In the tiny serrations of the Infinite Blade, in addition to the grease from the people killed by Shishio, black gunpowder is also buried.

The Red Lotus Arm is the explosion caused by Shishio using the flame on the Infinite Blade to detonate the special gunpowder.

The explosion can cause explosive damage to the enemy in the form of a shock wave.

The arrangement and amount of gunpowder on the blade have been carefully adjusted by Shishio to ensure that the shock wave of the explosion hits the enemy but does not affect himself.

Li Shanyi didn't care about the opponent's moves.

He didn't know that the long sword used by the opponent would explode, but as a swordsman.

He was also sure that the opponent had more unique moves that he hadn't used.

But he didn't care.

Because the move he used, [Thunder Breathing. One Form. Thunderbolt Flash] is a sword skill famous for its extreme speed in the entire Demon Slayer world.

The user gathers the power of lightning on his feet and blade through breathing, and after a period of accumulation, it suddenly bursts out, and can kill the opponent in an almost flashing way.

Li Shanyi is confident that the reverse blade knife in his hand will hit the opponent before the opponent uses his original skills.

Although the blade of the reverse blade knife is not sharpened, it cannot kill the opponent.

But with the power of lightning on the blade, the opponent can also be stunned.

But the result of the two people's fight was that Li Shanyi was hit by the explosion caused by Zhi Zhixiong, and the whole person was blown away.


He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up again with the long sword.

"Why didn't the thunder breath... work?"

Just when Li Shanyi and the opponent were fighting, he found that his thunder breathing method was like being imprisoned.

It was completely unusable.

Therefore, his speed was slower than he expected, and he was hit directly by the explosion caused by the opponent's blade.

Li Shanyi stood up again and patted the dust off his body.

In the world of Rurouni Kenshin, the explosion was powerful enough to blow the two swordsmen Saito Ichi and Shino Mori Ao to incompetence at the same time.

But when it exploded on Li Shanyi, he only suffered some internal injuries.

His physical strength was far beyond that of ordinary warriors.

"So that's it..."

After a brief thought, Li Shanyi understood why he couldn't use his breathing method.

"I can only rely on the swords in the sword tomb to fight, which not only means that I can't use weapons other than the reverse blade sword."

"I can't even use my inherited skills."

"The trialer can only fight with his own body and the physical skills he has trained."

After figuring this out, Li Shanyi held the reverse blade sword again.

At the beginning of the battle, he also wanted to use the sharpened back of the blade to face the enemy.

But the sense of obstruction from the blade made him understand that the sword itself didn't want to kill people.

In order to fight smoothly, he had to fight with the unsharpened blade.

"Although the breathing method can't be used, it doesn't mean that those moves have lost their effect."

Just as Zhi Zhixiong was waving the infinite blade full of flames to launch a new attack on him.

Li Shanyi lowered his head and posed for a sword-drawing posture again.

His feet suddenly burst with blue veins, and the blood vessels were throbbing, visible to the naked eye.

"Thunder Breathing Type 1 Advanced Version, Thunderbolt Flash, Six Consecutives!"

Li Shanyi roared and drew his blade.

His figure was like an afterimage, and even without the blessing of Thunder Breathing, it was still at a level that ordinary people couldn't see clearly.

Without the blessing of the breathing method, Li Shanyi still performed the Thunder Breathing moves.

Just by the moves, the essence of Thunder Breathing was revealed.

That is high speed.

Zhi Zhixiong held the flame knife and looked at Li Shanyi running around, and couldn't lock the target all of a sudden.


A dull chopping sound rang out.

At some point, Li Shanyi had come behind Zhi Zhixiong, and the thick blade hit the back of his head.

Zhi Zhixiong's eyes suddenly blurred, and he staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Li Shanyi held the reverse blade tightly and stood in front of the fainted Zhi Zhixiong.

He frowned slightly.

"The sound of passing the trial did not appear. It seems that even if he is knocked unconscious, it still does not count as defeating him?"

He raised the reverse blade and pointed the sharp back of the blade at Zhi Zhixiong.

The reverse blade began to shake, and the resistance of the blade itself came.

As a knife of atonement, it cannot allow itself to kill people.

"Be quiet!"

Li Shanyi growled.

"What are you hypocritical about? The knife is a killing weapon."

"If you are kind, why do you pick up a sword?"

"Want to protect your family? If you don't kill the enemy, how can you protect your family!"

"Hypocrisy! It's all hypocrisy!”

He became more and more excited as he spoke, and his hand holding the knife kept shaking, as if he was recalling something bad.

“It was because I was too weak and unable to protect others that those evil ghosts killed Grandpa!”

“It was because of Grandpa’s kindness and unwillingness to kill that he died in the hands of those weaklings!”

“Kill or not, it’s you and your beloved family who will die!”

He panted loudly.

“Reverse Blade! Do you know why you were abandoned by the swordsmiths in this world?”

“It’s because you are a killing knife, but you insist on taking ‘not killing’ as your oath!”

“Who would need a knife that can’t kill people! ?”

“A knife like yours is only worthy of being a broken sword and thrown into a sword tomb! "

Under his roar, the blade hummed softly, as if sobbing.

Li Shanyi was sweating profusely, and he raised the long sword in his hand tremblingly.

The battle just now had not made him so exhausted.

Every word he said was not only to the reverse blade, but also to himself.

Because his grandfather had asked him to make a promise before he died.

Don't use your own force to kill any human.

"Humans are obviously more vicious and more insidious than monsters, why can't I kill them! ? "

Li Shanyi remembered that he almost cried and shouted when he asked this sentence.

This was his grandfather's last words before he died, but he couldn't accept it.

He wanted revenge, and wanted those scum who ruined his life and killed his grandfather to pay the price.

But the seriously injured grandfather just touched his head and said with a smile with his last strength.

"Because grandpa knows that my grandson is the kindest child in the world. "

"Don't become unrecognizable because of killing. "

"Never use hatred to control your sword."

After saying these words, Grandpa closed his eyes completely.

Li Shanyi trembled, closed his eyes, and slid down the reverse blade knife in his hand.

At this moment, the reverse blade knife no longer resisted.

Its power seemed too weak in front of the powerful Li Shanyi.

The sharp blade approached Zhi Zhixiong who fainted on the ground little by little.

Finally, Li Shanyi sighed and put down the reverse blade knife in his hand.

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