Under the background of the blooming blood flowers, Dong Xian was going to stand coolly behind Ulquiorra in white clothes. He held a knife in his right hand and said lightly, "Your mission has been completed, Ulquiorra. Death will also be your end."

The arrogant, indifferent and also contains some kind of special charm words sounded faintly. Dongxian wants the whole person, giving people an unfathomable and profound feeling. Of course, without looking at the hemorrhoid stickers on his eyes. This feeling should be more perfect.

"You're really disgusting as usual, Dong Xian." Nilu looked at Dong Xian Yao coldly and said, "Sneak attack on unsuspecting people is really your style."

"This is righteousness." Dongxian said calmly, "In front of our righteousness, all the details are unimportant. Our road will be full of blood."

"You really have the face to say such a thing, Dongxian." At this time, a burly figure flashed over quickly and appeared in front of the two of them.

"Komamura." Hearing the voice, Toxian turned his face slowly.

"Miss broken face, let me help you." Komamura Zuozhen politely said to Nilu.

"Hmm..." After a moment of silence, Nilu suddenly blinked and opened her mouth. "Wang Wangwang?!"


Komamura Zuozhen was stunned, and the scene was very embarrassing.

"Ah, sorry." Nilu who reacted quickly said, "I can't help but feel sorry when I see your face. This Dongxian is your old friend. Then I won't bother you." He picked up Ulquiorra, who had fallen to one side, and ran away quickly.

Looking at the back of the other party's departure, Komamura Zuozhen breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his eyes to Tosenyao. "The situation at this time should be completely different from that time. I never thought of being attacked by your sword when I wanted to protect others. v." He was talking about the fact that the two teamed up to deal with Kenpachi.

"I know." Dongxian said lightly, "I know very well about the matter of fighting with you sooner or later. Then, let's not talk nonsense. I'm going." However, before he could move, a chain suddenly flew. Come over and entangle the blade that Dong Xian wants.

"I'm sorry, Captain Komamura." Hisagi Shuhei, panting, appeared in their field of vision. "Can you let me participate in this battle?"


There was another huge explosion in the air. Blood mixed with minced meat spread out in the sky. It was the huge eye monster that was kicked out by Jiu Nanbai.

"It was settled so easily, Fowler." Looking at the flesh and blood in the sky, Ichimaru Gin smiled and said, "That's Wanda Wise's favorite, what a pity."

Sure enough, just as his voice fell, the broken-faced boy named Wanda Wise let out an angry roar. At the same time, he opened his mouth, and a phantom flash shot out.


Before he could shoot out, Jiu Nanbai kicked him in the face and pierced it directly into the ground.

"It's an overwhelming disadvantage." Ichimaru Gin looked at all the broken faces, and Tosen Kaori who was pressed and beaten by Komamura Zuojin and Hisagi Shubing. "It's very troublesome, Captain Aizen."

"It doesn't matter." Aizen raised her head lightly and stepped out. "It's time to end it too. Grim Reaper, and the half-assed mask."

And at the moment when he made a move, the captains, vice-captains, and members of the Masked Corps who had already defeated the opponent gathered around.

"Aizen..." Toushiro tightened the hilt in his hand with a solemn expression on his face.

"Don't get close." Pingzi said in a deep voice, "With Aizen's ability, if you approach rashly, I'm afraid it will be over in an instant."

"Your words are really for the sake of your subordinates, Captain Hirako." Ai Ran showed a slight smile on his face, and said lightly, "If you approach rashly, you will be finished? This sentence makes people laugh. Or approach cautiously, or not at all. The result is the same."

"."Don't be tempted by him!" Pingzi said loudly.

"Bewitched?" Lan Ran's mouth twitched and said, "What I said is just the truth. That is the end of your future. Hey, what's there to be afraid of. On that night a hundred years ago, you were actually dead. already."

"Bastard!" This sentence obviously ignited the explosion in Hiyo, and he rushed up regardless.

But halfway through, a white silver light suddenly flashed out.


A blade withstood Yinguang's attack and pulled Hiyori back from the brink of death.

"It's really dangerous." Halibel resisted Ichimaru Gin's blade, and said softly, "If it wasn't for the order given by Zhao Ren, I am afraid that you will be finished."


Hiyori's body trembled violently, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

"When facing Aizen, you mustn't take it lightly." Hirako Mako also walked over slowly and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you very much, this broken-faced cutie. If you can, please pay me..."

"I refuse." Before the other party could finish speaking, Harribel had already decisively rejected it. "Rather than doing such a boring thing, let's think about how to deal with this guy. Lord Wuyue said, let's try to solve it ourselves."

"That guy is really giving people a problem." Pingzi sighed. "With our strength, is it really possible?".

Body 617 The Death of Dong Xian Yao

"But there's nothing we can do." With a sigh, Pingzi took two steps forward again. "We can only try before he shoots."

"Before he shot?" Lan Ran sneered and said, "Listen to what you mean, I really believe that the boy can solve me. Are you very confident in him?"

"Of course." Pingzi chuckled and said, "He's our leader. Well, but it's hard to understand for you who don't trust your companions."

"The so-called trust and dependence mean the same thing, and it is the behavior of the weak." Aizen said flatly, "I don't need that kind of thing."

"Haha, there are so many subordinates who can actually say such things." Pingzi raised his head and said, "You guy, you have said a lot of rhetoric to them."

"Exactly the opposite." Aizen's expression remained unchanged. "I've never said anything to make them believe me. Also, I often remind them not to trust anyone, including me. Sadly, there are not many strong people who can enforce this rule. All creatures will The 527 believes in leaders stronger than them. You can't live without blind obedience."

"So, in order to escape such pressure, those who are trusted have to seek out stronger people. Under such a cycle, there is a so-called king. You still don't believe me, Captain Hirako. But it's okay, I will tell you the facts, how to believe."

Looking at the situation on this side, Dong Xian Yao on the other side looked surprised. "I really didn't expect that Aizen-sama would actually stand on the front line. Since Aizen-sama has come forward, it means that I have to show my real strength to deal with you."

"Real strength?" Komaura Zuozhen raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it a solution?"

"Solution?" With a sneer, Dongxian wanted to say, "Don't laugh at people. It's just that level of understanding, how can it be considered the power bestowed by Master Aizen?" As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand to cover his cheek.


A tyrannical Reiatsu enveloped him, covering his entire being. Tosenyao, who was wearing a pure white mask, caught the eyes of Komamura and Hisagi Shuhei.

"East Immortal! You've actually fallen so far!" Komaura Zuozhen's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "You bastard..."

"Then, is that a blur?" Hisagi Xiubing asked in surprise, "Captain Dongxian's blur?"

"That's right, it's a blur." Before the words could fall, Toxian was about to suddenly flash in front of Hisagi Shuhei and slash down.


The blood spattered, and Hisagi Shuhei lost his gravity and fell to the ground.

"God's scourge!" Komamura Zuozhen also made a sudden move at this time, and directly started to solve it with a knife.

However, an attack of this level was obviously useless in the face of the virtualized Dongxian, and was directly dodged and kicked away.

"It's really strange." Dong Xian wanted to say indifferently, "You can treat the mask that can be blurred and that boy as your companions, why do you despise me?"

"Completely different!" Komamura Zuojin said indifferently, "Whether it's Kurosaki Ichigo or the masked people. It's not that you want to become virtual! And you, obviously have the power of death! You have the power to interpret, but It's still degenerate!" He said angrily, and he directly pulled out his bjda blade.

Swallow solution! The black rope scourges King Ming!

The huge black giant rose from the ground and slashed towards Dongxian with a knife. The terrifying knife gang escaped directly, and the tyrannical force even ripped open the air.


At this time, Dong Xian Yao suddenly let out a non-human roar. His arms skyrocketed, and he suddenly raised his hand, blocking the attack of King Ming of God's Condemnation. At the same time, his body has undergone drastic changes. From the original human form, it turned into a big fly-like appearance.

"Hehehe, this feeling!" Dongxian wanted to shout loudly, "Yes, that's the feeling! The feeling of evolution! I want to open my eyes, I can open them!" His eyes opened hard, It was obvious that the eyelids were shaking violently. But the end result is unbelievable.

The two hemorrhoid stickers were so firmly fixed between his eyes. No matter how hard he tried, the hemorrhoid sticker stood still.

"No! Why?! Damn! Damn guy! Kurosaki Nozuki!"


Just as he shouted, a blade suddenly flashed out from behind him, and the blade pressed against his throat.

"You're careless. Captain Toxian." Hisagi Shubing's hand slowly cut the wind death, and said lightly, "Because I was too excited, I blinded my perception. Let's stop there."


A muffled sound.

The blade cut open the mask on Dongxian's face, and the power of the virtual disappeared instantly, allowing Dongxian to return to the state of death again.

"East Immortal." Komaura Zuozhen stepped forward and seemed to want to say something. But a muffled sound was heard. Dongxian wanted the whole person to be turned into a pool of blood, which exploded in an instant. Not even a single piece of meat exists in the world.

"East Immortal!" Komaura Zuozhen let out a shrill roar. I only saw my friend, except for the two hemorrhoid stickers, there was nothing left. This made him extremely angry, and roared sternly, "Aizen! You bastard!"

"Hmph." In response, Aizen just smiled contemptuously, and turned her eyes to Hirako in front of her. "Why, aren't you going to attack? But you have to pay attention, Captain Hirako. You only have one chance."

Text 618 Powerful and terrifying!

"Give me a chance?" Hirako Mako sneered and said, "What are you kidding? Are you that kind of benevolent guy? I don't think so."

"You seem to have misunderstood something, Captain Hirako." Aizen pressed the handle of the knife with her right hand and said lightly, "I mean, give you a chance to die under my knife."

"Oh, did you finally draw the knife?" Hirako Mako grinned and said, "It's really leisurely. Are you afraid~? Aizen."


Aizen looked at each other so indifferently.

"Even if you ignore me, it's useless." Ping Zizhenzi put the blade on his chest and said, "No matter how strong you are, you will still feel uneasy, right. You said a hundred years ago that I don't want to treat you. Open up my heart and don't exchange any information with you. I don't want to approach you. So, you probably don't understand the ability of my Zanpakutō. Aizen. If you think that only your Kyoka Suizuki can control each other 100%, then wrong."

Fall down! Reverse stroke!

Buzzing, humming. It was as if countless bees were flying around his ears, but other than that, it seemed to be no different from usual.

It's just that the Zanpakutō in Hirako Mako's hands turned into a great sword with a ring. There are small circular holes on the blade, and the whole blade looks very strange.

"The appearance of your knife is really strange." Aizen commented very pertinently, "It's very interesting."

"It's great." Pingzi smiled and said, "But I won't lend it to you."

"A boring trick." Aizen shook his head and said, "I didn't feel any change. What you said about controlling nerves is true?"

"Don't you feel it?" Pingzi grinned and said, "It has already changed. Don't you smell a very fragrant smell?"


Aizen narrowed her eyes. Before he could speak, he heard Pingzi say again, "If you have to hold your breath now, it's too late. Welcome to the upside-down world."

Suddenly, Aizen's vision changed unexpectedly. The sky is down, the ground is up. Even the arrangement of the buildings is confusing.

"Find it. This is the power of the reverse blow." Hirako swung his blade and said, "It's like a trap in Tetris, it's very annoying. Well, but you don't have a chance to hate it. already."

"It's really interesting. Up and down, left and right. It's all upside down." As she spoke, Aizen suddenly drew a knife and looked behind her. "And before and after. Do you think I didn't find out?"


But in the next second, Aizen's eyes suddenly froze. A **** arrow flew out of his arm.

"Hmph, you don't seem to know." Pingzi snorted coldly and said, "Even if you can see your direction with the naked eye, but in action, it's the opposite. You can change your head, and in an instant Is it possible to make a correct reaction? It is impossible! The more experienced a person is, the more reflexive the body will be to fight!" After speaking, Hirako drew his sword again and charged forward.

However, this time, Aizen appeared behind him easily. He said very calmly, "What, it's just an illusion produced by the eyes. Compared with my power to control the facial features, you are really far behind. As long as you get used to it, it's nothing, this can only be regarded as a child's game, Hirako Mako. "


Blood splattered.

Behind Hirako Mako, a pool of blood burst out, and her figure became hunched.

"I don't understand." Aizen shook off the blood on the tip of the knife and said calmly, "Why do you want to be the **** of that young man. Because he is afraid of my power, he doesn't dare to confront me head-on. I'll let you guys test it out. And consumption, don't you understand? Hirako Mako?"


"You who don't believe in your companions, of course you would say that." Pingzi gritted his teeth and said, "You said he was afraid of you? This is simply impossible! He simply wants us to take revenge in our own way!"

"Oh, is that so?" Aizen seemed to be too lazy to argue, and raised the Zanpakutō in his hand. But before he could wave, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

The crescent moon is rushing!

Black crescents burst forth, and the terrifying spiritual pressure flow wrapped Aizen in it. Unexpectedly, a hexagonal transparent shield suddenly rose from behind Aizen. Stop all the slashes of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"We met again, young man in trouble." Aizen turned his head and looked at him lightly. "Your blow just now was very good. But the position is not right. The back of the neck is the biggest dead spot of the creature. Do you think I dare to participate in the battle without preparation?"

hateful! Too careless!

Kurosaki Ichigo felt a little annoyed in his heart. When the attack just now, it should be in a virtual form and then attack again.

"Let me guess what you are thinking." Aizen smiled slightly and said, "You think you have made a mistake, and you should attack again after blurring, right? Then you can try it, how naive you are. ."

With cold eyes, Kurosaki Ichigo instantly entered a state of blurring. A terrifying spiritual pressure rose up, and at the same time, layers of tyrannical spiritual pressure pillars were wrapped around his Zanpakutō. "The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"


The violent spiritual pressure flow rolled towards Aizen like a tide.

But in the face of this level of attack, Aizen raised his blade with ease, and easily divided the black crescent moon into two. .

Body 619 Full Attack

how is this possible…

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