National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 145 That Chen Fan Actually Came To Us?

on the ice field,

Several people riding animals covered in white

looking around,

The snow-white animal,

It is a common creature on the ice sheet, the snow mountain dog,

Adult body size is about three meters,

Because of meekness,

Also has good stamina and explosive power,

Often used as a mount,


If you encounter a frost giant wolf,

There is no resistance at all.

"It's weird, I clearly saw him coming in this direction, why~ did he suddenly disappear?"

A man scratched his head.

"Yeah, why are there no footprints at all? What about such a big tiger?"

"It doesn't make sense?"

A few people were stunned,


they are not others,

It was Tong Biao's men,

After seeing Chen Fan left,

Immediately report to Tong Biao,

He chased after him non-stop.

Tong Biao's face darkened, and he said coldly: "The snow on the ice field has never stopped for a day. Even if there are footprints, they will be buried by the falling snow. Don't you all understand such a little common sense? "


Several people looked at each other,

Not to mention how embarrassing it is.

"A bunch of trash!"

Tong Biao scolded,

According to these people,

The Chen Fan who killed his brother,

And riding an ice tiger?

With these snow mountain dogs,

Can't catch up until next year?

When he thought of this, he became angry, "When he was still in the tribe, why didn't you guys come and inform me?"

"Come here after he's gone, don't you think it's too late?"

"Biao, Brother Biao,"

One of them shrank his neck and said with an aggrieved face: "It's not that we didn't want to, but we thought at the time, it's just a brat, there's no need for you to do it yourself

"Yes, yes, Brother Biao, we thought that after you woke up, we would see the boy's body in front of you, but who would have thought, who would have thought..."

"That kid is too fierce? Killing a fourth-level awakened person is like crushing an ant. There are thousands of people in the crampon tribe, including an elder. All these people are not his. opponent."

"The few of us were stunned at the time, and we were too frightened to move. We didn't realize it until he left, and we came to inform Brother Biao as soon as possible!"


When Tong Biao heard it,

I also feel that what these people said,

does make sense,

When he learned the whole story,

don't believe it either,

Until I came out and saw the horrors of the crampon tribe,

want here,

The corners of his mouth are raised slightly,

He said to himself: "That kid named Chen Fan, doesn't seem so simple?"

"Yes, Brother Biao!"

Several people nodded quickly,

"That kid's strength is indeed outrageous! I can't believe he is a fourth-order awakener!"

"Should it be related to the many artifacts on his body? I heard that besides the pair of gloves in his hand and the three ice and snow artifacts, he also has several artifact rings?"

"What? How many artifact rings does he have? How many rings does he have?"


Tong Biao frowned,

Impatiently said: "People have already lost, what's the use of talking about it now?"

"Wait, Brother Biao!"

One of the men suddenly thought of something, and said excitedly: "It doesn't matter if you lose your follower now, we just need to let people sit on the sidelines.

"What's the meaning?"

Tong Biao looked suspiciously.

"Brother Biao, that kid made an appointment with the boss of Qingfeng Trading Company, and he will exchange things there in a day. I heard that he took out a super artifact and a bunch of enchanted equipment, and exchanged the bright artifact set with the trading company!"

"Super artifact!"

"Bright Artifact Set!"

Even when Tong Biao heard this,

Breathing is involuntarily rapid.

on that kid,

There is even a super artifact?

Not even his words.

"So you're saying he's definitely going back to the crampon tribe?"

"That's right, Brother Biao, when the time comes, we will sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit, isn't it wonderful?"


Tong Biao pondered for a moment,

There was a rare smile on his face,

"You are right, but before that, let's go to Ice Monkey Valley."


Everyone is excited,

Ice fruit?

If you can get one,

It was a worthwhile trip.

"Brother Biao, I heard that the three chiefs of the Frost Tribe seem to have gone as well, and brought a lot of people with them. I'm afraid it will be difficult this time?"

Someone worried.

"Yeah. 1"

Tong Biao also nodded,

Not only the three patriarchs,

Including the two ice monkey kings,

not easy to deal with,

Unless it can be broken individually.

deep in the ice,

A group of ten people,

riding a frost wolf,

walking on the snow,

These people wear clothes made of animal skins,

With strangely shaped ornaments on his head,


of the Frost Horde,

"The three patriarchs, it won't be long before we reach the Ice Monkey Valley."

A strong man behind,

Looking at the three people in front,

The tone is respectful.

"Well, everyone, take a rest in place, and later, there will be a fierce battle."

The man in the middle, Patriarch Bingya, who is also the strongest among the three patriarchs, said.

"Master patriarch, you don't have to worry, they are just some ice apes, they can't scare the warriors of our Frost clan."

"That's right, this time we will not only snatch Xueguo, but also bring back the corpses of the two Ice Ape Kings!"

"Hahaha, very good!"

The patriarch of Bingfang laughed loudly, and suddenly he noticed that on the left, the patriarch of the Icepaw Tribe had a gloomy look on his face,

"What's the matter, my brother, you have been depressed all this way, are you afraid?"

"how is this possible?"

The crampon patriarch Harry hurriedly shook his head, frowned and said, "I don't know why, but I always have an uneasy premonition in my heart, as if something terrible happened in the tribe."

"What happened to the tribe?"

The patriarch of the Frost Fist tribe is a bald man. Hearing this, he laughed and said, "Our Frost tribe is the strongest tribe in the Frost Canyon. No one dares to provoke us. How could something happen?"

"Yes, Harry, did you not sleep well?"


Harry nodded,

at this time,

He felt a heat in the storage ring,

Take it out and have a look,

It's a communication bead!

The three looked at each other,

Harry opened the communication,

In the meantime, his wife was looking at him with a sad face,

"Harry, our son has been murdered!"

"You, what did you say?"

...asking for flowers...

Harry was caught off guard and almost fell off the Frost Wolf.

The two patriarchs on the side had expressions of fear.

"Harry, I didn't lie to you. Not only our son, but even the five elders, and more than a thousand warriors in the tribe are all dead..."


hear this,

The people paying attention behind also looked over,

Many of them are members of the crampon tribe,

Hearing this, his face turned pale,

"Maria, are you kidding us?"

The head of the Bingfang tribe raised his face and said,

"This kind of thing can't be used as a joke!"

"How can I joke about such a thing, Harry, you see."

The woman points the communication beads around,

I saw the ground,

All corpses!

One by one the seven orifices bleed,

blue face,

Evidently long dead,

Among them, the two most conspicuous corpses,

"It's the young patriarch!"

"It's the young patriarch and the fifth elder!"

"How is it possible! How could this be!"

Not just the crampon tribe, the warriors of the other two tribes,

seeing this scene,


Anger arose in the chest,

who is it!

Who is it!

Kill their brothers and sisters!

"Who is it! Who is it!"

next second,

Harry went berserk,

blood red eyes,

He shouted hysterically: "Maria, who did it! Who killed my son!"

"It's Chen Fan!"

Maria gritted her teeth and said,

With endless hatred in his eyes,

"He has the three ice and snow artifacts of our tribe that have been missing for a long time!"


"Three Artifacts of Ice and Snow!"

Everyone keep your eyes open!

Wasn't it back in the days of their ancestors,

Was it taken by Jeffrey?

How did it appear on that Chen Fan?

"In order to get back the three ice and snow artifacts, Ram was killed by the other party. The fifth elder and thousands of warriors in the tribe were also killed by him. Harry, you must avenge him no matter what!"

"Where is he! Where is he now?"

Harry growled.


The other two patriarchs were taken aback,

"Harry, calm down! Don't forget what we are here for!"

"That's right, we're here to kill the Ice Ape King and take Xueguo!"

"Calm down! In this situation, how can you tell me to calm down!"

Harry said hysterically: "My son, my brother, are dead, how can I calm down!"

"Are they just your brothers?"

Icefang patriarch Walter shouted: "They are also our brothers! But now, our goal is to capture Xueguo! When we go back, our Frost Tribe will do whatever it takes to avenge you!"

"That's right! Harry, calm down!"

Having said that,

Harry calmed down a lot,

He hid his hatred deeply,

Brother Walter is right,

Now is not the time to go back,

"Maria, what does that Chen Fan look like, please send me his appearance."

"Okay, and, Harry, that Chen Fan, it seems that he didn't leave the Blackstone Mountains, but headed towards the Frost Canyon instead."

"Come to us?"

Harry was taken aback, then narrowed his eyes,

By the god of ice and snow,

I hope he can meet that Chen Fan,

He must let him experience what it means to be in pain!!

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