speed, and the technique of Nirvana Abode instantly made all Kong Ren fall into a coma.

Seeing this, Gaara hurried forward to check on the unconscious Matsuri.

"Let me take a look, I still know some medical ninjutsu."

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