Do you know what these petri dishes, big and small, are used for? Wuyue smiled brightly.

You know, turn off the guinea pig.

Although he knew Wuyue's purpose, it was clear that in the past few days in the laboratory, Tuyumen Yuanchun was already immune to the threat of Wuyue.

I originally thought that such words could give Tuyumen Yuanchun a warning atmosphere, but I didn't expect this guy to be so calm.

Wuyue was a little mad, and it seemed that he had to find a new way to give this mentally retarded who was not afraid of anything a huge warning that he did not dare to repeat it.

Thinking like this, Wu Yue's footsteps didn't stop either, passing straight past the daily laboratory, and the corners of his mouth evoked an imperceptible sneer.

The fool behind him is not only a mentally retarded actor but also a road idiot, and he must not have noticed any difference now.

Looking at the second laboratory in front of her, Wuyue couldn't hold back her inner excitement. Since Yuriko's departure, no guinea pig has enough ability to deal with the opening of this experiment.

Tsuchimikado, I wonder if you can see what kind of laboratory this is, meow! Learning the tone and voice of Tsuchimikado, Wuyue said, with the same narrow smile on her face as Tsuchimikado just now.

He didn't notice the path he was walking today, it was no different from before. Hearing Wuyue's voice, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun turned his eyes around.

If you look carefully, you will realize that this one is a little different from the previous place. Although the defense here is not so tight than the previous place, the surrounding walls are exuding an icy aura.

Moving his gaze to the center of the wall, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun stared at Wuyue with wide eyes.

It's a meow, with a huge bulletproof glass inlaid on the wall. Wuyue asks you to invite you to a meal and is reluctant to have a miser, but you throw all your money here.

For this foodie, Wuyue was very helpless, and he didn't know whether Tuyumen Yuanchun didn't want to recognize the current reality, or in his eyes, it was impossible for him to throw him in this place for experiments.

Although I don't know where the confidence comes from, I can only explain it myself.

Tsuchimikado-kun, don’t underestimate this fast-defense glass. This is the latest scientific and technological achievement of Academy City. Although it looks like ordinary bullet-proof glass, it is not only used to resist the attack of missiles, but also The full level is the attack of the lv5-level capable person, and this glass will still stand here perfectly.

He is so awesome! Tsuchimikado carefully thought that 263 was going to touch the very strong glass.

Of course, not only did all this not stop it, but instead, it pushed the boat forward.

Open the labs.

Unsurprisingly, Tuyumen Yuanchun walked in excitedly and wanted to take a good look.

Wuyue, why don't you come in. Like a geisha, Tsuchimikado Motoharu shouted hard at Wuyue.

I saw that Wuyue had lost her indifference at this time, watching Tuyumen Yuanchun smile happily, but she did not move her steps at all.

Meow, Tuyumen Yuanchun, seems to know what Wuyue is going to do.

Seeing Tuyumen Yuanchun anxiously trying to run out of it, Wuyue smiled even more pleased.


Just at the Tuyumen Yuanchun, who was only one step away from stepping out, the large glass door was closed mercilessly.

I'm a jerk, Wuyue, you are a little conscientious. It's a blessing that I trust you so much and tell you everything. I didn't expect you to really use Laozi as a guinea pig. Tsuchimikado Motoharu tapped and shouted without hesitation.

But how could Tsuchimikado Motoharu escape from the glass that can't be destroyed even by missiles.

Even the abuse of Wuyue could not be spread. .

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After struggling for a long time, Tuyumen Yuanchun was also extremely weak and collapsed on the ground without making a sound.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Wu Yue's face.

Based on his understanding of Tuyumen Yuanchun, I am afraid that he has long since scolded him, and how many people there are in their family.


Thinking that Wuyue was soft-hearted, Tu Yumen Yuanchun also quickly got up and found that not only did the door in front of him show no sign of opening, but the laboratory in front of him was still falling.

In this situation, Tuyumen Yuanchun suddenly realized that Wuyue was no longer the Wuyue he knew at the beginning.

Or to put it another way, it should be the Wuyue who owns the student status he knows, not the current laboratory owner Wuyue.

Looking at Yumen Yuanchun's terrified face at this time, Wuyue is indeed very comfortable. Let this mentally retarded challenge his limit all the time. This is the punishment for him at that time.

I saw the remote control in Wuyue's hand lightly press.

There was indeed a gap at the top of the laboratory where Tsuchimikado Motoharu was located.

Tsuchimikado-kun, may I ask you a question?

Wuyue was playing with a big heart, but at this time, Tuyumen Yuanchun had already lost that temperament, and he snorted coldly and turned his head away.

But this does not affect Wuyue's mood at this time, Wuyue is even more interesting to see the performance of Tuyumen Yuanchun at this time.

Tsuchimikado-kun, I wonder if as a multi-faceted spy, I have heard the name of one person, Accelerator.

After a pause, it was true that there was no response from Tuyumen Yuanchun, and Wuyue was indeed not discouraged at all.

To be honest, Accelerator, the most powerful person robbed by various laboratories, of course, why it came to my small laboratory is a long story.

But Tuyumen-kun, now he and I are indeed far from the fate of the two of you. We can actually be in the same laboratory and become experimental mice.

The only difference is these four weeks, oh sorry, wait a minute!

Wuyue looked at the flat wall around it and realized that the most crucial thing had not been turned on.

Ding, boom.

As the voice fell, there was a loud noise, and the surrounding walls were cracked with holes, and there were no accidental black barrels extending out of the holes.

Tuyumen Yuanchun looked at the machine that suddenly came out of the sky with a dissatisfied expression, and his face turned ashen.

It's really good. I didn't expect Wuyue-kun, who I thought of as a friend wholeheartedly, to treat me like this!

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke, but his voice had long since lost his usual momentum. Although he tried to maintain his composure, the trembling of the end sound still revealed the fear in his heart at this time.

Originally, I just wanted to rectify Tuyumen Yuanchun, but I didn't expect it, but at this time, I suddenly heard these words from Tuyumen Yuanchun, and Wuyue couldn't bear it anymore.

The moonless person of the third generation is naturally aware of the existence of true friends in this world, which is very precious. But the matter has developed to this point, I am afraid that it will stop now, and Tuyumen Yuanchun will not easily forgive himself.

I saw Wuyue restraining her inner urge to release Tuyumen Yuanchun at this time, and the button on her hand suddenly touched.

When Tuyumen Yuanchun heard the voice, he knew in his heart that he might not be able to be friends with Wuyue in the future, so he looked up and closed his eyes in despair.

Wuyue looked at Tsuchimikado Yuanchun's disappointed eyes, and also fully understood that if the experiment at this time was real, no matter how much changes it brought to Tsuchimikado Yuanchun's body, Can't make up for a broken heart.

Fortunately, I did not make such an impulse.


Hearing the voice, Tuyumen Yuanchun's body trembled subconsciously, but he didn't wait until the bullet crushed his body in pain.

Looking at Tuyumen Yuanchun with a pale face in front of him, Wuyue was also very anxious at this time.

Although all the temporary planning was due to the sudden participation of Tsuchimikado Motoharu, the current situation is whether he can see through this harmless joke.

Looking at the death-like silence in front of him, he opened his eyes, as if he hadn't recovered yet, his eyes were full of alienation.

Welcome to officially join the Talent Workshop!

He said lightly, with a slight temptation in his tone, for fear of Tuyumen Yuanchun's rejection.

The person in front of him only heard his own voice in a daze, as if he didn't believe everything in front of him, he blinked his eyes twice, and then there was a flash of light in those long and narrow eyes.

Wuyue's heart also fell to the ground at this time. Unexpectedly, the Tuyumen Yuanchun in front of him returned to his IQ and anxious appearance. He couldn't believe everything in front of him, and even slapped himself.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked at Tuyumen Yuanchun cautiously, and he was almost scared to pee. He had not yet come out of the cage, and he even dared to move. It seemed that the lesson this time was not profound enough.

Wuyue, don't try to fool me, if I become a guinea pig or a lonely ghost, I won't let you go.

It is clear that Tsuchimikado Motoharu has received the danger signal from Wuyue.

It's not a big deal, isn't it just to scare me, it's not true anyway! Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who had no self-consciousness to escape death, smiled and looked at the cake in front of him.

This is also what Wuyue did not expect, that this product actually came to the conclusion through this lesson. In the end is a mental retardation.

For this mental retardation, Wuyue is also very helpless.

Of course, all this is a different picture in the eyes of the police.

In front of the noodle restaurant, no intimidation really had much effect. For a foodie, it was only food that could shake it.

Wuyue looked at Yumen Yuanchun with a depressed look behind him, and it was still very durable.

After all, it is rare to see a smiling face from this mentally retarded face.

Do you really want to eat the ramen at that house?

Although it was a pleasure to eat last time, but after all, it was under the premise that Wuyue was a local tyrant after all.

And the direct consequence of eating it last time was that the chrysanthemum was in pain for two days.

Even for the sake of the man's face, he really couldn't bear the extreme pain for a second time.

All right.

Looking at Tuyumen Yuanchun's constipated expression, Wuyue couldn't say how happy she was, and it was enough torture today. Since this is the case, let him go, after all, it is not worth the loss if the body is damaged.

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun looked like he had been redeemed, and Wuyue wanted to laugh.

Just as the two turned to leave, they heard an earnest call from behind. .

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"Wuyue, Tuyumen Yuanchun, you two, don't run away."

After countless imaginings, the emperor finally paid off.

Kamijou Touma and the blue earring saw a familiar figure.

Hearing their voices, the two turned around very strangely. Although they hadn't seen each other for a few days, the words "don't run away" were extremely harsh.

Damn, Kamijou Touma and blue earrings are two second-hand catching thieves, and there is no month to criticize them. Expressed very helpless.

When I walked in and took a look, I found that the lips of the two were unusual q-bombs.

"What's the matter, the two of you think your lips are not **** enough, so you have gone for lip augmentation surgery." Tuyumen Yuanchun still had the same vicious tongue.

Obviously, after not seeing each other for a few days, Kamijou Touma and the blue earrings have not escaped the eyes of Tsuchimikado Yuanchun for the great change.

"What, Yueyong Xiaomeng is mad, it's because the two of you are out of stock, and skipping class will hurt both of us!" Blue Earring was indignant.

However, the swollen lips and the ambiguous pronunciation made Wuyue and Tsuchimikado Yuanchun smile even more happily.

"No Moon!" 113

The smile was officially happy, but I didn't expect that since there was a Misaka Mikoto in the middle of the way.

Wuyue is also a little wondering what is going on today, is it possible that this small noodle restaurant, they also have a better taste.

"Wuyue, where have you died these days, and I haven't seen you."

Because of the reason she ran over, Misaka Mikoto's voice was cut and breathed, which was even more cute.

I don't know if it's because of the speed of running, or because of Wuyue's staring eyes, at this time, her cheeks are pink and tender.

Seeing this scene, Wuyue is also very confused. After all, he also likes to have an agreement with himself and may become his girlfriend in the future, although it takes a little process to defeat himself.

The host is very happy to see how your heart feels.

Choose, dear host.

One, this coquettish voice, if it were placed under me, would be even more exciting.

Two, running so fast, I will feel distressed, come and see if Xiaomantou is up.

Three, do you miss me so soon? It's good that I didn't wear a big fat day today.

The grass-mud horse is galloping in his heart, has the system been upgraded, and now he will say the opening remarks according to his own mood.

But it's of no practical use.

When will we get to the moment when this **** system and rewards are separated.

"So soon, I missed me. It's good that I didn't wear a big fat day today."

Congratulations to the host for completing the quest, rewarding each cultivation base for ten years, the dragon family's growth cycle for ten years, and the gods walking plus ten.

Looking at Misaka Mikoto, Wuyue was already prepared and prepared to take precautions, but she didn't expect that she didn't wait for Zraz's voice.

"Do you like it?" Misaka Mikoto glanced secretly, full of shyness.

Like a thunderclap, Wuyue lost her life in an instant. She didn't expect that someone with such a violent temper as Misaka Mikoto would be able to have such a charming look with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes one day.

Since this is the situation now, Wuyue can only look at Misaka Mikoto, who is infinitely shy in front of her, and speak lightly. "like!"

In his heart, he was incomparably scolding this **** system, and most of the troubles were caused by this system.

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