National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 130 Unreasonable! This Is Simply A Steal!

Everyone looked at the place pointed by the three or four people,

Suddenly opened his mouth,

Chen Fan?

They are here to find little brother Chen Fan~?

Kaohsiung and Sun Bin looked at each other,

They all looked at Chen Fan again, wondering:

"Brother Chen Fan, do you know these-people?"

Chen Fan shook his head,

My heart is full of doubts,

"Are you sure you read it right?"

Ram narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Young patriarch, Opu-will never admit his mistake,"

A strong man put his right hand on his left chest, lowered his head slightly and said, "Opu saw it with his own eyes, he came riding a snow mountain ice tiger."

"Young patriarch, we also saw it with our own eyes."

"So are we."

Several other people also said one after another.

"very good."

Ram nodded in satisfaction,

Walked up with a group of people.

People on the road see this,

hastily made way,

Anyone with eyes can see,

This is not a good person!

"By the way, did you hear what he said just now?"

"It seems to be some snow mountain ice tiger?"

"Snow Mountain Ice Tiger, what is that?"

"Ah! I seem to remember!"

An awakened person's eyes lit up, and said: "No wonder, I think this young man looks familiar, so he is the one who rode the tiger before!"

"The man who rode a tiger?"

Many people were stunned,

"Doesn't the situation look good?"

Zuo Yong's expression changed,

"Yeah, looking at the other party, it should be aimed at little brother Chen Fan.

Several people also tensed up,

two groups of people,

At a distance of ten meters,

Ram smiled slightly and said:

"Hi, I'm the young chief of the Frostclaw tribe, Ram, I heard that you came here riding a white tiger,"

"That tiger is all white and has two tusks, isn't it?"

"What's wrong?"

Chen Fan frowned,

Although the person in front of me,

with a polite look,

But that look,

But with a sense of arrogance,

very annoying,


Ram smiled meaningfully,

Looking at Chen Fan's neck,

"You are wearing an ice and snow necklace, right? If I'm not wrong, you should also be wearing an ice and snow ring and an ice and snow bracelet."

Chen Fan hasn't answered yet,

Everyone around was amazed,

"It turns out that the bracelet on that young man's hand is an ice and snow bracelet?"

"Among those five rings, is there also an ice and snow ring?"

"Wait, Ice Ring, Ice Bracelet, Ice Necklace, could it be that this is a set?"

"He has an artifact set?"

People can't believe it,

But this argument,

Ram and others also listened to it,

All of a sudden, everyone became excited,

Intuition tells them,

The three ice and snow artifacts worn by the person in front of him,

three hundred years ago,

The set where their tribe was robbed!

If it can be taken back,

It is simply a great achievement,

the patriarch returns,

There will be a lot of rewards too!

"I was right in guessing,"

Ram laughed,

"The snow mountain ice tiger was summoned by you with the three ice and snow artifacts, right?"

people heard,

They all looked at Chen Fan,

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Chen Fan said impatiently,

"What do I want to say?"

Ram smiled coldly, then scanned the audience, and said loudly:

"Just over 300 years ago, our family also had a set of three ice and snow artifacts. If they were collected together, they could summon a snow mountain ice tiger to fight, but it disappeared overnight. For three hundred years, I have not found it, but now, "

Ram narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Chen Fan,

"But you brought these three artifacts and appeared in front of us..."

"so what?"

Chen Fan directly interrupted,

"You suspect I stole it?"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay,

What are you kidding?

This young man looked about eighteen or nineteen years old,

How could it be possible that three hundred years ago,

Steal the three artifacts of the Frostclaw tribe?

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say that."

The corners of Ram's mouth curled up slightly,

"Who stole it is unknown, but after more than 300 years of twists and turns, it finally came into your hands, right?"

"As the young patriarch of the Frostclaw tribe, it is my responsibility to bring back the lost items of the tribe, so I hope that you can return the three artifacts to their original owners.


"Return to the original owner?"

"This, isn't this too ridiculous?"

Everyone present couldn't believe their ears.

Not to mention that there are so many ice and snow three artifacts,

How do you know this,

Is it what your tribe lost?

Take a step back and say,

Even if it is lost by your tribe,

Open your mouth and let others return it,

What's the difference between this and Ming Qiang?

"Hehehe, don't worry,"

Ram smiled,

"If you are willing to return the property to its original owner, our Frost Claw tribe will also repay you well.

‥...ask for flowers...

Everyone was speechless,


What is the answer,

Comparable to three artifacts,

Still a set artifact!

Chen Fan couldn't help laughing, and said: "That's right, I have the three ice and snow artifacts, but there are so many artifacts in the world, how can you be sure that the set I'm wearing is the one lost by your tribe?"

"Don't worry about this, Your Excellency."

Aopu stepped forward and said: "Our tribe has a special identification method, which can verify whether it is lost by our tribe. If not, we will naturally return the original."

"It's just ridiculous."

Chen Fan's face sank,

"Isn't it, isn't this too funny?"

Sun Bin was speechless.

"Just treat people like fools."

"is not it.

Zuo Yong and others also said one after another,

Even if the identification method mentioned by the other party really exists,

But if identified,

Not really what their tribe lost,

They will really say,

And return the three artifacts?

The possibility cannot be ruled out,


I am afraid that the possibility of referring to a deer as a horse is the greatest, right?

"I feel that the situation is not good? If it were me, I would not agree to hand over the three artifacts to the other party for inspection, but the key point is that this is his territory, and that person is also the young patriarch of the Frost Claw tribe."

"Yeah, I had a conflict with him, isn't that lighting a lantern in the latrine, courting death?"

"Hey, I think this little brother may have to hand over the things in the end?"

"That's three artifacts? Just hand them over like this?"

"What's the difference between that and Ming Qiang?"

"Then how about it? There are so many people on the other side, and their identities are even more unusual. If you really do something, are you sure you can get out?"


The atmosphere fell silent for a moment,

Makes me feel a little breathless,

The smile on Ram's face also gradually cooled down,

A group of Frost Horde,

Looking into Chen Fan's eyes,

Also with a strong hostility.

Feng Gang on the side complained incessantly,

Everyone else can watch the fun,

Only he can't,

Because this is in his shop,

Chen Fan is another customer in the shop,

He could only walk towards Ram with a flattering face,

He smiled and said: "Young patriarch, there must be some misunderstanding? How could the three artifacts on little brother Chen Fan be lost by your tribe?"

"What? His name is Chen Fan?"

Among the people who walked in with Ram and his party,

Several awakened people looked at each other. .

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