The memory stick holding the Imagination Master Healing Audio Program tightly in his hand is finally considered to be a useful existence for the city of Academy City.

Only the girl in front of her slowly stimulated her powerful mental power, and her body was lightly vacated on the ground.

A faint smile appeared on Wu Yue's face.


At this moment, Wuyue gently embraced Lilyko's slender waist. At the same time, the fingers are heavy, oh that goes deep into the depths of the fantasy beast.


A muffled sound.

The fantasy beast seemed to have no support and quickly fell on the ground.

Yuriko's eyes quietly looked at the imaginary beast in front of her that was instantly disintegrated because of the lack of a moon.

It turns out that the person he has always wanted to protect is an existence that is far stronger than himself.

Yuriko's long-standing beliefs and goals so far seemed to fall apart in an instant.

He came back to his senses and stared at Wuyue's eyes tightly, but it seemed that everything was his one-man show from beginning to end.

"¨'Be careful!" Wuyue said in a panic, stopping Yuriko from leaving.

At the position where he was just now, the sword suddenly turned into ruins.

Yuriko quietly looked at Wuyue's profile of Li Lihao at this time, as if she had never known him clearly.

As if seeing Yuriko's question at this time, Wuyue carefully placed the **** the ground and said, "Since it is a beast derived from the fantasy hand, his body must have some inevitable connection with the brain crystal."

"I just saw through his disguise."

Yuriko's dazed scarlet eyes flashed complex emotions.

Is he taking care of his emotions now?

Even if she is a celebrity in various research laboratories, the feeling of being taken care of, can only be noticed in front of Wuyue, she is a girl, not a cold machine.


There was a loud noise in the sky. The disintegrated beasts of fantasy have been renewing and gathered together at this time, and the huge volume enveloped the entire area. .

Body 726 Disappearing

A gleam of light flashed in Lily's eyes.

The five fingers spread out, and all the objects on the ground were suspended in the air in an instant, turning extremely fast.

It is the ability of vector manipulation! Wuyue's pupils shrank.


"Leave this matter to me!" Wuyue said lightly.

"Ah!" Yuriko looked startled.

Apparently it's too late now.

I saw that the speed of the instant was moving towards the fantasy beast.


A muffled sound.

Yuriko's attack was actually blocked.

What appeared in front of me was an unexpected voice.

Is it early spring?

Wuyue looked at the changes in front of her indifferently.

The combination of the minds of 10,000 phantasmagoria users naturally includes early spring. Wuyue smiled self-deprecatingly.

Since the body is damaged in any way, Dou E can continue to regenerate, and it will continue to increase in value on the basis of the original.

So now there is only one way.

His eyes were fixed on the giant in front of him. The slightly squinted eyes seemed to see through everything.

Of course it is.

The imaginary beast and the huge figure that appeared in front of Wuyue's eyes were dismembered into countless small divisions, but at the core of these was an alien existence.

A small crystal-like thing is particularly obvious in that dark body.

Is this the "core" that controls this huge position, Wuyue thought to herself.

Controlling his own strength, Wuyue rushed forward with five fingers.

Although the body of the current fantasy beast is for ordinary people, even if it is attacked by Yuriko with the strongest attack ability, there is no possibility of breaking through the body.

Under such circumstances, there is no comparison for Wuyue, and the fantasy beasts without the slightest flaws have nowhere to hide under his eyes.

"Um, ah!"

The fantasy beast twists his body, trying to drive Wuyue out, who is not a part of his body.

The twist of this terrifying force rises in the corner of this city.

The surrounding roads are elevated, and the scattered cars are swallowed by this force, and there is no trace in an instant.

Yuriko staggered, and the pain in her eyes shrank.

However, it was at this time that Wuyue's figure slowly appeared behind the fantasy beast.

What he is holding in his hand is the crystalline nuclear energy of Phantasmagoria.

Clap la la la.

Suddenly, as if there was no kite pulled by the rope, it rose with the wind waste in the air.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle

Immediately, a crisp sound filled the air.


Imagining the huge shape of the beast, at this time, it seems that the balloon encounters a sharp object, and a huge hole is directly split in the chest.

While speeding up the flight, something seemed to be quietly dissipating.

"You bastard!" Yuriko rushed out from the side.


Wuyue's whole person seemed to have suffered a great impact, and the crystallization of the fantasy imperial guard in his hands unconsciously loosened, and a messy white hair appeared in his eyes.

At this time, the owner of the messy hair was buried in his chest.

Are you crying! Wuyue's body stood there in a daze, feeling the wetness on her chest. Although she never regarded Yuriko as an ice-cold machine, the current situation was obviously changing.

Wuyue stretched out her hands and slowly patted the back of the person in her arms.

He was trying to comfort him, but he heard a cheap voice in his mind.

Dear host, please make the following choices.

One, don't cry, the water blue fat times are not as moist as you are now, I really can't help but want to water.

Second, I didn't expect that the seemingly weightless airport still sticks tightly to the chest.

Third, who would have thought that the most powerful person in our Academy City was actually a fat little girl in aqua blue. caeg

me he! Some collapsed looking at this thin figure lying in his arms, after all, in this scene, it is too out of place to say such words.

But this is also the coercion of the system. I'm not a pervert. Wuyue is comforting herself silently in the crowd. Although her image has long been wiped out by this shameless system, Wuyue is still very good with only a little face left. cherished.

Shuirun, these words, Wuyue has an old blood stalk in my heart. I really don't know where this black-bellied system came to know. Such ambiguous words are for Yuriko, a little girl who wandered in the laboratory, even if Not and can understand, but he is very clear.

At the airport, Wuyue was also reminded by the system at this time, and quietly felt the softness that was tightly clinging to her. At this time, the outline that was not enough to hold a grip all felt this small softness on her chest.

Unlike the big one, which is full of oppression, the feeling of being absent at this time stimulates the senses of the body.

He moved his body silently, pulling away the soft distance in front of him.

Seeing that the bad guy didn't notice the slight difference, Wuyue let out a faint sigh of relief.

Looking at the girl in front of her who was gradually calming her excitement in her arms, she said coldly, "Who would have thought that the most powerful person in our Academy City is actually a fat little girl in aqua blue." He paused. Dun then said, "Don't cry, I will feel distressed."

Yuriko straightened up in an instant, her eyes fixed on Wuyue in front of her, and she was a little sullen because of the other party's molesting a second ago, but when she heard the next sentence, she couldn't hide the throbbing in her heart.

It exploded in my head like fireworks, I forgot to think, I only remembered the other party's words, and it hurts.

It turned out that he was not just an experimental guinea pig in his heart.

Yuriko stared at the young man in front of her, but her eyes were even more confused.

His strength is not only what he understands. This can be seen from the fact that the other party talks about it and dissolves the fantasy beast in one fell swoop, but how strong is it.

Yuriko is unpredictable. Although she has been participating in the plan of the most powerful person, Yuriko has been secretly paying attention to the news of Wuyue.

He is very smart. This is what he has discovered from the beginning to the end. Whether it is emotional intelligence or intelligence, it is unpredictable.

Such a person can be said to be impeccable, and Yuriko's mouth curved into a complicated smile.

Such an all-round powerhouse, even if he entered himself, he still wanted to protect him.

"Who are you?" Yuriko asked in confusion, "You are stronger than I imagined."

"Really?" Wuyue smiled and said, "Everyone is always changing, Yuriko, you are also a strong powerhouse, aren't you?" He opened his mouth cleverly and asked the question to the other party.

"Yes!" Yuriko lowered her head and said lightly, her scarlet eyes. At this moment, there was a trace of confusion.

It became increasingly difficult to see through the person in front of him, but the throbbing in his heart was still the same as before. .

body 727 new members

The sky has completely darkened, and at this time Wuyue really looked helpless in the surroundings.

Fortunately, his car did not suffer too much impact, and he glanced at Haru Sheng Kiyama, who was unconscious on the ground, and Saten Leiko, who had returned at this time.

The only place to go in this situation is the research institute in the eighteenth district.

Satian Leiko looked around in a novelty, all of which made her so excited. Busy researchers, machines that make huge humming noises.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Wuyue's mouth. Although he intended to say that Zuotian Leizi was included in the bag, although the current situation was an accident, he could see the surprise of Zuotian Leizi in this laboratory.

Moonless is very happy!

"Master!" Shifeng Caoqi tried his best to control his emotions, but the faint look in his eyes still revealed the unease in his heart at this time.

Wuyue's brows were slightly wrinkled, and she had obviously noticed that Bee Cao Qi was in an uneasy mood. "Take her to check her body first!"

"Yes!" Although he was a little uneasy, Shokuhou Caoqi silently took over Mushan Chunsheng in Wuyue's arms.

She had seen this woman, and in the cemetery research institute beside Xinheng Chizuru, it was a researcher affiliated with the Kihara Research Institute.

"She's Shokuhou Kaoshi?" Yuriko stood beside Wuyue and looked at the girl quietly, even if she was wearing a lab coat, she still couldn't stop her bumpy figure, her long yellow hair On the shoulders, it gives a strong sense of crisis.

Although it was a question, there seemed to be no room for people to refute, Shokuhou Caoqi clearly saw a touch of hostility in the other party's eyes.

really interesting!

Shifeng Caoqi secretly smiled, not caring about the identity of the person in front of him. After all, this laboratory is the ultimate field for him, and people who can't even enter and leave this laboratory are not a threat to him at all. .

"Well!" Shokuhou Caoqi has the majesty of a master, and said lightly, "Hello, I'm Shokuhou Caoqi!"

Haha, Yuriko sneered faintly in her heart and swore her own sovereignty!

Just when he was about to say his identity, he heard a surprised voice beside his ear.

Satian Leiko looked at Shi Fengcao in front of him with admiration and held his face excitedly, with enthusiasm. "Are you Shokuhou Shiki?"

"Tokidaipan, one of the few capable people in the academy city, exists like a queen!"

"Shokuhou Shiki can control the human brain to make corresponding actions!"

Ahem, Shokuhou Caoqi had an embarrassed smile on his face, and out of the corner of his eyes, he secretly looked at Wuyue.

Seeing that the master was not in any mood, Shokuhou Caoqi looked at the tired child yesterday, and nodded irrefutably.

Such a fanatical fan, Wuyue quietly watched the interaction between the two, and a faint arc was drawn at the corner. I didn't expect Shokuhou Caoqi to go to school to be able to create such brilliance.

But in the current situation, since Saten Leiko and Shokuhou Misaki know each other, things will obviously go smoothly.

"Queen Changtaipan!" Wuyue's mouth curled into a complicated smile, "I'm afraid Mr. Mushan won't be able to wait for you for how long?"

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