This matter really had to be resolved. This classmate Wang was too arrogant. He bullied them blatantly, and no one wanted to let him go.

"Su Ming, just tell me what we're going to do, we absolutely can't spare him this time, he's going too far. 99

Jack told everyone that Su Ming felt that it was indeed just a reason.

"Then let's treat the other person in the same way. I have a very powerful laxative. As long as he takes it, he can't get up for a few days. 35

After hearing Su Ming's words, everyone felt that this idea was very good. They couldn't wait to see Wang's expression, so they secretly went to Wang's dormitory and put them in his snacks. A little of these laxatives.

This classmate Wang likes to eat snacks very much, so this situation is more secure for him.

Now everyone is waiting to see a good show. They have returned to their dormitories and are waiting for the news.

At night, they heard voices outside the door, and everyone didn't rest, so they waited for the result, and it seemed that the result came ahead of schedule.

Hearing the screams of classmate Wang, everyone came to the bathroom and found that he was already weak.

And his face was also very bad, because he heard the sound, so many people ran over and saw that Classmate Wang was squatting weakly at the door of the bathroom.

After Su Ming and Jack saw this scene, they thought it was very funny, and classmate Wang finally tasted the power of the drug.

After seeing Su Ming, classmate Wang felt very embarrassed, and he didn't want this side of himself to be seen by them.

But this group of people didn't know when they would appear. In the crowd, he couldn't take care of that much anymore, and his abdominal pain continued.

It's hard to feel uncomfortable. He really can't hold on anymore. He told everyone in a weak voice that he asked everyone to take him to the infirmary, but no one was willing to help him.

Everyone usually disliked him very much. Now that they saw him like this, everyone felt very relieved. How could anyone help him? Classmate Wang really wanted to cry without tears. He didn't expect everyone to be so Heartless, there is no one to help him at all.

If I don't go to the infirmary now, I can't hold on anymore, I feel like I'm about to faint.

66~ You guys hurry up and take me to the infirmary, don't watch it here, I'm really dying of pain" 々. 35

Classmate Wang used his last remaining strength to speak to everyone, but everyone was still indifferent. At this time, Su Ming rushed in front.

"Then why don't we send him there."

When Su Ming said this, they felt a special surprise when they combined and catalyzed. Didn't everyone come to watch the fun? When did you become so kind and send her to the infirmary (by Li's) .

"I think it's better, let's not meddle in our business. 35

"I guess that classmate Wang doesn't need our help, so let's stop looking for trouble here.

Jack said to Su Ming that Wang originally felt that he had found a savior, but after hearing Jack's words, he was very flustered, but he didn't want someone to take care of him, and now there is no chance.

"Just help me, please."

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