"Matsuki! Come over to mom! Let mom give you a big hug!" The moment she saw Wuyue, Masaki Kurosaki revealed the brilliance of motherhood.

"Don't be like this, this old man is here." Wuyue waved her hand and said, "I don't want him to be jealous."

"Cut! Hug your own son, what's so jealous!" Kurosaki Masaki said with disdain. "And, does he dare?"

"Uh." Kurosaki twitched his lips, but he didn't dare to refute.

"Hmm? You seem to have something to say?" Kurosaki Masaki gave him a dangerous look.

"No, no~"." What could he do, in front of a strong lady, Kurosaki could only admit his counsel.

"Well, is this long-awaited power of death still comfortable to use?" Wuyue looked at her titular father. "It won't feel strange."

"It's normal." Kurosaki moved his muscles and said, "Well, I thought it would be uncomfortable."

"Ahaha, this is my technique." Urahara Kisuke didn't know when he appeared, and waved his fan, "You should trust me, Mr. Kurosaki."

"Hmph, are you a profiteer talking about integrity?" Kurosaki said with a whole-hearted look of disdain, "Your idea is a bit out of bounds."

He clearly meant a little warning. He was still a little unhappy about this guy putting his son into the Soul World as a gunman.

"This, you can't just blame me." Urahara shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Wuyue-kun, but it's also in it."

"Wizuki, told me about this." Kurosaki Masaki said with a smile. "Well, I said it before."

"You, you are covering up... Miss Kurosaki." Urahara Kisuke said helplessly. "Forget it, I admit the mistake this time. However, you should have noticed it. Kurosaki-kun, you have already interacted with them."

"Masquerade?" Kurosaki nodded. "It doesn't mean that they are already preparing for some kind of battle. They are also feeling the pressure."

"This is actually related to Wuyue-kun." Urahara Kisuke sighed and said, "This time, I won't take the blame."

"Wuyue, have you had contact with them?" Kurosaki looked at Wuyue in surprise.

"Hmm." Wuyue nodded and said seriously, "Actually, you should have noticed it too. Ichigo, the one in the body has awakened. If the people of the Masked Army are not allowed to contact him, the consequences may be very troublesome. ."

"Already, is this serious?" Kurosaki narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe it's more serious." Wu Yueyi pointed out. "That guy has gradually eroded his spiritual power. Even Ichigo didn't dare to use his abilities too much."

"Well, this is really pitiful." Urahara Kisuke looked up at the sky.

"Since Aizen has released such a broken face... it means that his experiment was successful." Wuyue smiled softly and said, "." In this case, I am afraid that there is also news from the soul of the dead. "

"We can't pin our hopes on them." Kurosaki sighed and said, "That's why you have to train Ichigo like this? As a brother, isn't this a bit bad?"

"It's because of my brother that I have to be stricter." Wuyue smiled and said, "He is the eldest son, and we will have to rely on him to protect this family in the future."

"God, what Wuyue-kun said is really sincere." Urahara Kisuke said maliciously.

"That's necessary." Wuyue glanced at him indifferently and said, "If everyone is like you, will the world soon be full of conspiracies and calculations?"

Money is good, "I didn't expect Wu Yue-kun not only to be very good at chasing girls, but also to speak such a philosophy." Urahara Kisuke retorted.

"Then I have to thank an old uncle like you." Wuyue didn't care at all, and chuckled, "The person you like doesn't dare to confess, so you have to cheap me. No, it should be said that it is useless even if you confess. Well. Yeichi-chan, but I have never had that kind of feeling for you. Hmm, that kind of feeling!"

hateful! This stinky bastard!

Urahara Kisuke, who was poked in pain, wanted to get angry. However, look at the Kurosaki family, all of them are present. Even if he gets angry, he will probably be suppressed in an instant. Therefore, he could only turn his head with a smile on his face, and pretend to leave in a dashing manner. .

Body 573 The ignored girl

The next day, early in the morning.

"Wuyue, Wuyue." A rather familiar voice rang in Wuyue's ear. "Get up quickly, or you'll be late for a while."

"Well, it's okay, Nilu." Even in a dazed state, Wuyue could still hear who was calling her. "I'll go to bed again, it's okay. There's still a lot of time before class."

"It's half past seven." Nilu frowned and sighed, "Orihime has already made breakfast. If you don't come down to eat, she might be sad."

"Why, it's just a little bit late." Wuyue obviously didn't believe this, but she still sat up slowly. "Okay, okay. There's no way to sleep like this." He opened the quilt and got out of bed.

"Hey, that's good." Nilu happily stepped forward and kissed his cheek. "Come on, go wash up first."

It doesn't take long to change clothes and wash up.

Soon, the neatly dressed Wuyue walked downstairs. Just as 770 he expected, Orihime and Nilu were already sitting at the dining table, watching him go downstairs with a smile. In addition to the two girls, there was a black cat who was drinking milk carefully.

"Morning, everyone." Wuyue stepped forward and gently stroked the black cat's smooth fur. "They said you don't have to wait for me, you eat first."

"It's alright." Orihime gathered the hair on her temples and smiled, "Anyway, I'm not very hungry."


However, just as she finished speaking. Her rumbling stomach hit her in the face instantly.

"No, it's not..." Orihime's cheeks instantly turned red, and she said loudly, "I, my..."

"Alright." Wuyue shook her head and said softly, "Let's eat first, we should go to class after eating."

"Yo, early." As always, when Wuyue, Nilu and Ori bjfg Ji walked into the school, they met Kurosaki Ichigo who also stepped into the school gate. "Your face doesn't seem very good. What happened?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Kurosaki Ichigo was startled for a while, then he waved his hand pretending to be indifferent. "Just a little thing. Compared to this, what happened to you last night?"

"You mean, the thing about being attacked by Daxu?" Wuyue asked bluntly, "Isn't this normal? There are always many guys who don't have long eyes. But I'm not like you. , I have no interest in this crap."

"Are you looking down on me?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"No, no, how could it be." Although she said so, Wuyue's expression had already betrayed herself. That's right, he just despised Kurosaki Ichigo's attitude towards taking those boring trash fish seriously.


Kurosaki Ichigo seemed quite annoyed at the attitude of his younger brother. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't handle him, he would have slapped him in the face long ago. However, considering the opponent's fighting power against the sky! I'm afraid, even if he enters the state of death, it is not enough for him to handle it.

In desperation, Ichigo Kurosaki had to hold back his breath and said, "Yesterday, I felt a few brand-new spiritual pressures on the southeast side. There is a Quincy, and there is also a **** of death... In the end, what's going on? "

"It's nothing." Wuyue sighed and said, "Those are not strange guys, and they won't pose any threat to you. Instead of thinking about this, it is better to think about the difficulties you are facing now. If If you just try to escape, something will happen to you sooner or later." After he finished speaking, he ignored his answer and walked directly into the teaching building.

This guy really didn't agree to the Masked Army so easily.

Shaking his head helplessly, Wuyue thought to herself. In this case, after all, it is not their own suffering. Why bother?

Of course, talk about it. Wuyue also knew very well that Kurosaki Ichigo was such a person. After going through so many things, the bond between him and the Soul Society is definitely not something that Hirako Mako's group can easily erase. However, if the current situation develops, it will be a matter of time before he contacts the Masked Legion.

Others may not be able to see clearly, but as Wuyue with super-strong spiritual pressure perception, it is clear at a glance. That guy Xubai has even gradually swallowed the power of the Quincy Master in Yihu's body, completely suppressing it.

In the next battle, if his mood is so unstable, he will easily be taken advantage of.

"This, he can only look at himself." Wuyue said secretly, but saw a girl with long black straight hair around the corner. The other party walked over with a book that was obviously an extracurricular reading in his hand. "Kurosaki-san, good morning."

"Kunizhi?" Wuyue recognized the girl's identity. It was Guozhiling, who had been in the same class with them since junior high school.

The girl looks very charming. At the age of sixteen, the physical development has been quite wonderful. Coupled with the elegant temperament she exudes, it is enough to make people feel fascinated.

However, even such a slim beauty. Wuyue was not very impressed with her, but in every exam list, she could see the third place in Wannian.

Of course, this is also because in the original work, there is basically no role for this girl. So Wuyue didn't have the slightest interest in her at all, but why did she suddenly come to find herself now? ! .

body 574 The advent of sin

"Kurosaki-kun is actually able to recognize me, which is beyond my expectations." Kunichi Ling smiled slightly, and said, "I thought that for a girl like me, Kurosaki-kun would not even remember her name."

"What is a girl like you?" Wuyue sighed and said, "Don't underestimate yourself, you are very cute."

"Really?" Kunichi Ling was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "I probably know why those girls have fantasies about Kurosaki-kun. Because you gave them fantasies yourself."

"Wow, it's a bit esoteric for you to say that, my friend." Wuyue shrugged helplessly and said. "Well, even if you're right. What did you come to me for?"

"I heard that Kurosaki-kun's Chinese is very good?" Kunichi Ling also showed a serious look~.

"Chinese?" Wuyue was startled and said, "Why, are you interested in Chinese recently?"

"Hmm." Guo Zhiling paused slightly, and slowly rolled her big eyes. "Recently, I'm reading a book in Chinese." He said, spreading the book in his hand.

The moment she saw the reading, Wuyue was stunned, and the corners of her mouth twitched. "Kunie-san, this book... how much do you have?"

"I have read it almost once." Kunizhiling said with a flat face, "It's just that there are some ancient Chinese idioms in it that I don't understand very well. So, I want to ask Kurosaki-kun for some advice."

"This is not good."

The corners of Wuyue's mouth twitched even more. It's not that he doesn't want to teach, the point is... this is really not easy to teach! Nima, it's so strange for a boy to explain jade futon to a girl! The most important thing is why there are so many ancient reading books of Chinese civilization, you just like the jade futon! Kunie-san, shouldn't you...

"Is there anything wrong?" Guo Zhiling tilted her head and said, "Could it be that Jun Wuyue has any prejudice against this book?"

"Prejudice is a ghost!" Wuyue sighed, "This is basically a h literature, although it can indeed be called literature! But in the end, it is h!"

"I didn't expect Kurosaki-kun to treat literature with a colored eye." Kunichi Ling sighed and said, "I'm sorry, it's my rudeness."

"What you said, I don't understand the meaning!" Wuyue's mouth twitched violently, said. "Forget it. If you really want to know, I can explain it to you. But..."

Before the words were finished, a familiar sound suddenly sounded.

Choose, dear host.

One, though, you're going to show me the purple fat under your skirt.

Two, however, you have to show me the purple hood under your uniform.

Oh, this girl likes purple underwear.

Thoughts flashed in Wuyue's mind. What a ghost... Ma Dan, it's this kind of mission that kills people and doesn't pay for it! If it goes on like this, one day I will be handcuffed and taken away by the police! you bastard!

Complaining weakly in her heart, Wuyue pretended to be calm and said, "However, you have to show me the purple fat time under your skirt."


Guo Zhiling looked at Wuyue blankly as if she was frightened.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the options, reward each cultivation base for ten years, and the dragon family's growth cycle is ten years."

Hearing the prompt sound in his head, Wu Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the frightened girl in front of her, she whispered "Sorry." Turning around, she was about to enter the classroom.

In his opinion, he has said such perverted words, and there should be no more intersection between the two. But what actually happened was beyond his expectations.


"Kurosaki-kun, it's still the same as it was a few years ago." Kunichi Ling gathered her hair and said softly, "I always say such misleading things."

"Uh. Guozhi classmate, seems to know me very well?" Wuyue's eyes flickered, and she said in amazement.

"I've observed Kurosaki-san for a long time." Kunichi Ling said with a smile, "Especially, after entering high school...you and your brother have changed a lot. You also have some mysterious powers you don't know about. I Said, right?"


Wuyue narrowed her eyes and looked at Guo Zhiling with a little surprise. This girl, what's the matter? There is no spiritual pressure and spiritual power on her body, but she can point out these differences? Could it be that she is hiding some secrets?

Just when Wuyue was about to speak and ask directly, a terrifying and majestic spiritual pressure suddenly rose from a distance. Immediately, there was another boom. A huge smoke screen spread out in the park in the distance, and the smoke and dust filled the sky.

"Here?" Wuyue frowned, as if not surprised. But Guo Zhiling, who was opposite him, was trembling all over, like a sieve of chaff. "So, what is that? That terrifyingly cold feeling..."

"This is our world, girl." Wuyue looked at her calmly, and said, "It's not something you can visit, so don't be so curious." Saying this, he looked out the classroom window. .

Kurosaki Ichigo, Chato Taito, and Inoue Orihime, who had already turned into a **** of death, quickly ran towards the scene of the incident. Wuyue herself nodded towards Nilu who was not far away and turned to leave. .

Body 575 Cruel and tyrannical

Kuza Town, Central Park.

At this time, there were many pedestrians walking in the whole park. Because it's morning, it's not time for class yet. Moreover, it is not very far from Kakuzacho No. 1 High School, so many young couples will meet here for a short warm-up before class.

However, just as everyone's friendship was getting stronger and the conversation was very happy, a huge explosion resounded in the center of the park.

"What, what's the situation?"

"Looks like something fell off."

"How is that possible? Could it be a meteorite?"

The blasting sound attracted countless crowds around, and the curious crowd gathered around in three circles. Immediately, they saw the huge hole in front of "Seven Eight Seven".

However, they apparently didn't see it. In the center of the void, two men dressed in strange clothes were standing there indifferently. These two men are tall and short. There are traces of bone masks on their faces, and they all have a deep hole in their waist, abdomen and neck.

Broken face! These two are exactly the broken faces of the complete body! Not only ordinary broken faces, they are also ten blades!

"Tsk tsk. In this world, when I was wearing a mask, I came here several times." The sturdy, broken face looked around and said with a smile, "However, it's really a boring place. It's thin, and it's a little hard for me to breathe."

"Don't complain, Toami." Another thin man had two dark green tear marks on his eyelids, which gave off an eerie feeling. "When I said I wanted to come by myself, you had to follow me."

"Yes, yes, it's me who is wrong with the head office." Yami sighed unhappily. Immediately, he turned his attention to those ordinary people.

Of course, these ordinary people obviously can't see these two guys. Just curious.

"What's the matter, there's nothing!"

"No, it obviously caused such a big movement."

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