National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 116 I Can See That Neither Of You Is A Good Guy

"Yes, my lord."

ghost turned around,

With a fierce gleam in his eyes,

This guy,

I'm afraid I don't know yet,

Was he already dying himself?

and Jeffrey,

I didn't expect to kill you,

I will come to you in person, right?


A desolate and dilapidated landscape,


There is a female ghost on the side,

On the contrary, it frightened many ghosts,


The palace is near,

Although many palaces collapsed,


But you can also see the extraordinary here,

"Where is the treasure house?"

Chen Fan asked,

"Just ahead, though,"

the voice did not fall,

A voice full of resentment sounded,

"What a familiar smell? Is it you? Isabel, is it you? I will remember your smell even if I die!"

I saw a man wearing a crown,

suddenly appeared a hundred meters away,

he was thin,

"Nine Nine Zero" looked pale,

The moment I saw the female ghost,

Both eyes light up,

"It really is you! Isabel, you are still alive! How dare you come here!"

The female ghost couldn't help but took two steps back,

After all, she is now,

Not the opponent's opponent,

But because of the existence of Chen Fan,

She quickly calmed down, gritted her teeth and said, "Jeffrey, of course I dare to come here. You killed all my family members. Shouldn't I come to you for revenge?"

"You seek revenge on me? You seek revenge on me?"

Jeffrey seemed to hear something ridiculous, and laughed out of anger,

"You brought me, brought us to this point, and you still said you wanted to take revenge on me?"

"Come on, come and see, my soldiers, the culprit of all this!"


empty surroundings,

Figures wearing armor and holding weapons appeared one after another,

ten thousand,

fifty thousand,

one hundred thousand,

The most eye-catching is the three huge figures,

Same as the knight Chen Fan encountered at the south gate before,

full body armor,

Only a pair of eyes are exposed outside,

even so,

You can also see their hatred,

"Isabel, you are still alive!"

"You dare to come back, this time, we will not let you escape again."

"Isabel, are you ready to go to hell and repent?"

Three voices sounded,

Then everyone including Jeffrey was startled,


One voice was missing.

"Where's Ross?"

"Where did Ross go?"

The three undead knights looked at each other,

"Hehehe, what a bunch of idiots, don't you understand where Ross went?"

Isabel sneered.

"You killed him?"

Geoffrey glared,

for being cursed,

he became undead,

Not actually dead,

It just exists in another form,

But if you become an undead and get killed...

"That's right, we killed it."

Isabel glanced at Chen Fan flatteringly,

swipe it,

The eyes of Jeffrey and others fell on Chen Fan,

Only now did they notice,

There is still a living person here?

"Who are you? What is your relationship with this bitch?"

Geoffrey was suddenly furious,

face is contorted,

Obviously thought of something inappropriate for children,

Chen Fan glanced at Isabel,

I don't bother to explain,

Ask directly: "Where is the treasure house of the kingdom?"

"Where is the treasury of the kingdom?"

"a ha ha ha,"

Jeffrey laughed out loud,

"Do you think that if you ask, I will tell you? I understand. It must be this bitch who told you about the treasure house. That's why she brought you here, right?"

"Isabel, as expected of you!"

He gritted his teeth,

staring at the ghost,

"Launched a coup d'état in a vain attempt to take away the king's throne. After failing, he even used the legendary scroll to curse everyone to death and turn the entire kingdom into a haunted realm of the undead. Now, even if they become undead, they will not rest in peace!"

"So that's what happened?"

Chen Fan said to himself,

No wonder the dead knight said,

It was this female ghost who ruined the country,

But what is the legendary scroll that guy is talking about?

So powerful that it can curse a country and tens of millions of people to death?

"Enough, Jeffrey!"

Isabel simply broke his face and said with a sneer: "Others don't know what you are, but I don't know? It's just mutual use. Do you really think that the death of the king and His Royal Highness has nothing to do with you? "

The three undead knights were startled,

Looking behind at the same time,

A look of panic flashed across Jeffrey's face,

Qiang Zuo calmly said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Nonsense? If it wasn't for your instruction, my family members would poison the old king, assassinate His Royal Highness, and trap fish?"

"After helping you win the throne, you are afraid that the secret will be leaked out, and immediately use the reason of the coup to kill our family, isn't it? It's a pity that we were one step too late, and we didn't have time to start ahead of schedule."

Isabel said bitterly.


One of the undead knights couldn't help asking: "She, is what he said true?"

"Do you believe what she says?"

Jeffrey snorted coldly: "Besides, have you forgotten that if she hadn't used that scroll at the last moment, we would have ended up in this kind of life or death?

The undead froze,

He vaguely felt,

The king is changing the subject...

"I can see through,

At this moment, Chen Fan smiled slightly,

Look at Isabella,

Look at Jeffrey again,

"Both of you are not good people, are you? You're just the same breed."

Isabella bowed her head upon hearing this,

With hatred in the depths of his eyes,

You kid will be proud of it first!

I'll see you later!

Geoffrey was even more furious,

"However, I'm not interested in the rotten sesame matters between you two,"

Isabella listened,

His face suddenly turned ugly,

Could this person want to cooperate with Jeffrey?

In this way, isn't he throwing himself into a trap today?

"It's still the same sentence, hand over the artifact in the treasure house, and don't force me to use evidence.

Chen Fan urged.

Isabella was overjoyed upon hearing this,


Jeffrey's lungs are going to explode,

He was thinking,

Get rid of the bitch Isabella first,

Go clean up Chen Fan again,


It's really Uncle can bear it, and the doll can't bear it either!

"Gimme it!"

directly roared,


The three undead knights didn't have time to think too much,

After all, this is the time,

So what if we pursue the cause of the old king's death?

It's better to avenge yourself first!

"Come here! Hahaha!"

4.0 looks like a shooting star chasing the moon,

The undead knights rushing over,

Isabella laughed wildly in her heart,

one hundred meters,

eighty meters,

fifty meters,


Sure enough, it did not exceed her expectations,

The familiar lion's roar sounded,

A radius of 100 meters.

All the undead disappeared without a trace,

Not far away the complacent Jeffrey,

Eyes wide open for a moment,

staring in disbelief,


what happened?

what a moment,

Leo, they're all, all dead?

On strength,

Are they not much weaker than themselves?



He felt a chill down his spine,

follow the feeling,

I saw Isabella staring at herself with greedy eyes,


Seal, the seal must be removed!

PS: Thank you Yufei for your monthly pass! Thank you for your flower tickets!

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