National Armorization: Infinite Evolution Super Illusory God

Chapter 849 The recommendation of the two

Su Ming really doesn't care about other people's pleas at all, and for some people like this, Su Ming really thinks that there is no need for them to persist so much there.

Moreover, there is really no need for these people to think so much. The reason why they are unwilling to teach this child is that they feel that the foundation of this child is really indebted.

Moreover, his unrestrained and arrogant appearance of "Six Six Three" really gave him a headache, and now he has not so much patience to teach such a child properly.

What's more, he didn't dare to imagine what the scene would be like if such a child were taught, so when faced with all this, he just shook his head with a smile. .

"Child, I know you are a very good child, but at this time, my uncle really wants you to understand.

No matter what time, as long as you can do it well, you are enough, you don't need to think about so many things.

Moreover, you don't need to think about what you should do in front of others. You can only break your spine by looking at your servile appearance now.

Why do you kneel in front of me, do you think you are not as good as me? But you should also be able to clearly know that you are much younger than me.

What should you think about yourself in this situation? Shouldn't you admit it? How strong is your own ability at this time?

In fact, your age is your advantage, so why don't you kneel to me and let me see your sincerity? I will stay in your place for ten days. Within these ten days, if you If you can impress me, then I will accept you as a disciple. "

This is already one of his biggest bottom lines for Su Ming, so after Su Ming said these words, he took Li Guo and Song Ye directly back to his room.

Li Guo and Song Ye really felt very puzzled.

They are all people who know Su Ming very well, so, at this time, they really feel that Su Ming's appearance really makes them feel special and shouldn't...

Moreover, he, Su Ming, really shouldn't treat such a good kid like this, not to mention the kid's achievements are obvious to all.

Moreover, they could all see how much Su Ming cared for him just now, so now for such a child, Su Ming's actions made several people feel special. Incredible.

"Su Ming, can we ask, why do you have such an idea, because we all feel very scared.

At the same time, we all feel very puzzled, don't you feel confident because of your love for these 1.4 children? Moreover, this child can also meet any of your standards.

Why can't you treat this child well? Why don't you want to help this child well? Have you seen it? This child is really a rare good child.

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