It’s Happier To See You Losing Money Than I Make Money

The news that Qingyun Mountain talisman seals were sold at sky-high prices in Bangzi Country was reported back to the country.

There was also a hot search in China.

Longguo netizen: “Pfft! Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter, brothers, have you heard? The price of the talisman of the Celestial Master in the Bangzi Kingdom is now skyrocketing!”

“I also saw it. It is said that someone in the Bangzi Kingdom is asking for more than one billion Bangzi coins for a talisman seal. Good guy, how much is this?”

“One billion stick coins, equivalent to five million soft sister coins! Damn! It’s a wealth code!”

“Isn’t it? I heard that there are now Longguo international students in Bangziguo. When Qingyunshan was selling talisman seals in Bangziguo, he bought more than 100 pieces in one go. Now they are making a lot of money!”

“Fuck! I cried with envy.”

“Isn’t Bangzi very tough before? The Celestial Master specially opened up the channel on the Bangzi Kingdom before, and the friendship price of a talisman is only 40,000 Bangzi coins, which is 200 soft sister coins.

There is still money for postage these days, but they reported it and took it off the shelves on the same day, why? Are you looking to buy again? ”

“Fu Zhuan: Laughing to death, I used to be indifferent, but now I can’t afford you!”

“Brothers, do you say that if the Taoist masters of Qingyun Mountain open up the sales channel of Bangzi Country again, what is the price this time, and the other party will buy it?”

“How much? This time, the price is 50,000 soft sister coins, or even 100,000. There will definitely be a lot of people rushing to buy it! Life-saving stuff, money is compared with your own life, money isA scrap of paper! “M..

In the country of Bangzi, it is hard to find a talisman.

The situation in Benzi Country is similar to that in Bangzi Country.

However, Qingyun Mountain’s system of collecting talismans and seals in Longguo is a real-name system.

A person can receive the specified amount at most in one month.

For more, a special application is required.

Under this system, the market that is destined to resell scalpers basically does not exist.

So the Bangzi Country and Benzi Country, who were still arrogant and arrogant before, are now going crazy.

The officials of the two countries frantically asked the officials of the Dragon Kingdom for help.

I want Long Kingdom officials to support some talismans.

Longguo official said: We will try to negotiate with Taoist Master Qingyun Mountain.

But the Dragon Kingdom officials don’t guarantee it!

After all, the priests of Qingyun Mountain opened up the channels between the two countries before.

The friendly price has already been sold to you once.

You don’t appreciate it yourself, and blocked all other channels.

Still spraying special spray on the Internet.

The Longguo officials didn’t know if the priests of Qingyun Mountain were angry.

If people are unhappy, they will not provide it to the stick or the book.

The Dragon Kingdom officials are not easy to force others.

After all, talisman seals are not officially produced.

Intellectual property rights and manufacturing capabilities are in the hands of Master Qingyun Mountain.

If people want to give it, they will give it, and if they don’t want to give it, they will not give it.

It all depends on the mood of the priests.

First of all, the official is only responsible for negotiations.

On this day, Qingyun Mountain also welcomed the official guests of the Dragon Kingdom.

Still an old acquaintance.

Ye Jiuyun Daoist Ye has an internal relationship with the Celestial Master.

So the official side of Longguo also sent Daoist Ye to talk to the Celestial Master.

Inside the Tianshi Mansion.

Qin Hao asked Daotong to pour a cup of tea for Daoist Ye Jiuyun.

Afterwards, Qin Hao said: “Daozhang Ye, don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do! Is there anything you want to visit me this time on Qingyun Mountain?”

In fact, Qin Hao already knew what Ye Jiuyun was doing this trip.

Just to see what he has to say.

Ye Jiuyun smiled and said: “Actually, it’s nothing. I just came to visit the Celestial Master. By the way, I will talk to the Celestial Master on behalf of the authorities about the current outbreak of supernatural powers.”

Qin Hao said: “The supernatural explosion, I Qingyun Mountain has been helping to solve this problem, but this time the matter is not small, it is related to the lower level, even if it is poor, it will not be cleared up in a short time. .”

When Ye Jiuyun heard this, his face suddenly became serious.

Is it about the following?

Underneath what the Heavenly Master said is the underworld?

Is there really something wrong with the underworld?

Ye Jiuyun thought about it carefully.

Apart from problems in the underworld, how could there be such a big spiritual turmoil?

After all, what happened this time was not a certain urban area in a certain place, but most of the East.

Listen to what the celestial master said.

Ye Jiuyun said a few more casual words, and after a while, he finally expressed his intention of coming.

“Tianshi, in fact, this time I represent the official to discuss with you the problems of Bangzi Country and Benzi Country. Bangzi and Benzi are asking for help from our official high-level officials. I want Qingyun Mountain to provide them with some more symbols. Zhuan, look, is Qingyun Mountain convenient?”

Ye Jiuyun finally said the real reason for coming.

Qin Hao said: “Supreme Tianzun, didn’t Pindao open a purchase channel for them before? They blocked the channel for reporting, and now they come to ask us to provide it. Didn’t they take my Qingyun Mountain seriously?” ?

Moreover, to be honest, there are not many talisman seals in my Qingyun Mountain, and it is very troublesome to make each talisman seal, and I am afraid that it cannot be provided to Bangzi and Benziguo. ”

I gave it to you before, but you don’t want it, and forced Lai Lai on the Internet.

If you don’t give it now, you come to find someone to help and ask for it. What do you mean?

Qin Hao directly said that the talisman is gone, how about it?

Ye Jiuyun knew that Tianshi was not happy.

He hurriedly said: “Don’t be angry, Master Tian, ​​it’s like this, the official side of Longguo didn’t directly agree to Bangzi and Benziguo, just said to give it a try, if Master Tian doesn’t want to provide it, then let’s forget it.

The official high-level means that this time it can be provided to them again, but let’s raise the price and make them a fortune! ”

Qin Hao glanced at him.

“Do you think that Pindao made talismans for money?”

When Ye Jiuyun said this, the situation became smaller.

What does Qin Hao want so much money for?

Is money important to him?

If he wants to make money.

The previous centipede medicine, python sage pill, and now the talisman seal.

As long as Qin Hao increases the price casually, who can’t let him get rich instantly and make a lot of money?

Qin Hao has no interest in money at all.

He is a cultivator!

Seeking is longevity!

You talk to me about making money?

Small, the pattern is small.

Ye Jiuyun has long known that Tianshi doesn’t care about money.

He went on to say: “I know that the Celestial Master doesn’t care about money, and Qingyun Mountain’s distribution of talismans is not for the sake of the world.As for ordinary money, the high-level executives said that when the time comes to sell the talismans and seals to Bangzi and Benziguo, they will be sold in the official name, and it is announced to the outside world that the talismans provided by Qingyun Mountain are free.

And half of the money earned back will be allocated to the Longguo Hope Project in the name of the Celestial Master, and the other side will be used for poverty alleviation! Heavenly Master, what do you think? ”

Listen to what Ye Jiuyun said.

Qin Hao showed a smile.


Isn’t this pattern opened!

If your boy had said that earlier, wouldn’t it be fine?

Qin Hao was unwilling to provide it to Bangziguo and Benziguo before.

It’s because they are ignorant.

Forced Lai Lai online, and blocked the channel.

The priests were naturally upset.

You don’t want it yourself, but you want it now? late!

But if the Dragon Kingdom officials do what Ye Jiuyun said.

Qin Hao is naturally fine.

First of all, talismans can provide the past.

Firstly, Qin Hao earns merits and incense by saving Bangzi and ordinary people in Benzi country.

Secondly, the money was collected in the official name, not in the name of Qingyun Mountain.

In this way, Qingyun Mountain was also prevented from being gossiped.

Secondly, what I earn is the money of the stick book.

How can there be a good product between these two?

Earn their money, that is a pleasure!

And the money earned back is used for the Hope Project and poverty alleviation work in the name of Qingyun Mountain.

Qin Hao can earn merit and incense.

Why not?

Qin Hao said: Young man, the road has widened!

The official attitude of Dragon Kingdom is very positive.

Qin Hao had no reason to refuse.

Immediately, he took Ye Jiuyun to the Fuzhuan Making Institute.

The production of talisman seals was arranged by Qin Hao in the two courtyards at the back of the Taoist temple.

Qin Hao took Ye Jiuyun with him. Once here, the two Taoist boys who guarded the gate respectfully bowed, and then opened the courtyard gate.

Entering the courtyard, Ye Jiuyun saw a mountain of talisman seals in the courtyard at a glance.

There are also ten talisman printers placed in the yard.

The printer is working fast.

Every second, more than a thousand talisman seals are printed out.

In another monastery, there are ten talisman printers.

A total of twenty talisman printers work together.

That scene was very spectacular.

After a while, the printed talismans had been piled up into a hill by the priests.

The Taoists loaded these talismans into cars, and then they were taken away by special personnel.

Ye Jiuyun was dumbfounded.

He vaguely remembered, did Tianshi say that making talismans was troublesome?

The celestial master also said that there are very few talismans and seals, not enough to provide?

You call this production trouble?

Few talismans?

This is more than 100,000 copies per minute!

The mouth of a celestial master, a deceiving ghost!

At this moment, Qin Hao coughed and asked, “Daozhang Ye, how many talismans are you going to provide to Bangzi and Benziguo?”

Ye Jiuyun said: “Before I came here, the higher-ups have already told me that they originally planned to provide 10 million copies to each side, but if it is convenient for Tianshi, they can earn more if they come more!”

Before, the Longguo officials were worried that there were not enough people in Qingyun Mountain and there were not enough talismans.

First of all, we must ensure that we have enough for ourselves in Longguo, and then provide it to others.

But now Ye Jiuyun watched this scene.

How is this not enough?

Obviously it is more than enough!

So naturally, take as much as you can!

When do you not make money at this time?

Qin Hao said: “Supreme Tianzun, let’s do it like this. After one day, you come to pick up the goods, and the first batch of Pindao can provide you with 600 million talismans.”

The talisman seal printer in Qingyun Mountain can print 120 talisman seals per second with one machine.

For a day, Qin Hao’s twenty talisman printers were running non-stop, and there were 200 million talisman seals.

In addition to this period of time, Qingyun Mountain still has stock.

There is nothing wrong with the 600 million talismans.

Ye Jiuyun listened to Tianshi’s words.


ah this…

He originally wanted to say that 100 million talismans would be enough to make a fortune.

But the celestial master said 600 million!

Ye Jiuyun was all excited.

600 million talismans!


This thing is now a hard currency. If it is sold to Bangzi and Benziguo, as long as the price is not too outrageous, the other party will have to buy it if they don’t want to!

Whether you want money or you have to choose yourself.

Six hundred million talismans is definitely not a small sum.


This time it was real!

Even if it is all used for poverty alleviation and hope projects.

Long Guo definitely made a lot of money this time.

And let’s not talk about whether it is profitable or not, it is happy to let Benzi Bangziguo bleed.

Ye Jiuyun left Qingyun Mountain.

The next day, large trucks came to the foot of Qingyun Mountain and dragged away more than 600 million talisman seals.

At the same time, the official announcement is also issued.

Reply to Bangzi and Benziguo.”Recently, regarding Bangzi and Benziguo’s purchase of talisman seals, we have communicated with Qingyun Mountain, and the priests of Qingyun Mountain are willing to provide talisman seals to aid Bangzi and Benziguo free of charge.

But nowadays, supernatural events occur frequently, and it is difficult to carry out cross-border transportation work. So we decided to charge part of the transportation fee, and charged it at the price of 1,000 Ruanmei coins for a piece of talisman! Provide talismans to friendly countries free of charge. ”

This announcement is made.

Bangzi and Benziguo were dumbfounded!


so expensive?

1,000 Ruanmei coins, a talisman!

And the shipping fee?

It’s too dark!

Netizens in Bangzi Country and Benzi Country went crazy.

“Dragon Kingdom is too dark! 1,000 talismans? And you said you provided it for free? I’m so convinced!”

“It’s too much, what about the promised donation? Still charging? Can we not give it?”

“He could grab it directly, but he gave us back the talisman!”

“I’ve never seen such an arrogant person in my life!”

Both Bangzi and Benziguo expressed their dissatisfaction, whether they were high-level officials or local netizens.

Some people even want to condemn this behavior internationally.

Think this is taking advantage of the fire.

Compared with Bangziguo and Benziguo, they are unhappy.

On Longguo’s side, it’s much more exciting.

Longguo netizens laughed like crazy.

“Hahahaha! I laughed so hard, this wave is fine! Make them a fortune!”

“It’s so beautiful! Who gave you the friendship price before, you don’t want it, and you still criticize others, now it’s 1,000 cards, do you want love?”

“Is it okay if you don’t give it? Yes! If you don’t pay the money, we won’t give you the talisman!”

“Condemnation? I’m so scared! We originally provided it for free, and 1000 is the shipping fee. Why do you condemn us?”

“Good guy, fight Xixi’s tricks, official tricks are the deadliest!”

“Tulle! This wave of tulle belongs to yes!”

“Looking at the stick and notebook losing money makes me happier than making money!”

Anyway, the price of Longguo is here.

If you want a talisman, you can exchange it with money.

Moreover, as agreed in advance, we will give you the talisman for free, but the shipping fee is as high as 1000 per talisman!

Bangzi and Benziguo were completely confused.

Compete with Xixi routines, reduce dimensionality and attack!

Of course, playing tricks is playing tricks.

Longguo is asking for 1000 pieces.

It’s actually a decent price.

In this case, let alone 1000.

Even if you open 10,000, you have to buy it.

One thousand sheets, talisman seals to save lives!

Honestly speaking, it’s really not expensive!

But Bangzi and Benzi do not think so in China.

They just think that 1,000 yuan for a talisman is too expensive!

They think that before you set a price of 200 pieces, now as long as the price is raised, you are trying to take advantage of the fire!

Even if they set 200, they won’t thank anyone.

These guys just want to whore for nothing.

In the country of Bangzi, netizens were furious.

“Damn it! I don’t believe it anymore, we can’t live without the dragon kingdom talisman? Be tougher and don’t buy it!”

“Pull it down, if you don’t buy it, I’ll buy it! A thousand yuan a piece is not cheap, but it can save your life! It’s not worth risking your life for a few thousand yuan.”

“That’s right, and look at the price of the talisman seals sold in the Bangzi Kingdom right now? Several billion bangzi coins a piece. Relatively speaking, the talismans and seals sold in the Long Kingdom are quite conscientious.”

“Brothers, let’s not worry, don’t forget, the Dragon Kingdom has Taoism, and we also have it in the Bangzi Kingdom! Since the Taoist priests of the Long Kingdom can draw talismans, it makes no sense that our Taoist priests of the Bangzi Kingdom can’t! @金光观观主! Master, can you draw some talismans for us too?”

Someone from Bangzi country suddenly remembered that they also have Taoist temples in Bangzi country!

Since the talisman is a Taoist thing.

Then maybe the Taoist chief of Bangzi Kingdom can also draw?

Immediately, this group of Bangziguo netizens went crazy on the Internet about Aite’s own Taoist power Jinguangguan.

Netizen from Bangziguo: Guanzhu, come on, let’s also come out with some talismans! Don’t buy Longguo’s talisman seals, and make them mad!

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