National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 182 However, You Haven't Made It Clear

The reason is also very simple,

Because strictly speaking,

He is not yet a legendary awakener,

As long as one day does not have Qijue success,

Then there is no way to step into the threshold of legend,

Can't enter the circle of legends,

Even with these half-truths and half-truths,

He also paid a lot of money to get it,

He still clearly remembers,

When hearing the news,

own shocked expression,

and eagerly asked,

In the end how to develop the supernatural ability,

Up to eighty percent?

As for reaching ninety percent,

even more than one hundred percent,

He can't even think about it,

At least I didn't dare to think about it at the time,

And at that time,

But Fang 13 smiled wryly,

Say if you know,

Are you still talking nonsense to him here?

To know these secrets,

Must step into legend,

Because as soon as you become a Legendary Awakened,

There will be people from various organizations,

come to win you over,

the stronger the organization,

The more information you know,

But the premise,

To become a Legendary Awakened...

This leads to an endless loop,

It is the same as playing Hi Locke Ozma in the game,

You must graduate with the Locke Ozma equipment to play,

But to be equipped for graduation,

To get Hee Locke Ozma-related equipment,

You can only play these two raids,

Then put together a suit of graduation gear,

In the end, I went back to play the group book that I had already graduated from,

This behavior is very funny,

So the Lord of Blackrock Tower is also very helpless,

The rules of the game are formulated in this way,

So after listening to

He could only sigh,

As a result, I now hear that

the person in front of me,

Actually developed the ability to 200%?


Even if it is developed to 100%,

It is of great benefit to him!

Eric aside,

I don't know so much,

His eyes widened,

open mouth wide,

Ability development rate of 200%?

what are you talking about?

Do you really think that the tower owner is fooling yourself?

at this moment,

The voice of the Lord of Blackrock Tower sounded,

"What you said is true?"

"The ability development rate is 100%? Hmph, can you make up such a lame lie?"

"That's right!"

Eric listened,

suddenly shouted,

"Do you know the concept of 100% ability development? Huh?"

"Let me tell you, even for the legendary awakened, it is impossible for the ability development rate to reach 100% or 200%? Why don't you say 10,000%?"


Huangfuyan immediately opened her mouth wide,

I feel a rush of momentum ahead,

The Lord of the Blackrock Tower said nothing,

In fact, he really doubted,

After all, an F-level ability awakener,

Do you know a way to increase the development of abilities?

No matter how you think about it, 427 is not realistic, right?

But Chen Fan's previous record,

again in front of my eyes,

According to Eric,

He was armed with no weapons,

It's just a purely used ability,


He was waiting for Huangfuyan's reply,

If the other party can say it,

That's probably true!

"This, this is just my guess..."

Huangfuyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

Feel the other person's eyes looking over,

It's too wrong,

"Senior, you just said that as long as I tell the reason, I will let us leave. I have already said, so now, can we leave?"

"Of course, but you haven't made it clear yet."

The master of the Blackstone Pagoda said slowly: "You have to make it clearer.".

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