"This begins? Time flies.

Chen Ming's eyes closed, and he instantly transmitted his consciousness to an undead spirit that had been scattered in the city in advance.

The entire Jiang City is actually full of his undead, who have been hiding in the shadows, serving as an eye of observation and collecting all kinds of information.

The undead possessed by Chen Ming at this moment is an archer goblin.

Don't look at this guy's small, his size is not as huge as the giant goblin, and his strength is even more beaten, but he is smart enough and moves quickly.

As a possessed object to observe in the shadows, it is much more suitable than a giant goblin.

In addition, there are mutant spiders, which can walk on the ground in a 90-degree vertical wall and a variety of complex environments.

In Chen Ming's heart, the score is quite high.

"It's strange, didn't the undead sense the movement just now? Why is there no sound at all at this moment. Chen Ming wondered.

Close your eyes and listen carefully with your ears.

The claws touched the ground, and the sound of messy, noisy footsteps came from the wall.


Ming opened his eyes, and his gaze quickly locked on a sewer manhole cover in the center of the intersection.


The manhole cover was pushed up with a gap, and then it fell down again, and it was tightly sealed.

It was quiet for less than two seconds.

Bang! Boom! The

manhole cover was swept more than ten meters high by a black tide.


eyes shone with a scarlet glow, and there were rats the size of domestic cats, like a flood that erupted after a rain, gushing out of the sewers.

There are so many of them that they have cracked all the sewer mouths!

There are no less than two or three hundred mutant rats gushing out from under the eyes.

Despite the amount of exposure that has been made, the eruption has not slowed down.

You must know that there are tens of thousands of sewers like this in Jiangcheng!

Chen Ming doesn't think that only this one sewer will emerge mutant rats.

Although this version of the mutant rat seems to be just a larger mouse, except for the terrifying number of rats, the others are basically the same as normal mice.


However, with such a large number of rats, it is almost impossible for humans to resist without weapons of mass destruction and powerful skills.

They are no different from locusts, one rat and one bite, it only takes a very short time, and it is very easy to gnaw a living person so that there are no bones left!


Hearing the sound, the woman was hiding in a clothing store.

The glass door was blocked by various cabinets, and several layers of thumb-thick, rusty iron chains were wrapped around the armrest.

The giant rats converged into a tide, constantly pressing, causing the chains to loosen, and squeezing in a few through the cracks in the glass door.

Mutant rats are similar to low-level zombies, they don't feel pain, and they are bent on hunting, cannibalism, and

scrambling to get through the cracks that are obviously smaller than their own bodies.

Even if he smashed his head and the bones of his body, he didn't hesitate to drag his tattered body and approach the woman step by step.

Out of nowhere, the woman found a shovel, held it in both hands, and thumped it on the rat that wanted to approach her.

When a shovel fell, the flesh exploded on the spot!

Blood splattered on the ground like a bloody flower.

Again, mutant rats are better in number, individually, or sporadically, and for an adult, there is not much of a threat.

However, women are obviously not good at fighting, being dominated by fear and the desire to survive, forgetting how to save and rationally distribute their physical strength.

Even when the mutant rat was clearly choking, it gave a second blow and a third blow...... Waste of physical strength.

As a result, the force of the attack becomes weaker and weaker, and the reaction speed continues to slow down.

Boom, boom, boom,

From Chen Ming's point of view, he could already notice the fine lines of broken glass.

Soon, the window pane could not bear the weight of thousands of rats, and shattered, scattering angular pieces all over the place.

After the rat tide found the passage, it poured into the store and drowned the woman.

Her cry for help was also drowned out by the non-stop "squeak" of rats.

In just a few seconds, the rat tide exited the store.

In addition to the messy scene, the most eye-catching thing is the fresh, but not a trace of flesh and blood, and the bones of a woman that have been gnawed cleanly!

This efficiency is even more exaggerated than the crossing of tens of thousands of locusts.

"In addition to these guys, are there ninety-eight mutant rats......"

Chen Ming could probably imagine how desperate the people of Jiangcheng would be in the next 72 hours.

The rat tide is not interested in Chen Ming in his undead form, they are only interested in human flesh, human blood, and human internal organs.

Unless Chen Ming took the initiative to shoot an arrow with a bow and killed their companions with one arrow.

Instantly attracts aggro points.

Tens of thousands of mutant rats, in groups, stacked on top of each other, surrounded from all sides of the building.

From God's point of view, it's as if the whole building is being devoured by rats.

When Chen Ming disappeared into the Shadow World, the hatred value was cleared, and the rat tide immediately receded, continuing to look for the next target.

The rat's nose is unusually sharp, and from time to time it stops and looks up to sniff all sorts of things.

Once you've found your target, you'll kill them in droves

!"Damn! Die! Die!"

The man stood by the window, spilling gasoline from his bucket to make sure he could get more rats trying to climb up to the third floor.

After making sure that there was not a single speck of oil left in the tin bucket, he threw the tin bucket down heavily.

He took out another box of windproof matches, lit them, and threw them away.

The moment the flame came into contact with the gasoline, it quickly spread, causing the rats to fall into a sea of fire.

Despite this, the rat tide did not stop for half a minute, and without knowing the pain, one on top of the other, you step on me, I step on you, trying to get close to the man, eat his flesh, drink his blood,

until he is burned to charcoal, his body curls, and then falls.

In ancient times, if you don't fight until the last moment, your life will be completely zero, and you will not give up.

"Ah!" Seeing the rats swept towards him, the man stumbled back several steps, and sat down with his ass unnoticed.

Then, overwhelmed by rats and flames.

Chen Ming's thoughts returned.

Then use the S-level skill to change shapes and shadows, and switch positions with the undead.

"......" Only the floating island remained, the goblin archers, and Qin Hongyue, staring at each other with big eyes, and the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

The goblins simply retreated into the shadows, waiting for Chen's next summoning.

"Sure enough, no matter how good the body of the undead is, it is always inferior to himself. Chen Ming took out the bazooka and slung it on his shoulder, aiming at the manhole cover that was still erupting with a steady stream of rats.

Pull the trigger, and the rocket, with a small tail, flies away.


flames soared into the sky, and the black smoke rolled up and the flames were incompatible, eating each other.


explosion did not stop, and the methane gas in the sewer exploded twice, shaking the ground violently and raising dust.

If you look closely, you can even find that there are cracks in the road surface.

[Kill the mutant rat successfully!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Wood Chest +1!] [Kill the mutant rat successfully!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Wood Chest +1!] [Kill the mutant rat successfully!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the wooden chest +1!] ......

Although the level of treasure chests is low, it is better to have a large number.

With this rocket, plus the methane kill, Chen Ming got a total of more than 3,000 wooden treasure chests.

Seeing a pair of ruby-like eyes, instantly focus on yourself.

Nearly 100,000 mutant rats burst in an instant.

Chen Ming was not intimidated at all.

I don't think a single bazooka is enjoyable, so I simply take a tube on both shoulders.

Stand on a six-story building and aim for the thickening base of the rat wall while pulling the trigger.

Boom, boom!

Two rockets shot straight out, hit, exploded.

Countless rats were blown away, like a goddess scattering flowers.


reward hints, refresh non-stop.

Chen Ming continued to pull the trigger and bombarded the rat tide indiscriminately.

The setting of unlimited ammunition and automatic reloading made Chen Ming ruthless, and only in the cracked version of the game, can you enjoy the cool feeling of opening and hanging.

Rockets are fired like no money, and the sound of explosions has not stopped since just now

! Unilateral massacres!

We deeply understand that all fear comes from the true meaning of the phrase "lack of firepower."

Chen Ming was refreshed, enjoying the extreme firepower output, but there was an inopportune sense of danger

from behind him! Something wanted to sneak up on him from behind!

It's not an ordinary mutant rat!

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