If you can't catch it once, ten times! If you can't catch it ten times, you can't catch it a hundred times! If you can't

catch it a hundred times, you can catch

it a thousand times!

Chen Ming can afford it and has time.


】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting a box ......of anti-inflammatory cream, 50g!】

Just after throwing the rod once, Chen Ming noticed the red dot reminder on the two words of the task.

Decided to get a few more opportunities to enhance your fishing opportunities.

Open the task interface.

[Mission: Slaughter a mutated tiger, Task Status: Completed, Task Reward: Experience, Fishing Times +3!] [Mission: Slaughter a Mutant Lion, Task Status: Completed, Task Reward: Experience, Fishing Times +3!] [Mission: Slaughter a Mutant Elephant, Task Status: Completed, Task Reward: Experience, Fishing Times +5



Chen Mingtu is convenient, and he directly clicked on it to receive it with one click, but he didn't look at it in detail.

I don't know this point, not to mention that I have been upgraded several levels in a row, and the number of enhanced fishing times alone has increased by a full fifty!

The previous eight enhanced fishing opportunities have made Chen Ming gain a lot and obtain mechas.

This is an increase of 50 intensive fishing sessions.

"Goo!" Chen Ming swallowed.

Be mentally prepared to stop wasting time.


[Successful Fishing!Critical Success!Congratulations to the host for gaining +500 Free Attribute!]

"Just started, just crit out 500 free attributes?" The corners of Chen Ming's mouth became more difficult to suppress than AK at this moment.

Continue!Must take advantage

of the victory to pursue!【Fishing......】【

Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Shadow Wolf Summon!】

Although the critical hit was not successful, and he also caught a duplicate skill, Chen Ming was very happy in his heart.

Quickly summon the two S-level skills Shadow Wolf and fuse them to get the SS-level skill Shadow Wolf Summon.


] [Fusion successful!Congratulations to the host for obtaining

SS-level skill: Shadow Wolf Summon!] [SS-level skill Shadow Wolf Summoning: After having this skill, you will automatically increase ten Shadow Wolf Summoning Beasts every day!] Note: After the shadow wolf dies, it will not disappear, but it will increase the next summon time!] The

skill introduction is very similar, only one more S, and "one" becomes "ten".

But for Chen Ming, this improvement is equivalent to a qualitative leap!

The number of shadow wolves summoned every day will increase from one to ten.

The army of shadow wolves that Chen Ming had imagined before is no longer out of reach, and is one step closer


】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining infinite pure water +1!】【Successful

fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining infinite electric energy +1!】These

two rods go down, directly solving the two major problems in Chen Ming's daily life.

[Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Summoning a tornado

!] [Successful fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Super Memory!]

Seeing this super memory, Chen Ming knew that there was also a make-up skill in the S-level skill.

Of course, there may be other wonderful uses, but I don't know it, and I need to practice it to be effective.

Chen Ming forgot where he heard a sentence, called, there is no waste skills, only the user of garbage.

He really didn't believe it, fifty rounds of enhanced fishing times, and he couldn't catch the skill he wanted.


】【Fishing Success】Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Lucky Star!】

"Lucky Star?"

Relying on these three words alone, it is difficult for Chen Ming to determine the role of this skill, so he chose to view the introduction.

[S-level skill Lucky Star: After obtaining this skill, your luck value will increase in all directions, including but not limited to the success rate of dodging enemy attacks, and the probability of winning advanced rewards by lottery......]

"Okay! This is good!"

After reading the introduction, Chen Ming affirmed one thing, this time, the chance of fishing for high-level rewards has doubled!


】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining a resource map!】

"Resource map?"

After turning off the reward prompt, Chen Ming noticed an extra map-shaped icon on the right side of the screen, under the taskbar.

Click in.

A map of the city that can be zoomed in and out of the city was immediately displayed in front of Chen Ming.

Where there is food, where there is clean water, where there are weapons and ammunition, where there are zombies, it belongs to the danger zone...... Without reservation, it all showed.

"Isn't this equivalent to opening a full-map perspective?" Although

the scope of the resource map only covers a radius of ten kilometers, it has a real-time refresh function, so as long as Chen Ming moves, he can see farther.

Food, water, weapons and ammunition, although they are not very useful to Chen Ming at present, they have a dangerous area to show this function, and the effect is very great.

When you want to slaughter zombies, you won't go the wrong way and waste your time.

You can also be sure at any time if there is any danger around the shelter and get a good night's sleep.

As he spoke, Chen Ming shook the rod again.


】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining

the S-level skill: Puppet Hand!】【S-level skill Puppet Hand: You can silently and secretly use these hands to manipulate others, including but not limited to zombies, mutant beasts, the maximum number of controls: 10!]

"This skill can actually control all creatures, even zombies and mutant beasts after death?"

Chen Ming released the shadow wolf.

After triggering the skill, ten fingers connected to ten invisible threads, raised the little finger, and the shadow wolf's tail stood up.

With four more fingers, the shadow wolf directly spread its four legs and hung in the air.

Although the shadow wolf does not have a rich expression management system like humans, Chen Ming can still see that it is very confused now.

Chen Ming shook his five fingers, let go, and withdrew the puppet line.

I have imagined many clever uses in my mind, such as facing the incoming enemy, using the puppet hand to manipulate him to raise a gun and kill himself.

Or, manipulate more powerful mutants to deal with other mutants.

There are many ways to play.

Chen Ming has a hunch that he is getting closer and closer to what he wants!

Hurry up.


【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Crazy Ghosting!】


After checking the skill introduction, Chen Ming found that he had misunderstood, it was not that after triggering the skill, he would become a demon, pierce the wall and kill people in his sleep, and could do anything.

Instead, it is covered with a layer of buff effects similar to blood rage, and the more you kill, the more fierce it gets


】【Successful Fishing!Critical Success!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the SSS-level skill: Kill the enemy and drop the treasure chest!】SSS-level!The

moment he saw the three S's, Chen Ming's attention was highly concentrated.

[SSS skill kills treasure chests: After killing different enemies, treasure chests will be dropped, the stronger the enemy, the higher the level of the treasure chest!]

Confirmed the eyes, which is the skill Chen Ming wants.

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