National Armorization: Infinite Evolution Super Illusory God

72: Re-engraved, six times, the ones that didn't arrive are basically dead! [Kneeling and beggi

Replica Eudemons?

Su Ming looked at this line of prompts with a little surprise.

Originally Su Ming thought he was in a dream, but now he is not sure!

Because according to the logic, if you kill Eudemons yourself in a dream, the system will definitely not have experience prompts.

But what's going on now?

After thinking about it for a while, Su Ming stopped thinking about it.

He remembered that before the extra points game, the old man and the instructor emphasized one point and tried to keep on living.

Looking at the sea water coming from afar, Su Ming frowned.

Nearly half of the demons are now submerged, but the tsunami has not stopped, even one wave after another.

And, there are more sirens appearing!

The Kraken I just killed was nothing more than an ordinary rank, but now a large number of black iron rank began to appear.

"When you stop me!

A roar sounded in the sky.

The silver-level armored envoy with wings more than ten meters long was desperately bombarding the sea-monster group.

The rest of the team of armored envoys below silver, regardless of their lives, killed the sea monsters that jumped out one by one.

This team, with a total of less than a thousand people, was nothing more than silver-ranked armored envoys, but they blocked the sea water with their living bodies.

It was only at this moment that Su Ming realized that this group of people did not seem to be able to see himself.

Mandala dragged the Kraken's corpse to the level of a small high-rise building, but they didn't notice it at all.

007 "What the hell is going on here?" Su Ming murmured.

Because he also discovered that the underwater sea-monster can see himself and launch an attack.

However, at this level, there is no threat to him at this moment!

"Ding, kill the replica Eudemons, experience +10"

"Ding, kill the replica Eudemons, experience +10"


The system's experience prompt sound kept ringing.

Su Ming looked at it and found that there was no hint about the evolution point, that is to say, killing this whole sea monster can only gain experience.

"Ding, kill the replica Eudemons, experience +100"


An ugly, ferocious, nearly ten-meter-high bronze-level weird siren, waving its tentacles, jumped out from under the sea and attacked Su Ming.

But in the wave of his hand, it was directly solved by Su Ming's crystal blade, and the huge corpse became the accumulation material of the corpse mountain.

"When is this a head?

Looking at the sight of the tsunami continuing to rise in the distance, Su Ming took a deep breath.

From the perspective of two hundred years from now, Su Ming feels that this disaster is too terrifying!

The beast tide in the mountain city is not comparable to this cebe, and it is not of an order of magnitude.

Today, the place where Su Ming is staying is just a street in the capital city, and the rest of the place has become the ocean of Wangyang!

How desperate would the human beings at that time be for this scene?

"Su Ming? You woke up so fast?" Suddenly, a surprised voice came from above.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, without looking up at the sky. I saw Deng Long stretched out even more huge Thunder Wings, flying in the sky.

"What the hell is going on here?" Su Ming couldn't help but ask.

From the first sentence Deng Long said, it was clear that he understood this.

Deng Long slowly landed next to Su Ming and said directly: "You should know! This is the magic capital that recovered its expression two hundred years ago."

Su Ming nodded, he had guessed it!

But what I want to know is the cause and effect.

"The Magic Capital Stone Wall in the back is the source of divine recovery and the source of this disaster." Deng Long continued to explain.

At this moment, Su Ming couldn't help but ask: "Can you tell me, Divine Recovery, what is going on?"

Since crossing into this world, Su Ming has been listening to these 4 words.

But online search for specific deep meaning, but there is no information.

Hearing this, Deng Long pondered slightly, and said, "I don't know too much about this."

"As far as I know, the divine recovery was a certain day two hundred years ago. A dazzling light swept across, and then all over the world, sources of recovery kept appearing."

"And the source of recovery is the power that the phantom beasts are desperately fighting for. The bigger the source of recovery, the more terrifying phantom beasts will come over."

"Before this trial began, the above only told us that the source of recovery from this disaster in the capital belongs to the highest level! 99

"This disaster destroyed one-tenth of the population of the Dragon Kingdom at that time."

"And it is said that this level of disaster, the Dragon Kingdom has appeared six times!

At this moment, Su Ming couldn't help but look at the stone wall emitting a strange white light.

Is it because of these things that the population has plummeted?

This level has also appeared six times.

I can't imagine how the Dragon Kingdom survived.

"What are we going to do next?" Su Ming said silently.

The goal of the candidates seems to be just to survive, but the military must have a mission.

But unexpectedly, Deng Long still shook his head and said: "I don't know, the tasks assigned above, like you, try to survive as much as possible."

"Only revealed to us three additional stages, 1 is awakening, 2 is killing, 3 is survival"

Su Ming was stunned, a little confused about what was going on.

But when I heard the last sentence, I roughly understood the direction!

"Anyway, kill these sea monsters first."

"As much as you can kill," Su Ming said.

At this moment, Deng Long nodded.

"Let's join forces, it is estimated that my teammates are almost awakened!"

"Let's pick a place first, you build the defense! 35

Deng Long looked at Mandala in the distance and said seriously.

The cultivation of mandala was indeed expendable, but at this time Deng Long discovered that there was such a flower, which was worth the effect of dozens of phantom beasts in the beast swarm disaster.

"Ding, kill the replica Eudemons, experience +10"

"Ding, kill the replica Eudemons, experience +100"


For a long time, with the sound of the system prompt, the corpse mountain under the mandala also became larger and larger.

But at this time, Su Ming's face was not very good-looking.

Although Deng Long also started to attack with all his strength, killing the Kraken, the sea water still destroyed everything and began to approach Su Ming's position.

And the final location of the sea water seems to be only the stone wall.

If you and Deng Long continue to persevere and are surrounded by sea water, maybe something will happen!

But at this moment

"Brother Ming, Brother Ming! Here we come!"

The second voice came from behind.

Su Ming found that Song Ye, Wang Gang, Liu Qingya, and Xu Yaoyan two girls came at the same time.

On the other side, Sikong Hao and Jiang Yu also showed their faces with grief and indignation, and scattered candidates kept coming.

What's even more bizarre is that in all directions, one after another golden-level soldier figures flew from afar with their huge wings stretched out.

"It's all here?" Su Ming asked strangely.

Because the number of people who come, seems to be a lot less!

As a result, Deng Long looked at the ocean ahead, and a faint voice came from the sky: "If you haven't arrived, you're basically dead!"

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